Defined benefit transfer values soar by 3%

Defined benefit transfer values soar by 3%

By Maria Espadinha Defined benefit (DB) transfer values increased by 3 per cent in August, according to Xafinity.

Transfers increased from £230,000 at the beginning of August to £237,000 at the end of the month, according to the specialist in pensions actuarial, consulting and administration.

The difference between maximum and minimum readings of the index was £9,000 (or around 3.6 per cent).Sankar Mahalingham, head of defined benefit growth at Xafinity, said that these figures show “steady increase in transfer values over August 2017”.He said: “Reductions in gilt yields have been the main driver, with inflation remaining relatively stable.”The Xafinity transfer value […]

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announces funding of Basic Income trial

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announces funding of Basic Income trial…ials-1-4552325 The Scottish Government will fund research into the concept of providing all citizens with a Universal Basic Income, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announed yesterday. Formerly a fringe idea favoured by left-wing economists at Liberal institutions in America, the idea of a basic income has gained traction in recent years as fears grow over depressed wage growth and the rise of automation.

Speaking in Holyrood yesterday, while announcing the SNP’s “Programme for Government”, the First Minister said she would work with councils to potentially fund trial schemes. Ms Sturgeon said: “One idea that is attracting interest, not just […]

Frank Greenall: universal income has merit

Frank Greenall: universal income has merit

WANGANUI CHRONICLE | Opinion Frank Greenall: universal income has merit

TO continue the case for an Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) – as proposed by Gareth Morgan’s The Opportunities Party (TOP) – which initially targets those aged 18-23: The Democrats for Social Credit have also long espoused a UBI.

A $200 per week youth UBI would efficiently replace a welter of administratively-expensive benefits and allowances, including the likes of student allowances (it could be simplified even more by eliminating tax on low incomes altogether).Plus, as a catalyst to paid employment, it could return many fiscal and social dividends. Both […]

View Poll Results: Would/do you support a Universal Basic Income for all U.S. citizens?

It has been demonstrated by none other than Trump himself that Trump has a complete obsession with anything & everything Obama, and as such Trump has made it his own mission in life to DESTROY everything that Trump perceives to be an accomplishment by Obama.

Apparently the people who live in China do or they’d change things. But that’s the thing, there are always tradeoffs. So long as we’re not willing to work as cheaply as the people in China, they will have an advantage. So what do we do about it? We either have to pass […]

Silicon Valley tech elites mostly liberal, hate rules: study

Silicon Valley tech elites mostly liberal, hate rules: study

A new study has found that Silicon Valley tech elites are mostly liberal, except they don’t like government regulations. Nor unions.

Why should we care? The study’s authors — a couple of Stanford political science professors and a journalist — make the case that tech entrepreneurs and executives are poised to wield political power like never before.

That’s because these tech elites are wealthy, employ millions of Americans and own the technology and platforms that we’ve all become dependent on.“Insofar as technology entrepreneurs continue to attain greater economic success, they may gain power within and boost the fortunes of the Democratic […]

This state could be the first in America to enact universal basic income

This state could be the first in America to enact universal basic income

Getty Images/M Swiet Productions As fears of technology leading to job automation grow, Hawaii is becoming the first state in the U.S. to introduce a universal basic income (UBI) as a reality.

Related article: Hawaiian hotels are giving away free eco-friendly sunscreen to save the reefs

State representative Chris Lee introduced a bill earlier this year that calls for every family in Hawaii to be ensured basic financial security as new research has shown the state could begin seeing automation in several of its job sectors that include the transportation, food, tourism, retail, and medical industries. “Hawaii’s heavy reliance on […]

The tide is high: set sail for progressive politics

The tide is high: set sail for progressive politics

Graham Martin argues that the SNP’s tack to the left shows the direction of travel is with the third sector As the old saying goes, when the sea rises, all ships rise with it.

Well, troubled waters seemed to be rising up the necks of Scotland’s ruling party, which has begun leaking support and has seen its plans for indyref2 holed beneath the waterline, with no sign in sight of a patch.

Make no mistake, the source of this tide has been the lunar pull of the Corbyn movement which has dragged political discourse to the left.Faced with an assault from […]

Milano Faculty Member Darrick Hamilton Lands on Politico’s ’50 Ideas’ List

Milano Faculty Member Darrick Hamilton Lands on Politico’s ’50 Ideas’ List

For more than a decade, Darrick Hamilton has advocated for a radical but sensible proposal: guaranteed employment. If the private sector doesn’t give you a job, he contends, then the government should.

The idea, which the Milano School faculty member has argued for in research papers and in the media , is gaining traction, as wage stagnation and automation continue to hold back American workers.

Hamilton and his colleague, Duke University professor and economist William Darity Jr., were recently recognized for their work to end unemployment, landing on Politico’s prestigious annual The POLITICO 50: The ideas blowing up American politics — […]

Richest Silicon Valley Execs Push Universal Basic Income To Eliminate Poverty

Richest Silicon Valley Execs Push Universal Basic Income To Eliminate Poverty

Sam Altman, CEO Y-Combinator. Youtube Sam Altman ran an experiment to give 200 people a basic income, to see what they would do with it; now he wants government to give free money to all poor people. This meme is gathering steam around the world, being pushed the hardest by billionaires. These are the same billionaires who will exploit everyone in their path while avoiding taxes at all costs. ⁃ TN Editor

It’s de rigeur for the many of the richest of the rich to tout the benefits of giving cash handouts to all American citizens, in part as a […]

Scottish Government will fund Basic Income experiments

Scottish Government will fund Basic Income experiments

"A Basic Income is an income unconditionally granted to all on an individual basis, without means test or work requirement" ( Basic Income Earth Network, (BIEN) ). Basic Income is alternately referred to as a guaranteed annual income, citizen’s income, citizen’s dividend, social dividend, negative income tax, and others. For more see: Educate . Increase publicity and support for Basic Income schemes, and explain their benefits. Organize . Work to create political support and pressure for Basic Income, in support of local branches of the Basic Income Earth Network , and meetup groups . There are many ways to […]