The New Statesman Cover: Corbyn’s next move

The New Statesman Cover: Corbyn's next move

The NS cover: Corbyn’s next move In June, shortly after the Scottish National Party lost Westminster seats in its North-East heartlands, including that of the former leader Alex Salmond, the Scottish government brought back tail docking .

The SNP’s enthusiasm for cutting off puppy dogs’ tails suggested that when it came down to it, the party would secure its rural wing before tending to the needs of the recent converts from Labour. Then the party went into summer retreat, and a period of soul searching.

Nicola Sturgeon has now re-emerged to set out the Scottish government’s plan for government. It came […]

Here’s how Scotland is reacting to the new Programme for Government

Here's how Scotland is reacting to the new Programme for Government

CommonSpace rounds up a selection of reactions to the new Programme for Government from commentators, trade unions, campaign groups and the third sector.

THE NEW PROGRAMME FOR GOVERNMENT has unveiled a raft of policies, some surprising and some long planned.

These include the SNP’s controversial education reforms, research into the possibility of a Citizen’s Basic Income, new measures of homelessness and child poverty, a climate change bill, plans to address period poverty and fuel poverty, the establishment of a national investment bank and the targeted phasing out of new diesel and petrol vehicles.Below, CommonSpace offers a selection of civic […]

Write a Short Story About the Economics of the Future and You Could Win $12,000

Write a Short Story About the Economics of the Future and You Could Win $12,000

Image: Helen Tseng The best science fiction works revolve around deep-seated ideas that can speak to humanity as a whole. Having enough money to get what you need to live—or what happens when you don’t—is one of those fundamental ideas, and the focus of a new writing contest sponsored by the Economic Security Project.

We at io9 are pleased to announce the ESP’s Into the Black contest, which calls for writers to submit short speculative fiction entries based on how a basic individual income—that is, where everyone gets the money to meet their basic needs—could change the country as […]

Top Silicon Valley tech exec on cash handouts: Let’s eliminate poverty for all Americans

Top Silicon Valley tech exec on cash handouts: Let's eliminate poverty for all Americans

It’s de rigeur for the many of the richest of the rich to tout the benefits of giving cash handouts to all American citizens, in part as a way to end poverty. The idea, called universal basic income (UBI), is for every individual to be paid a regular sum of money regardless of employment status.

One of the tech elite who has an interest in universal basic income is self-made multimillionaire and Y Combinator President Sam Altman . "Eliminating poverty is such a moral imperative and something that I believe in so strongly," Altman tells CNBC Make It .

"There’s so […]

Nicola Sturgeon announces funding of Universal Basic Income trials

Nicola Sturgeon announces funding of Universal Basic Income trials

Picture: John Devlin The Scottish Government will fund research into the concept of providing all citizens with a Universal Basic Income, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announed yesterday.

Formerly a fringe idea favoured by left-wing economists at Liberal institutions in America, the idea of a basic income has gained traction in recent years as fears grow over depressed wage growth and the rise of automation.

READ MORE: How a Universal Basic Income could redefine the Welfare State Speaking in Holyrood yesterday, while announcing the SNP’s “Programme for Government”, the First Minister said she would work with councils to potentially […]

Scotland is considering a universal basic income for its citizens

Scotland is considering a universal basic income for its citizens

Image: Getty/ Mark Runnacles / Stringer. Nicola Sturgeon is working with the Scottish Government to hand out free money to citizens, in one of the biggest trials of what’s known as ‘universal basic income’.

UBI is the idea that you pay a fixed sum of money to every single person in a country, hundreds or even thousands of pounds, regardless of their income or status.

“Contemplating such a scheme inevitably raises a number of practical issues and questions, not least around the current powers of our Parliament – and undoubtedly there are arguments for and against,” Sturgeon told the Scottish Parliament […]

PATRICIA ALTASS: Determinants of well-being are multifaceted

PATRICIA ALTASS: Determinants of well-being are multifaceted

111312 Green Party leader, Peter Bevan Baker, speaks to reporters after the speech from the throne. Guardian photo by Brian McInnis I applaud the NDP for bringing further attention to the impact of poverty on mental health and wellbeing. The Green party of P.E.I. has been wholeheartedly committed to the eradication of poverty as a necessary step for improving the health and well being of Islanders, for building stronger more resilient communities and for creating a sustainable economy that benefits everyone.
This is why Green MLA Peter Bevan-Baker brought forward the motion for the P.E.I. provincial government to […]

More nations trial universal basic income as report suggests it could provide a major economic boost

The much talked about idea of a Universal Basic Income in developed economies is now attracting greater political momentum, at the same time that a major new research project from an American think tank sets out the potential economic benefits. Yesterday, Scotland’s First minister Nicola Sturgeon called for research into the plausibility of a “citizens’ basic income” in a speech to the Scottish Parliament. Her appeal follows an announcement on the same day that Hawaii is to become the first US state to formally explore the idea. A trial is already under way in Finland, although a recent report […]

A Potential Future of Work… Where You Get Paid Not to Work

A Potential Future of Work… Where You Get Paid Not to Work

There really aren’t any professions completely safe from automation or Artificial Intelligence. Most visionaries will advise you to become resilient, moldable, and creative to ensure a job in the future of work. However, there’s a small, but growing, sect of Tech Moguls saying the only way we overcome automation is to provide everyone with a Universal Basic Income (UBI).

In other words, free money. The Basics of Universal Basic Income

Imagine that your income is a pizza. Under Universal Basic Income, the government provides everyone with pizza dough and marinara sauce. No toppings. No directions on how to use the […]

View Poll Results: Would/do you support a Universal Basic Income for all U.S. citizens?

View Poll Results: Would/do you support a Universal Basic Income for all U.S. citizens?

This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today’s politics , many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties. Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold. We are here to discuss them in a civil political debate. If this is your first visit to our political forums, be sure to check out the FAQ and RULES . Registering for debate politics is necessary before posting. Register today to participate […]