Basic income pilot research among measures in drive for social justice

Basic income pilot research among measures in drive for social justice

The First Minister stressed ‘more fundamental reform’ of social security was needed to combat poverty and inequality SCOTLAND is poised to join Finland and Holland in piloting a “citizens’ income” after Nicola Sturgeon announced her government would provide funding to support councils researching how the policy could be implemented.

In a surprise move the First Minister set out her intention as she stressed “more fundamental reform” of social security was needed in the longer term to address the issues of combating poverty and inequality.

“Our Parliament is providing real global leadership on this issue and we should all be proud of […]

This State Is Making Moves To Give Its Residents Guaranteed Income

This State Is Making Moves To Give Its Residents Guaranteed Income

Hawaii state representative Chris Lee has introduced a bill to guarantee economic security for the state’s residents . Amidst fears of technology leading to job automation, Lee’s Universal Basic Income (UBI) measure would ensure that that all residents of Hawaii are able to receive a steady income, regardless of their employment status. Prominent billionaire businessmen including Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk have expressed their support for the bill. "In the modern world, everybody should have the opportunity to work and to thrive. Most countries can afford to make sure that everybody has their basic needs covered," Virgin […]

Scotland Will Begin Funding Universal Basic Income Experiments

Scotland Will Begin Funding Universal Basic Income Experiments

Scotland is joining the small chorus of countries hosting Universal Basic Income experiments. The Scottish government has decided to fund local UBI experiments to test the policy’s potential for success. Expanding the Experiment

Scotland is about to join the slowly expanding list of countries that are experimenting with Universal Basic Income (UBI). These trial-runs are exploring a variety of different ways in which citizens will receive a guaranteed salary from the government, regardless of social status or any other factor. There are currently UBI experiments being run or seriously considered in areas of the United States , Canada , […]

Hawaii Considers A “Universal Basic Income” As Robots Seen Stealing Jobs, There’s Just One Catch…

Hawaii Considers A

Forget social security, medicaid and WIC, today’s progressives have moved well beyond discussing such entitlement relics of the past and nowadays dedicate their efforts to the concept of a "Universal Basic Income" for all…call it the New ‘New Deal’. You know, because having to work for that "car in every garage and chicken in every pot" is just considered cruel and unusual punishment by today’s standards.

Of course, it should come as little surprise that the progressive state of Hawaii, which depends on easily automatable jobs tied to the tourism industry, is among the first to pursue a Universal Basic […]

Why the “Universal Basic Income” is actually Universal Basic WELFARE for the enslaved masses

Why the “Universal Basic Income” is actually Universal Basic WELFARE for the enslaved masses

( Natural News ) The latest insane idea from the political Left is called “Universal Basic Income.” It’s based on the idea that governments should pay everyone a basic “wage” for doing nothing , and it’s justified by concern over robots replacing workers in the years ahead.

But “income” is something you earn, by definition. So you can’t call it “income” if nobody is earning it. The correct term for this is Universal Basic WELFARE . It’s just a grand entitlement handout by governments to keep the sheeple in line while their liberties and dignity are stripped away by a […]

Scotland Will Fund Basic Income Research, First Minister Says

Scotland Will Fund Basic Income Research, First Minister Says

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. Image: Flickr/Ninian Reid Scotland joins the growing list of countries looking to test a basic income.

On Tuesday, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon laid out her party’s political plans for the next year. Among the many commitments, which include sending an aid package to every new parent in the country going forward, is a promise to fund local experiments in implementing a basic income in Scotland.

A basic income for citizens is an old idea that’s gaining renewed traction as governments prepare for a future when robots are doing much of today’s menial […]

Hawaii considers country’s first Universal Basic Income

Hawaii considers country's first Universal Basic Income

State lawmakers in Hawaii have voted to explore the nation’s first Universal Basic Income (UBI).

A controversial idea, though one that’s gained traction amid fears of the impact of automation on global economies, a UBI would guarantee a living wage to every citizen, regardless of employment status.

Hawaii has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country at 2.9 percent , but many of the state’s jobs are in low-paying industries like agriculture and hospitality. By some estimates, one in six Hawaiians live below the poverty line.Making matters worse, agriculture and service sector jobs are primed to be replaced by […]

Third Way study warns Democrats: Avoid far-left populism

Third Way study warns Democrats: Avoid far-left populism

Center-left think tank Third Way is urging the Democratic Party to rebrand itself as “the jobs party” in a report Tuesday that warns of the risks adopting the policies and rhetoric of the far left.

Landing as the left wing of the party claims ascendancy, the report wades into some of the philosophical disagreements now dividing a Democratic Party that is further from power than it has been in decades. Based on extensive, three-day online focus groups with battleground state voters, the publication aims to diagnose Democrats’ current problem. But it also knocks the kind of economic populism often pushed […]

Why Basic Income alone will not be a panacea to social insecurity – British Politics & Policy at LSE

Why Basic Income alone will not be a panacea to social insecurity – British Politics & Policy at LSE

Neil Warner , Frederick Harry Pitts , and Lorena Lombardozzi explain why a successful implementation of a basic income will require a wider and more radical intervention in the economy.

A great deal of recent commentary and discussion suggests that Universal Basic Income (UBI) is an idea whose time has come . Although hundreds of years old as a proposal, it is probably the subject of more attention and mainstream interest now than it has ever been. Forms of UBI are being proposed, discussed and even experimented with both by the right and the left . But it has […]

Universal Basic Income

Universal Basic Income

There has been a lot of discussion recently about the UBI, the “Universal Basic Income,” by means of which every citizen . . . or maybe every person . . . or perhaps just those whom the government bureaucracy likes . . . or whatever, would receive enough cash to meet their needs adequately . . . or maybe just basic subsistence . . . or maybe something else, depending on who makes the decisions. If you don’t control your own life, you are a slave. And that is the point. Once someone else has control over your income, […]