Is universal basic income the future?

Threadly reminder that UBI is the epitome of r-selection and r-selection is cancer to civilization. Sage goes in all fields.

society plagued by rampant consumerism
gubinmint give everyone free money
even more retarded consumption everything goes to shit within a few years just remember that if this actually happens, you MUST use the money and invest in gold. don’t let the corporate jew tempt youwhite collar jobs like stock broker are most at risk to be lost from automation That’s true for some things, but there’s a shit load of blue collar stuff that will go too. Last thing I […]

True Universal Basic Income Is a Must as Robots Will Replace 40 Percent of All Labor Force in the US by 2030

True Universal Basic Income Is a Must as Robots Will Replace 40 Percent of All Labor Force in the US by 2030

Art work courtesy of The specter of automation haunts the US ruling elite just as much as it haunts workers, albeit for different reasons. Working people are perpetually worried that one day their job will no longer exist. Jobs are automating at a rapid pace, with nearly forty percent of all labor in the US at risk of being replaced with robotic technology by 2030 . Capital owners and investors are worried about the trend. Automation’s downward pressure on wages places the capitalist system at risk of collapse. The concept of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) has been […]

The secret trick that lets you transfer part of your pension

The secret trick that lets you transfer part of your pension

Should you take the pension on offer, or trade it in? Credit: A Richard Allen The Government is being urged to consider drastic rule changes that are preventing potentially millions of savers from using the pension freedoms.

Under existing rules you can use the freedoms, which give full control over how over-55s spend their pension money, only if you have a “defined contribution” plan.

Money held in “final salary” or “defined benefit” schemes must first be transferred out to a defined contribution scheme to enjoy the same benefits, which also include generous tax treatment on death.More than 200,000 people have already […]

Tag: basic-income

Tag: basic-income

Sorry the link is at forbes, but I felt it necessary to use a source that would once have been unlikely to support NEETdom: I’m not saying that infographic is the solution, it merely shows one of many possible ways we could fund an Unconditional Basic Income in America.

All NEETs ought to support UBI because it is the catalyst that will inevitably make NEETdom the norm. Unfortunately, the catalyst that will bring UBI to modern society is another economic depression. How’d FDR get us out of the Great Depression in the 1930s? Well, WWII, but also tons of […]

Here’s the most significant thing Democrats could do to help working families now

Here’s the most significant thing Democrats could do to help working families now

Demonstrator Zev Nicholson, of Boston, left, protests outside a McDonalds, March 18, 2014, in Boston. (Steven Senne/ASSOCAITED PRESS) Ronald Klain, a Post contributing columnist, served as a senior White House aide to Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton and was a senior adviser to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign.

There’s energy in the Democratic Party around big ideas, such as single-payer health care or a universal basic income. But the most significant thing Democrats could do to help working families right now isn’t designing a grand new program — it’s getting in the trenches to fight for a simple old […]

President Zuckerberg Is Personally Responding to His Facebook Trolls

President Zuckerberg Is Personally Responding to His Facebook Trolls

It’s been quite a year for Mark Zuckerberg, who has spent the last nine months criss-crossing the country on a highly choreographed self-promotional tour of red-state America. He returned to Harvard to give a commencement address and receive an honorary degree. He and his wife, Priscilla Chan, welcomed a second baby into their family last month, aptly named August . None of which stopped Facebook from growing, or Zuckerberg from making even more money. Of the five most valuable public tech companies—including Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Alphabet—Facebook had the best three-month rally , with shares leaping 14 percent over […]

New Report Claims UBI Would Grow the U.S. Economy by $2.5 Trillion

New Report Claims UBI Would Grow the U.S. Economy by $2.5 Trillion

Researchers from a U.S. think-tank have released a report detailing how a universal basic income could impact the overall economy. Based on their research, a UBI of $1,000 per citizen per month could help the economy grow by the trillions in just eight years. Universal Boom

The premise for a universal basic income (UBI) is simple. Every citizen of a country receives a fixed monthly or yearly income from the state. This basic income doesn’t come with any strings attached to it, and every person is eligible for UBI regardless of their employment or social status. Click to View […]

To those who think universal basic income can grow an economy, I would like to sell you this generator

To those who think universal basic income can grow an economy, I would like to sell you this generator

Good question. In the short term it would cause issues. In fact just having notices to all the employees at the same time would be a really bad idea.

In the long term it is good for the economy because these people are not providing a needed service. When you look at charities and what they do in aid you can run into the same issues. That the efficiency is dramatically reduced.

The goal of welfare programs isn’t to provide jobs for people.Let’s take a look at SNAPS. Office buildings would close and be used by private companies or even other […]

Mark Zuckerberg added almost $3 billion a month to his net worth this summer

Mark Zuckerberg added almost $3 billion a month to his net worth this summer

The stock market was kind to Mark Zuckerberg this summer.

So was life in general.

Facebook shares jumped 14 percent in the past three months, as of Thursday’s close, the best performance among the five most valuable U.S. technology companies. Apple and Microsoft each rose about 7 percent, While Amazon and Alphabet dropped.As Labor Day weekend arrives and the kids return to school, Zuckerberg finds himself the world’s fifth-richest person, just behind Warren Buffett and ahead of Carlos Slim . Facebook’s summertime rally added over $8 billion to the founder’s fortune, which now sits at $71.7 billion, according to the […]

Basic income would grow GDP by $2.5 trillion, study finds

Basic income would grow GDP by $2.5 trillion, study finds

A monthly check of $1,000 delivered to every American adult would
grow the US economy by roughly $2.5 trillion over eight years, a

new study found.
Conducted by the left-leaning Roosevelt Institute, the study investigated three strategies for implementing basic income, a form of wealth distribution that involves giving everyone a standard salary just for being alive.Proponents of basic income say it would reduce or even eliminate poverty , while skeptics say it could erase people’s motivations to keep working, possibly ruining the economy instead of improving it.The three basic incomes proposed by the study were $1,000 […]