Pensions – Articles – Pension drawdown investors stick with familiar strategies

Pensions - Articles - Pension drawdown investors stick with familiar strategies

According to new figures from Aegon, drawdown investors are sticking with familiar strategies and well-known fund choices, rather than newer, more tailored drawdown solutions.The retirement income market has changed dramatically in the two years since the pension freedoms launched. Drawdown has become the most popular option for retirees, growing from 15% of retirement income sales in Q3 2013 up to nearly half (46%) by Q3 20161. But, Aegon’s research compared investment choices made by its drawdown and non-drawdown platform investors [i.e. those still saving for retirement], and found they only differed slightly, despite drawdown investors having different demands […]

Study: a universal basic income would grow the economy

Study: a universal basic income would grow the economy

Like, this massively. Stefan Bohrer A universal basic income could make the US economy trillions of dollars larger, permanently, according to a new study by the left-leaning Roosevelt Institute .

Basic income, a proposal in which every American would be given a basic stipend from the government no strings attached, is often brought up as a potential solution to widespread automation reducing demand for labor in the future. But in the meantime, its critics typically allege that it is far too expensive to be practical, or else that it would spur millions of Americans to drop out of the labor […]

Cure health inequality by reducing income inequality

Cure health inequality by reducing income inequality

The relationship between health and social context includes a range of factors influencing overall well-being. Social status, class, lifestyle, education, and environment primarily shape these factors. Age, gender, race, and ethnicity are structural variables of equal importance to health outcomes. Health is being facilitated or inhibited by the socioeconomic, cultural, and political backgrounds, in which one is born and raised.

In the last few decades, we have seen growing income inequality between the poor and rich. Since the 1980’s, the United States of America has seen a shift in wealth from the middle class towards the wealthiest people and transnational […]

Overwhelming Evidence That A Guaranteed Income Will Work | PopularResistance.Org

Overwhelming Evidence That A Guaranteed Income Will Work | PopularResistance.Org

Guaranteed Income Politics Wall Street Atheism The Wall It Was Environment Overwhelming Evidence That A Guaranteed Income Will Work | PopularResistance.Org See more The Psychological Argument for a Universal Basic Income Nixon-era proposal to give “basic income” to all people springs back to life Ontario Economics Investigations Politics News Overwhelming Evidence that a ‘Guaranteed Basic Income’ Will Work | Ontario News See more Spreads For those who say a Basic Income would lead to widespread laziness Benefits sanctions – Citizen’s Income Tech billionaires got rich off us. Now they want to feed us the crumbs Bobbie’s reaction to "Basic" […]

“Reducing poverty and inequality through tax-benefit reform and the minimum wage: the UK as a case-study”

“Reducing poverty and inequality through tax-benefit reform and the minimum wage: the UK as a case-study”

The Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) at the University of Essex has released a paper titled “Reducing poverty and inequality through tax-benefit reform and the minimum wage: the UK as a case-study” as part of its EUROMOD working paper series.

The paper uses the EUROMOD microsimulation model to examine the impact on poverty and inequality of the proposals put forth in economist Anthony Atkinson’s most recent–and final–book Inequality: What Can Be Done? (2015). Atkinson, himself a co-author of the ISER study, passed away on January 1 , during the final stages of preparation of the working paper.

The […]

The Fundamental Case for and Against Pan American Silver Corp. (PAAS)

The Fundamental Case for and Against Pan American Silver Corp. (PAAS)

Pan American Silver Corp. (NASDAQ:PAAS) is on our radar right now but there could still be some opportunities on the horizon. Now trading with a market value of 2.86B, the company has a mix of catalysts and obstacles that spring from the nature of its operations. Everyone seems to have their own opinion of this stock. But what do the numbers really say? We think it’s a great time to take a fresh look.

Pan American Silver Corp. (NASDAQ:PAAS) Fundamentals That Matter

It’s generally a good idea to start with the most fundamental piece of the picture: the balance […]

How Does the Fundamental Picture Look for ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. (ACAD)?

How Does the Fundamental Picture Look for ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. (ACAD)?

ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:ACAD) is on our radar right now but there could still be some opportunities on the horizon. Now trading with a market value of 4.14B, the company has a mix of catalysts and obstacles that spring from the nature of its operations. Everyone seems to have their own opinion of this stock. But what do the numbers really say? We think it’s a great time to take a fresh look.

ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:ACAD) Fundamentals That Matter

It’s generally a good idea to start with the most fundamental piece of the picture: the balance sheet. The […]

Calls for universal basic income renewed ahead of event today

Calls for universal basic income renewed ahead of event today

Patrick Harvie will speak at basic income event this afternoon

A SOLD out event considering a universal basic income for Scotland is being held in Glasgow today (29 Aug), with speakers including Patrick Harvie MSP and Labour Councillor Matt Kerr.

The event is being hosted by Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector and RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) Scotland at the Albany Learning and Conference Centre in Glasgow.Universal basic income is a tax-exempt, unconditional income provided by the government to every citizen, as a form of social security. Trials of a Universal Basic […]

Transfers of old final salary pensions could be worth ‘a fortune’

There are various options for deferred pensions after the age of 55: people could take a lower pension earlier, a higher pension later, or a higher starting pension if they are willing to sacrifice some of their inflation increases.

The report found that amongst those who spoke to an adviser and were advised to transfer, the three biggest attractions were: the greater flexibility available in a DC arrangement; the historically large transfer values currently on offer; and the potential to pass on a lump sum balance on death to their heirs.

The main reasons for those advised not to transfer were: […]

Moving Toward Universal Basic Income

With amazing strides being made in the fields of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI), there is the very real possibility of massive social upheaval as more people lose their jobs to more efficient and productive smart machines. Some studies predict job losses of up to 50 percent by 2030, which would not bode well for tax revenue generation and social program sustainability.

A radical solution being proposed by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Tesla’s Elon Musk and Microsoft founder Bill Gates, among others, is the concept of Universal Basic Income (UBI). Under this concept all Americans would be guaranteed money each month […]