Calls for universal basic income renewed ahead of event today

Calls for universal basic income renewed ahead of event today

Patrick Harvie will speak at basic income event this afternoon

A SOLD out event considering a universal basic income for Scotland is being held in Glasgow today (29 Aug), with speakers including Patrick Harvie MSP and Labour Councillor Matt Kerr.

The event is being hosted by Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector and RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) Scotland at the Albany Learning and Conference Centre in Glasgow.Universal basic income is a tax-exempt, unconditional income provided by the government to every citizen, as a form of social security. Trials of a Universal Basic […]

Transfers of old final salary pensions could be worth ‘a fortune’

There are various options for deferred pensions after the age of 55: people could take a lower pension earlier, a higher pension later, or a higher starting pension if they are willing to sacrifice some of their inflation increases.

The report found that amongst those who spoke to an adviser and were advised to transfer, the three biggest attractions were: the greater flexibility available in a DC arrangement; the historically large transfer values currently on offer; and the potential to pass on a lump sum balance on death to their heirs.

The main reasons for those advised not to transfer were: […]

Moving Toward Universal Basic Income

With amazing strides being made in the fields of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI), there is the very real possibility of massive social upheaval as more people lose their jobs to more efficient and productive smart machines. Some studies predict job losses of up to 50 percent by 2030, which would not bode well for tax revenue generation and social program sustainability.

A radical solution being proposed by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Tesla’s Elon Musk and Microsoft founder Bill Gates, among others, is the concept of Universal Basic Income (UBI). Under this concept all Americans would be guaranteed money each month […]

Ability Inc. (ABIL): How Do the Books Stack Up?

Ability Inc. (ABIL): How Do the Books Stack Up?

Ability Inc. (NASDAQ:ABIL) seems to be forming a pattern of major movements, providing only some crumbs of outlook for market participants trying to figure out its next move. Now trading with a market value of 21.60M, the company has a mix of catalysts and obstacles that spring from the nature of its operations. In light of the many issues surrounding this company, we thought it was a good time to take a close look at the numbers in order to form a realistic perspective on the fundamental picture for this stock.

Ability Inc. (NASDAQ:ABIL) Fundamentals That Matter

It’s generally […]

What’s with billionaires coming out to support a universal basic income? Do you?

Kineth posted… OffDogs posted…
Kineth posted…
OffDogs posted…
Kineth posted…
OffDogs posted… ManaYuka posted… Capitalists want UBI cause it keeps things normal. Basically perpetuating the same system we have now.Progressives want shorter work weeks so we hire more people rather than giving people free money. Less time working is less money. Great idea progs….a ubi sustains people who don’t want to work. Neither situation works well. If you raise the wages, it will balance out and add free time and increase employment by having more shifts available. Ridiculous to assume that everything else is static and only one thing […]

Basic income guarantee: this is a health issue!

Basic income guarantee: this is a health issue!

The post below comes from Dr Tim Woodruff, rheumatologist and long-serving President of the Doctors Reform Society.

Tim Woodruff told Croakey, The intellectual stimulus for this article was the book ‘ Utopia for Realists ’ by Rutger Bregman. The emotional stimulus (tears and anger) was the movie ‘ I, Daniel Blake’ directed by Ken Loach. At first blush, the concept of supplying every adult with a basic income, whether or not they work, seems counter-intuitive and expensive, but, as you will learn by reading on, there is more evidence for the health and social benefits of doing this, than for […]

Province fields basic income questions in Hamilton

Province fields basic income questions in Hamilton

Ursula Samuels hopes basic income will help her and others get ahead. "What I want to see is that people would be better off." – Hamilton Spectator file photo Ursula Samuels wants to know that basic income will help Hamiltonians on social assistance get ahead.

The 60-year-old mother who attended an information session at the Hamilton Central Library said she receives Ontario Works, and between juggling rent, food and other responsibilities, "it’s a struggle every month to get by."

"What I want to see is that people would be better off," she added.Karen Glass, assistant deputy minister at the Poverty Reduction […]

Conservatives and Libertarians should be excited about the prospect of a basic income.

Conservatives and Libertarians should be excited about the prospect of a basic income.

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Explore Important Life Lessons, Space Images and more!

Explore Important Life Lessons, Space Images and more!

A universal basic income won’t stop people from working–it will change the nature of work — Quartz Stargazers have a chance to see bright green comet next week Simulated views of the Moon over one month, demonstrating librations in latitude and longitude. Image credit: Tomruen Witness an Eclipse seen similar representations before, but I never get over the size of ‘my’ world – which is apparently very small. Perseid Meteor Shower 2017: When, Where & How to See It Infographic: Who’s Visiting Who? Every spacecraft currently exploring (or about to explore) a major solar system object (other than the […]

What is the way to fund universal basic income (UBI)?

ZWT Proposal: Uniform Income Tax To Fund UBI

Many proponents of Universal Basic Income suggest that the UBI can get enough finance by replacing and cancelling the existing Govt. Welfare Programs. However the cancellation of the welfare programs which will mostly affect the poor, and underprivileged will face strong resistance, protest from many quarters of society including the interest lobby groups like pensioners, women, etc., making it a hyper sensitive issue in the mainstream media. Hence, cancellation of the popular Govt. welfare programs in order to fund the UBI program will become almost impossible. Therefore, let us give up […]