Rising old age security spending dampened by CPP increases: Report

OTTAWA — A mandatory review of the country’s largest seniors benefit program is predicting all-time highs in spending over the coming years with waves of baby boomer retirements — spending levels that could have been even higher if not for changes to the public pension program.

The report is the first glimpse into how the CPP expansion, phased in over the next 40 years, will affect old age security.

The country’s chief actuary writes in his report that program spending is projected to hit about $247 billion by 2060, an almost five-fold increase from planned spending this year, as more Canadians […]

It is ingrained in people that you should be able to make ends meet if you’re working. But we’re seeing a shift to the idea that being able to meet your basic needs is a right.

Daily Government Quotes

Jim Pugh, a co-founder of the Universal Income Project, a San Francisco-based group that advocates for universal basic income, the idea that giving everyone cash — regardless of their level of employment or pay — without strings attached will help reduce income inequality and poverty. MORE FROM Daily Government Quotes

All sides need to agree that there is no room for suggestions of political violence in America — and the Missouri Democratic Party will absolutely not tolerate calls for the assassination of the president. I believe she should resign. Stephen Webber, chairman of the […]

Our Own Worst Enemy: AI A Lesser Threat To Humanity Than Humans Are

Our Own Worst Enemy: AI A Lesser Threat To Humanity Than Humans Are

Over the weekend, Tesla Inc TSLA 3.57% CEO Elon Musk co-signed a letter with industry experts calling for regulation of artificial intelligence development and warning of its existential threat.

“However, Musk and the other AI debaters underestimate the biggest threat to humanity in the AI era: humans,” Loup Ventures analyst Doug Clinton wrote in a Monday note.

Clinton considers the human response to AI as dangerous as any hostile system. Our Inner Demons Even if AI fulfills the best intended purposes and leads to widespread prosperity, it would establish a world radically different ━ rendering manual and some intellectual labor […]

Getting Paid to Get Training

Getting Paid to Get Training

Labor Minister Andrea Nahles says the SPD’s proposed “opportunity account,” paying for citizens’ education and entrepreneurial costs, is the only way for Germany to stay an economic powerhouse. No budding entrepreneur left behind. Source: Jens Wolf/DPA. The Social Democratic Party’s “opportunity account” is the perhaps best way to secure Germany’s long-term economic success and more social equality. It’s a way to strengthen companies’ innovation, ensure an adequate level of skilled labor and provide more equal opportunities.

The opportunity account is an account with a virtual balance, financed by the government, that every citizen will receive upon entering the labor force […]

Editorial: Gareth Morgan’s tone-deaf Tweet turns off young voters

Editorial: Gareth Morgan's tone-deaf Tweet turns off young voters

It’s pathetic isn’t it? All that matters is policy. Jacinda should be required to show she’s more than lipstick on a pig. Will she be?" Morgan tweeted. EDITORIAL: There were other ways that The Opportunities Party’s Gareth Morgan could have made his point about Labour leader Jacinda Ardern at the weekend.

He could have tweeted that this election should be about policy, not just being popular. He could have said that public appeal is one thing, but now let us see more substance.

But Morgan didn’t say those things. Instead, he said that Ardern was "lipstick on a pig" . Jacinda […]

Another Silicon Valley Billionaire is in Favor of Universal Basic Income

Another Silicon Valley Billionaire is in Favor of Universal Basic Income

Flickr and Slack co-founder Stewart Butterfield wants to see universal basic income become a reality, citing its potential to give more people the chance to become entrepreneurs. Follow the Money

As automation becomes more and more ingrained in everyday tech, we’re likely to see robots taking on all kinds of jobs previously staffed by humans. This will most likely leave many out of the job they were previously qualified for. Universal basic income (UBI) is often touted as a solution to this problem, and support for the idea is growing in Silicon Valley.

Flickr and Slack co-founder Stewart Butterfield is […]

How a Living Income Guaranteed Will Promote Small Business Startups

How a Living Income Guaranteed Will Promote Small Business Startups

Small Businesses Startups Environment No Strings Attached Constitutional Rights Social Issues News Articles Watches Economics How a Living Income Guaranteed Will Promote Small Business Startups See More Guy Standing Pilots In India Study Watches Basic Income Pilot Studies in India See More Innovation Link Google [78] Copiosis: Socioeconomic Innovation Direct Democracy Environment [72] Participatory Budgeting See More Not Enough Environment Money WordPress Hands Watches Life Not Enough Money for a Living Income? Revolutions Youtube Watches Google ▶ [86] Thriving on a Basic Income: is it Possible? – YouTube See More For Dummies Politics Diy Watches Equality Education DIY Politics […]

Explore Lady, Html and more!

Explore Lady, Html and more!

The Tap Keep On Taps To Look Education Beauty Life Products Html Day The Tap Planned Obsolescence within Basic Income Guaranteed See more The Secret Marketing Band Aid Html Money Social Networks Life Engineering Small Businesses 7 Reasons to Use Groupon for Your Small Business By now you may have heard of the popular online coupon marketplace known as Groupon. With Groupon, businesses can offer steeply discounted services or. See more Economists Reading Life Html Environment How will companies be nationalized and do you foresee any resistance? Within LIG, nationalized companies would not be owned by the gov. See […]

What is Egypt’s vision of 2030? – Daily News Egypt

What is Egypt’s vision of 2030? - Daily News Egypt

Over the 22 years I have been involved in the annual Euromoney Egypt Conference I have seen both Egyptian and international experts and policy-makers advocate many models of development. Egypt’s been through some challenging times both politically and economically and has changed beyond recognition since I first visited in 1994, but I believe that few would disagree that the country has missed many opportunities and travelled down some wrong paths. The need for change and development is stronger than ever.

However, any economy, particularly one as big and complex as Egypt’s does not change quickly. If real change is to […]

What is Universal Basic Income?

What is Universal Basic Income?

The concept of Universal Basic Income has received a lot of news coverage lately. Icons of industry like Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk have all voiced their support for this “social-security-for-all” type system. With the increases in automation and technology, billionaires like Musk say Universal Basic Income will become “ necessary ” given the mass unemployment in the near future.

Around the world, locations like Finland, Namibia and even Hawaii are experimenting with a form of basic income. Alaska has had a similar system for over 30 years where Alaskans receive an annual dividend payment … just for […]