What is Universal Basic Income?

What is Universal Basic Income?

The concept of Universal Basic Income has received a lot of news coverage lately. Icons of industry like Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk have all voiced their support for this “social-security-for-all” type system. With the increases in automation and technology, billionaires like Musk say Universal Basic Income will become “ necessary ” given the mass unemployment in the near future.

Around the world, locations like Finland, Namibia and even Hawaii are experimenting with a form of basic income. Alaska has had a similar system for over 30 years where Alaskans receive an annual dividend payment … just for […]

Richard MacManus: What to do when AI takes your job

Richard MacManus: What to do when AI takes your job

Experts predict that AI will be able to drive a truck by 2027, work in retail by 2031, and work as a surgeon by 2053. OPINION: Artificial intelligence is never far away from the news in 2017, with most reports highlighting its dangers.

There’s no shortage of celebrity scaremongers, including Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk. "If you’re not concerned about AI safety, you should be," he said recently. He added that AI presents "vastly more risk than North Korea".

Well, not in the short term. AI is still decades away from attaining human-level intelligence – if it ever does. So […]

How To Receive Radical Basic Income Benefits

How To Receive Radical Basic Income Benefits

How To Receive Radical Basic Income Benefits Basic income studies seem to be popping up all over the globe.

Government leaders realize technological advancement is displacing jobs while simultaneously generating more income. This means more robots and fewer workers. More income from automation, more poverty for people. Technologically advanced smartphones and other mechanical devices eliminate job security. Inevitably, resulting in the inability to survive on minimal or no earnings.

In an attempt to equalize the socioeconomic effects , governments have begun programs to evaluate the effectiveness of basic income benefits. Traditional welfare programs have their limitations. Most have caused many […]

How ‘bulls**t jobs are causing an ‘an epidemic of stress’ – and why we should be working a 15 HOUR week

How 'bulls**t jobs are causing an 'an epidemic of stress' - and why we should be working a 15 HOUR week

With Australians working more hours than ever before, some academics are calling for a 15 hour work week alongside a universal basic income.

Dutch historian Rutger Bregman says working a shorter week in combination with a guaranteed income would give people the freedom to do what they really want.

He agrees with anarchist activist economist David Graeber, who has long been a critic of what he calls ‘bulls**t jobs’. With Australians working more hours than ever , prominent thinkers are calling for a 15 hour work week and the elimination of pointless ‘bulls**t jobs’ (pictured, stock image) Dutch historian Rutger Bregman […]

Economists claim we should work 15 hour weeks

Economists claim we should work 15 hour weeks

It might seem too good to be true, especially since many Aussies struggle to keep up with the cost of living, but we should only be working 15 hours per week.

This was economist John Maynard Keynes’ plan for the modern day back in 1930 – that our working hours would dwindle down to 15 by 2030 – but somehow, we’ve managed to veer miles away from that path.

A U.S. Senate committee in the ‘60s also backed Keynes’ claims, predicting we’d be down to 14 working hours by 2000."I think it’s just extraordinary… Until the 1970s almost all […]

What are some of the strongest arguments against universal basic income? Can they be overcome?

Well, it depends what you mean by ‘strong.’

If you mean ‘strong’ in the sense of a rational, reasonable, compelling argument, based on a sound understanding of Economics, then those are very difficult to come by.

However, if what you mean by ‘strong’ is an ‘argument’ that may be sufficient to convince many ordinary people who do not have a sound grounding in Economics, then that is much easier.The main two ‘arguments’ most commonly made against Basic Income are 1) That it is unaffordable, and 2) That is would result in most of the population – or even ‘everyone’ – giving […]

Thread: Why a Universal Basic Income Would Be a Calamity

Thread: Why a Universal Basic Income Would Be a Calamity

start=”1″> Merely a Setback

The Unstoppable Force Can gods bleed? I mean to find out!

I am Murloc! 1. They are only wealthy and have money due to consumerism/banking. Literally no other reason. Wealth doesn’t materialize out of nowhere, they need customers… Their wealth also only has any meaning or value in a functioning society. How much do you think their trillions of $/£/€/¥ will be worth if society collapses? The higher taxes on their now automated businesses to fund a UBI would both ensure their businesses continue to function AND ensure their wealth continues to […]

Basic Income: An equity imperative

Basic Income: An equity imperative

Basic Income: An equity imperative See more Wouldn’t Unconditional Basic Income Just Cause Massive Inflation? Free Money Pilots Canada Why Canada Needs a Basic Income Pilot To Reduce Poverty | Jesse Helmer See more You Want A Basic Income? Here’s How We Might Actually Do It The Psychological Argument for a Universal Basic Income A basic income could be the best way to tackle inequality Monetary Policy 21st Century Basic income as the monetary policy tool for the 21st century See more Helping our neighbours helps us all: The affordability of basic income – Jon… History of basic income […]

Richard Branson is Seriously Passionate about Universal Basic Income

Richard Branson is Seriously Passionate about Universal Basic Income

Virgin Group founder Richard Branson became the latest billionaire to support the idea of universal basic income this week, saying that the concept should be “further explored” to help every member of society have the “opportunity to work and to thrive.”

Branson broached the topic of UBI in a blog post on Monday that he writes was inspired by a recent meeting with The Elders, a nongovernmental organization of former statesmen and world leaders. He specifically pointed to Finland’s experiments with basic income as an example of governments providing a guaranteed monthly stipend to low-income or unemployed citizens, replacing […]

/pol/ – Politically Incorrect

/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

>> >>138226000 (OP)
>>3rd worlders will do many jobs for $1 a day
Don’t let them in and don’t export labor to them.

>>Big business will use cheap labor as much as possibleBan big business from doing that.>>Mass unemployment gets worse unless you want sweatshop work in the USADeport all non-Whites. >>138226376 >reee! you can’t restrict business! that’s not free market capitalism! >>138227023 >I only care about money not the White race. >> >>138231035 >If we would not waste so much money for refugees (60 billion or so last year)Source? Even Breitbart says it’s more like $4bn. If you really want […]