Basic Income: An equity imperative

Basic Income: An equity imperative

Basic Income: An equity imperative See more Wouldn’t Unconditional Basic Income Just Cause Massive Inflation? Free Money Pilots Canada Why Canada Needs a Basic Income Pilot To Reduce Poverty | Jesse Helmer See more You Want A Basic Income? Here’s How We Might Actually Do It The Psychological Argument for a Universal Basic Income A basic income could be the best way to tackle inequality Monetary Policy 21st Century Basic income as the monetary policy tool for the 21st century See more Helping our neighbours helps us all: The affordability of basic income – Jon… History of basic income […]

Richard Branson is Seriously Passionate about Universal Basic Income

Richard Branson is Seriously Passionate about Universal Basic Income

Virgin Group founder Richard Branson became the latest billionaire to support the idea of universal basic income this week, saying that the concept should be “further explored” to help every member of society have the “opportunity to work and to thrive.”

Branson broached the topic of UBI in a blog post on Monday that he writes was inspired by a recent meeting with The Elders, a nongovernmental organization of former statesmen and world leaders. He specifically pointed to Finland’s experiments with basic income as an example of governments providing a guaranteed monthly stipend to low-income or unemployed citizens, replacing […]

/pol/ – Politically Incorrect

/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

>> >>138226000 (OP)
>>3rd worlders will do many jobs for $1 a day
Don’t let them in and don’t export labor to them.

>>Big business will use cheap labor as much as possibleBan big business from doing that.>>Mass unemployment gets worse unless you want sweatshop work in the USADeport all non-Whites. >>138226376 >reee! you can’t restrict business! that’s not free market capitalism! >>138227023 >I only care about money not the White race. >> >>138231035 >If we would not waste so much money for refugees (60 billion or so last year)Source? Even Breitbart says it’s more like $4bn. If you really want […]

Work-life balance: Why we should only work 15 hours a week

Work-life balance: Why we should only work 15 hours a week

A 15-hour work week sounds too good to be true. Especially when many Australians work excessive hours , often for no additional pay, and struggle with the cost of living.

Yet economist John Maynard Keynes suggested in 1930 that the work week would be whittled to 15 hours by 2030, according to Dutch writer and historian Rutger Bregman. A United States Senate committee report in the mid-1960s predicted the work week would be down to just 14 hours by 2000, with at least seven weeks off a year. SHARE

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FEPS Young Academics Network: “Beyond Basic Income: Overcoming the Crisis of Social Democracy?”

FEPS Young Academics Network: “Beyond Basic Income: Overcoming the Crisis of Social Democracy?”

Three members of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) Young Academic Network — Frederick Harry Pitts, Lorena Lombardozzi, and Neil Warner — have published a study on basic income, entitled “Beyond Basic Income: Overcoming the Crisis of Social Democracy?”

The full paper can be read and downloaded here .

Abstract Across Europe, a crisis of social democracy prevails. Deindustrialisation precipitates a breakdown of the communities, institutions and interests that held the social democratic and labour movements together. A collapse in everyday life passes over into a steady decline in the electoral realm. Elsewhere, a crisis of social reproduction […]

Government Guaranteed Income is Not a Solution

Government Guaranteed Income is Not a Solution

Excerpted from Fallacies of the Negative Income Tax. Published in Man vs. the Welfare State. Reprinted from Recognizing the calamitous erosion of incentives that would be brought about by a straight guaranteed-income plan, some reformers have advocated what they call a “negative income tax.” This proposal was put forward by the prominent economist, Professor Milton Friedman, of the University of Chicago, in his book Capitalism and Freedom, which appeared in 1962. The system he proposed would be administered along with the current income tax system. Suppose that the poverty-line income were set at ,000 per “consumer […]

re: Silicon Valley billionaire admits that it’s time for Universal Basic Income

re: Silicon Valley billionaire admits that it's time for Universal Basic Income

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I believe Norway has instituted it, and Y-Combinator is finding a study. I like the idea of studying it before any large scale attempt. But some of the validity is based on the theoretical application of proxy type data, just the flaws of entitlement programs, and the inevitable nature of technology.

But when I say there is validity, I don’t mean it’s a definitive answer but it’s a valid measure to look into.
buckeye_vol Agreed, but as it’s set up now, it’s almost rational for them to take entitlements, but the problem is that the […]

Silicon Valley billionaire admits that it’s time for Universal Basic Income

Silicon Valley billionaire admits that it's time for Universal Basic Income

Slack chief executive Stewart Butterfield has thrown his weight behind the basic income movement, joining such illustrious company as Bill Gates, Tesla boss Elon Musk, and Y Combinator president Sam Altman.

“Doesn’t have to be much, but giving people even a very small safety net would unlock a huge amount of entrepreneurialism,” Mr Butterfield tweeted recently.
He went on to suggest that the billions spent on university education around the world each year would be put to better use if given directly to individuals as a an unconditional payment. If choosing between free healthcare, free university […]

re: Silicon Valley billionaire admits that it’s time for Universal Basic Income

re: Silicon Valley billionaire admits that it's time for Universal Basic Income


Agreed, but as it’s set up now, it’s almost rational for them to take entitlements, but the problem is that the only way to keep them is by not working. So at least with a UBI, and no entitlement state, they (and everybody else) isrnot penalized for working and doing more.

Breesus quote:The worry I have is that people will keep wanting more and more money and/or bring back welfare also, thus making it way more expensive than it was originally meant to be. Ding ding ding..Give them a jobs. There is plenty of shite we need done […]

Universal Basic Income Stands Alongside the Ones in Need

Universal Basic Income Stands Alongside the Ones in Need

Universal Basic Income Stands Alongside the Ones in Need

Earlier this year, Finland decided to promote a new tactic to tackle the growing unemployment rate his country was beginning to suffer. The Finnish government idea consisted in giving a benefit to those who were out of work at the moment. It might sound a regular benefit that could be found in other countries around the globe, but in this case it was a bit more special.

Even if those lucky ones sought to find a job and actually got it, they were still receiving the money. The idea, implemented for the […]