Richard Branson is Seriously Passionate on Universal Basic Income

Richard Branson is Seriously Passionate on Universal Basic Income

Virgin Group founder Richard Branson became the latest billionaire to support the idea of universal basic income this week, saying that the concept should be “further explored” to help every member of society have the “opportunity to work and to thrive.”

Branson broached the topic of UBI in a blog post on Monday that he writes was inspired by a recent meeting with The Elders , a nongovernmental organization of former statesmen and world leaders. He specifically pointed to Finland’s experiments with basic income as an example of governments providing a guaranteed monthly stipend to low-income or unemployed citizens, replacing […]

Apple’s Siri Provides Clues About Whether Robots Will Put US All Out of Work

Apple’s Siri Provides Clues About Whether Robots Will Put US All Out of Work

How HomePod and Siri begin to interface to our home and our work will tell us something about our future. I keep seeing articles that say either 1) AI and robots will put us all out of work, and 2) Humans and robots will co-exist and humans will simply escalate to a new level human-machine interface in mid-21st century jobs. So which is it?

What concerns me is that so many of the jobs humans do nowadays are ripe for replacement by AIs that will either be disembodied or placed in robots. That’s because companies see immediate cost-saving benefits. This […]

Does SRC Energy Inc. (SRCI) Present Much Upside ?

Does SRC Energy Inc. (SRCI) Present Much Upside ?

SRC Energy Inc. (NYSE:SRCI) seems to be forming a pattern of major movements, providing only some crumbs of outlook for market participants trying to figure out its next move. Now trading with a market value of 1.55B, the company has a mix of catalysts and obstacles that spring from the nature of its operations. Everyone seems to have their own opinion of this stock. But what do the numbers really say? We think it’s a great time to take a fresh look.

SRC Energy Inc. (NYSE:SRCI) Fundamentals That Matter

It’s generally a good idea to start with the most […]

The OECD and the problems of basic income

The OECD and the problems of basic income

According to the OECD, basic income (BI) is not an effective tool for reducing poverty. However, the outcome would depend on the model chosen for implementing a BI system, as well as the changes made in other parts of social protection.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published in May a Policy Brief paper studying the feasibility of a basic income model in four OECD countries, one of which was Finland.

On June 16, Kela organized a seminar in which Herwig Immervoll , a senior economist at the OECD, discussed the findings of his study and analysed […]

Synopsys, Inc. (SNPS): More In-Depth Monitoring is Needed

Synopsys, Inc. (SNPS): More In-Depth Monitoring is Needed

Synopsys, Inc. (NASDAQ:SNPS) seems to be forming a pattern of major movements, providing only some crumbs of outlook for market participants trying to figure out its next move. Now trading with a market value of 11.54B, the company has a mix of catalysts and obstacles that spring from the nature of its operations. As the day-to-day narrative ebbs and flows for this company, it is more important than ever to step back and get a bird’s eye view of the fundamental reality under the surface of this story.

Synopsys, Inc. (NASDAQ:SNPS) Fundamentals That Matter

It’s generally a good idea […]

Financial Engines, Inc. (FNGN): Are There Still Some Opportunities On The Horizon

Financial Engines, Inc. (FNGN): Are There Still Some Opportunities On The Horizon

Financial Engines, Inc. (NASDAQ:FNGN) seems to be forming a pattern of major movements, providing only some crumbs of outlook for market participants trying to figure out its next move. Now trading with a market value of 2.01B, the company has a mix of catalysts and obstacles that spring from the nature of its operations. As the day-to-day narrative ebbs and flows for this company, it is more important than ever to step back and get a bird’s eye view of the fundamental reality under the surface of this story.

Financial Engines, Inc. (NASDAQ:FNGN) Fundamentals That Matter

It’s generally a […]

Why Basic Income? – YouTube

Why Basic Income? - YouTube

Why Basic Income? – YouTube See more How to Start a Small Sewing Business Guaranteed Income Exploring Martin Luther King Economics Martin O’malley Politics Download free Basic Income Guarantee: Your Right to Economic Security (Exploring the Basic Income Guarantee) pdf See more The Scottish National Party has backed the idea of a universal basic income for an independent Scotland The Age What Is Phones A simple video explaining why we need universal basic income, what it is, and what it can do for society. Video by See more Human Rights Economics Europe | Belgisch Netwerk voor het […]

Make-work schemes need to come back (Livemint)

Make-work schemes need to come back (Livemint)

Many assume that universal basic income will be one of Mark Zuckerberg’s policy platforms when he runs for president. The volume has been turned up to 11 on such speculation since his Harvard commencement speech back in May. In summary, he said people think our labour force has been altered structurally by automation, that some people will be permanently left out of it, and that we should explore ideas like paying everyone a subsistence-level basic income. If people want to earn more, they can.

Libertarians like universal basic income as an alternative to other welfare benefits, such as food stamps, […]

Explore European Parliament, Social Security and more!

Explore European Parliament, Social Security and more!

Unconditional Basic #Income (UBI) is an amount of #money, paid on a regular basis to each individual unconditionally and universally, high enough to ensure a material existence and participation in #society. It differs from traditional guaranteed minimum income (GMI) / social security schemes by removing the bureaucracy and its costs as well as the stigma of means-testing. Few debates highlight the many complex issues around how governments should share a nation’s wealth and resources as much as the current discourse on basic income. Also referred to as a citizen’s income, the policy generally refers to the unconditional and universal […]

Slack CEO Voices His Support for Universal Basic Income

Slack CEO Voices His Support for Universal Basic Income

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