Himanshu, “Is India ready for universal basic income?”

Himanshu, “Is India ready for universal basic income?”

The idea of a universal basic income (UBI) is rising in popularity in India , where it is often seen as a way to streamline and expedite the distribution of aid to the poor, avoiding the corruption and wastefulness that plague current social welfare programs.

In a recent article for LiveMint , the economist Himanshu (Associate Professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University) contrasts this view of UBI with its perception in developed nations that enjoy mature welfare states, such as the Nordic countries. Himanshu contends that developing nations are more likely view UBI as substitute instead of a supplement to existing […]

Why Universal Basic Income can’t work on its own

In my last column , "How Trump Can Save American Democracy," I wrote of the importance of finding creative, forward-looking solutions to the unemployment problem in America, specifically of rural Middle America, that has been most affected by economic decline and deindustrialization . I stressed that this is paramount to directing the course of American society towards positive change and calming the currents of nativism that have been arising. I suggested that if Trump is to succeed in fulfilling the unattended needs of his core constituency, he must not rely on bringing back industry or trying to create new […]

BMA: Universal income – the answer to poverty, insecurity & health inequality?

BMA: Universal income – the answer to poverty, insecurity & health inequality?

By: Leong Sze Hian

I refer to the editorial article “ A universal basic income: the answer to poverty, insecurity, and health inequality? ” (British Medical Journal, Dec 12).

It states that “For four years in the mid-1970s an unusual experiment took place in the small Canadian town of Dauphin. Statistically significant benefits for those who took part included fewer physician contacts related to mental health and fewer hospital admissions for “accident and injury.”Mental health diagnoses in Dauphin also fell. Once the experiment ended, these public health benefits evaporated. 1 What was the treatment being tested? It was what has become […]

Why Universal Basic Income can’t work on its own

In my last column , "How Trump Can Save American Democracy," I wrote of the importance of finding creative, forward-looking solutions to the unemployment problem in America, specifically of rural Middle America, that has been most affected by economic decline and deindustrialization . I stressed that this is paramount to directing the course of American society towards positive change and calming the currents of nativism that have been arising. I suggested that if Trump is to succeed in fulfilling the unattended needs of his core constituency, he must not rely on bringing back industry or trying to create new […]

Call for universal basic income trail in the West Midlands

Call for universal basic income trail in the West Midlands

Video thumbnail, How can a West Midlands mayor create more good jobs? A leading trade union wants the West Midlands’ first elected mayor to trial a ‘Universal Basic Income’ as society faces the prospect of robots replacing workers.

In a 20-point manifesto, Unison also called for the building of genuinely affordable housing, fair public transport fares and English language lessons for new arrivals.

It also said the new mayor should nationalise the M6 Toll, and provide free public transport for 16-19 year-olds in education.The region’s largest public sector trade union, whose members include health service and council staff, issued its manifesto […]

Can Basic Income Work? Facebook Wants To Find Out

Can Basic Income Work? Facebook Wants To Find Out

Chris Hughes, the Co-Founder of Facebook has just launched a $10 million dollar 2 year long initiative aimed at analyzing universal basic income.

Announced on December 8 th , the Economic Security Project (ESP) will analyze basic income, a system in which every citizen receives a monthly stipend which covers their basic needs. Project

Backed by over 100 activists, academics, and experts from Silicon Valley, this project aims to learn as much as possible about the dominant idea in the fight against poverty.ESP will be co-chaired by Natalie Foster from the Institute for the along with Roosevelt Institute Fellow […]

Blue sky basic income thinking is b****cks

5 hrs

Preston Munchensonton Re: What I love…

What I love… …is a good rant about the problem with X, without providing an alternative. Lucky for you that El Reg exists, then. How about this. Invest more in GOOD education (and I don’t mean starting kids in school before they have learn’t to eat solids). Speaking of vagaries with no definition, exactly what is good education? Your suggestion is as worthless as the lack of alternatives from the rant that you loathed. The problem isn’t investing, as there’s heaps of money being thrown at education the […]

Basic income worth a try

Basic income worth a try

When it can often seem like our politicians can never agree on anything, sometimes they can surprise you. Sometimes they come together and actually find common ground to unanimously support an idea.

Such is the case last week when the PEI Legislature agreed to have the province work with the federal government in hopes of setting up a basic income pilot project on the Island.

The motion was put forth by Green Party Leader Peter Bevan-Baker last Tuesday and was supported by all parties. Obviously, current welfare models are not working. Many Islanders are struggling and no matter how hard they […]

More countries testing Basic Income, economists continue crying, losing hoap

> Economist
So many redditors here this morning

Economist b49d Don’t know what they did but I’m sure the first thing the IMF did when they knocked on their door was to say: "why on earth are you paying people to not work" You know guys, automation is not a problem. Its actually good. It frees up labor to go do other more useful stuff and that generally is better compensated. Automation will only become an issue when machines can build themselves and produce every step for all the materials they need to produce […]

Universal Basic Income

Universal Basic Income In the 70’s they told us we were all going to enjoy a lot more leisure time because all the hard work would get taken care of by machines.

At minimum, I believe that with decreased costs of living, UBI will be one of many tools empowering self-actualization at scale – more people will be able to follow their passions, be more creative, and spend more time on higher-order, personally fulfilling tasks.
And there we are. Same bullsh!t, different day. What do you mean "we", have you got a mouse in your pocket? What do you […]