Watch: Jay Panda on the Idea of a Universal Basic Income

Watch: Jay Panda on the Idea of a Universal Basic Income

In conversation with BJD MP Jay Panda.

Hello and welcome to this Facebook live on The Wire with Jay Panda, a four time member of parliament from the Biju Janta Dal – a centrist party that exercises great influence because of the number of MPs it sends to the parliament. We have Jay Panda with us today because he is one of the first lawmakers to have talked about, written about the issue of a universal basic minimum income for Indian citizens. An idea which is now being debate specially, in the post demonetisation phase because the government wants […]

COLUMN: Gimme, gimme, gimme a gimme income — not

COLUMN: Gimme, gimme, gimme a gimme income -- not

Well, now, folks, I’ve got a real doozy for you this week.

In fact, I can’t believe I get paid to do this job. That is, I can’t believe I have to do this job to get paid. They should just pay me anyway.

Think I’m just joshin’ with ya? Read on — seriously. As robots take jobs, Europeans mull free money for all PARIS (AP) — I am, therefore I’m paid.The radical notion that governments should hand out free money to everyone — rich and poor, those who work and those who don’t — is slowly but surely gaining ground […]

Blockchain To Run Welfare Show, Finland May Set Example

Blockchain To Run Welfare Show, Finland May Set Example

Finland has recently started an unprecedented social experiment that will be watched around the world amid gathering interest in the idea of a universal basic income.

It has become the first country in Europe to start paying an unconditional monthly sum to its unemployed citizens. During the next two years, 2,000 unemployed Finns, aged 25 to 58, will receive a guaranteed sum of 560 euros. The money will replace the social benefits they have been receiving so far and will be paid even if they find work.

Kela, Finland’s social security authority, says that the project is aimed at reducing poverty […]

A Basic Income for All: Dream or Delusion?

Fundamental shifts in the world of work are eroding traditional social safety nets. Could a universal basic income be the solution?

It’s already happening in Finland and the Canadian province of Ontario, while other states and cities across the world are considering the idea. The Economist’s Tamzin Booth heads up a discussion among global and political experts to talk through the case for a basic universal income.

UBI isn’t a new idea, according to Guy Standing of the Basic Income Earth Network. He says it was originally ignored, but growing fears surrounding job automation have stoked an interest in basic income. […]

Province proposes 3 test sites, including one in the North

Province proposes 3 test sites, including one in the North

File Photo North Bay is among the many communities interested in becoming a test site for a proposed basic income pilot project in Ontario.

Joseph Bradbury, chief administrative officer of the District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board, said the local agency has already expressed its interest to the province.

He said a total of three test sites have been proposed – including one in southern Ontario, one in the North and another being an Indigenous community.“We know there is a lot of competition,” said Bradbury, noting most Northern Ontario communities share the same sorts of social pressures and are likely […]

Jim’s Pool Care Franchise – Guaranteed Income of $1,500/Week for the First 6 Months – Mobile Service – Gold Coast – Exciting Opportunity….Only $67,500 + VAN

Jim's Pool Care Franchise - Guaranteed Income of $1,500/Week for the First 6 Months - Mobile Service - Gold Coast - Exciting Opportunity....Only $67,500 + VAN

BUSINESS DETAILS Are you looking for a business you can operate from home, with low overheads, flexible hours and incredible training and ongoing support? Jim’s Mobile Pool Care Franchise could be just the thing you are looking for.

Jim’s Pool Care has been operating for over 13 years and continues to grow to meet the demand for service work and as such, we are now the largest mobile Pool Care Franchise in QLD. Due to ever increasing demand, we are currently have to turn away work in most areas and are super keen to get someone started in suburbs […]

Money for nothing? Finland trials basic income scheme

Money for nothing? Finland trials basic income scheme

A group of 2,000 unemployed people in Finland have just received their first payment from the state as part of a trial basic income scheme. For the next two years they will receive a guaranteed 560 euros a month ($597) tax-free, regardless of whether they find work or not. Ivor Bennett reports.

More updates and breaking news:
Reuters tells the world’s stories like no one else. As the largest international multimedia news provider, Reuters provides coverage around the globe and across topics including business, financial, national, and international news. For over 160 years, Reuters has maintained […]

Finland’s jobless welcome universal basic income trial

Finland’s jobless welcome universal basic income trial

HELSINKI: For just one hour of work, Juha Jarvinen had to fill out piles of paperwork only to see his unemployment insurance docked. But with Finland’s universal basic income test, he’s hoping for a fresh start. As of Jan. 1, a two-year experiment will see 2,000 unemployed Finns receive a monthly unconditional payment of 560 euros ($590).

If the test is successful, the plan will be rolled out nationwide, though the exact amount and conditions remain vague at this stage.

The basic income pilots have been tried in a number of countries worldwide, especially in the last decade, such as Canada, […]

Budget 2017: How Arun Jaitley can cut everyone’s tax burden, pay the poor and still be revenue neutral

Budget 2017: How Arun Jaitley can cut everyone’s tax burden, pay the poor and still be revenue neutral

The latter can take, and has taken, many forms over the years. Technology (Aadhaar) and political will (demonetisation) allows India to finally begin to think BIG, and efficiently, in terms of redistributive policies. In our January 14 article (, we had outlined what we believe is a major opportunity for the Modi government to bring in a structural reform to our income tax structure. What we suggested, and expand today, is an integrated approach to both taxation and redistribution. The latter can take, and has taken, many forms over the years. Technology (Aadhaar) and political will (demonetisation) allows India […]

Holyrood to look at Universal Basic Income as calls rise to emulate Finland

Holyrood to look at Universal Basic Income as calls rise to emulate Finland

Scottish Parliament to look into feasibility of a universal basic income

A UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME will be investigating and debated on by politicians in the Scottish Parliament in March this year by the social security committee.

Most of the committee’s work this year will be looking at how to apply the new welfare powers devolved under the terms of the Smith Commission but it will also study the cost and practical ease by which a UBI could be implemented.The news follows the trials of the UBI in Finland, the Canadian province of Ontario and the Dutch cities of Groningen, Tilburg, Utrecht […]