Universal Basic Income – Good or Bad idea?

Universal Basic Income - Good or Bad idea?

MC Status: 135510 Thread title says it all.

There’s a growing push underway right now to introduce Universal Basic Income payments to everyone all around the globe, with some countries already undertaking studies and trails to see how such a system could be implemented.

A few months ago, the Swiss rejected such a payment system and there are many out there who don’t like the idea..but it seems there are far more in favor of such payments, with supporters coming from all sectors in society, including politicians. Wikipedia article. BIEN ( Basic Income European Network ) A recent article […]

And become pets of the State?

Subject: –Previous Message– : So the govt would be everyone’s boss? And I’m : pretty sure this income would have strings : attached; that for instance you couldn’t : just toddle off and buy shares or gold with : your monthly payments. : : Also on the subject, this (latter segment of : which is included below)article by Charles : Hugh-Smith: : : : https://charleshughsmith.blogspot.co.uk/2015/12/the-flaws-in-basic-income-for-everyone.html : : "…if much of your wage is being : levied to support people who don’t work, : what’s the motivation for working at all? : Why not join the work-free crowd? : And […]

Universal Basic Income in India might be a reality soon!

Universal Basic Income in India might be a reality soon!

Everybody will get some money!

A Universal Basic Income is a form of social security in which all citizens of a country regularly receive an unconditional sum of money, in addition to any income received from elsewhere. Unconditional cash transfers may sound like a smart way to fight poverty. But questions remain over whether the country can afford it?

Editors at The Guardian believe that the 20th-century income distribution system has broken down irretrievably. You won’t have to prove you unemployment status to be eligible for the income. Globalization, technological change and the move to flexible labor markets has […]

How Universal Basic Income Could Rescue The Freelance Economy

How Universal Basic Income Could Rescue The Freelance Economy

Paying everyone a small amount each month no matter what could make a big difference for freelancers and entrepreneurs. On January 1 Finland became the first country in history to launch a large-scale universal basic income trial . The two-year trial selected 2,000 unemployed Finnish citizens and will pay them €560 ($587) each month whether or not they find a job during the trial . There are also no requirements for reporting how they spend the money. The experiment aims to see if large-scale UBI programs could actually help boost employment and spur the economy by providing people with […]

EU universal income must be ‘seriously considered’ as rise of robots threatens mass unemployment, say MEPs

EU universal income must be 'seriously considered' as rise of robots threatens mass unemployment, say MEPs

The report, which passed by 17 votes to 2 and will be put in front of the entire European Parliament in February, urges member states to consider a general basic income in preparation for robots taking over people’s jobs MEPs have warned European countries must “seriously” consider introducing a general basic income to prepare for wide scale unemployment that could come as a result of robots taking over manual jobs.

A draft report , tabled by a socialist MEP Mady Delvaux-Stehres, warns preparations must be made for what it describes as the “technological revolution” currently taking place, including provisions for […]

JK becomes first state to commit to universal basic income

JK becomes first state to commit to universal basic income

Representational Image In a first, the restive Indian state of Jammu Kashmir (JK) plans to provide a basic income to all its citizens living below the poverty line (BPL). This is the first instance in India of a state committing to a universal basic income (UBI) policy.

In his state budget presentation on January 11, JK’s Finance Minister Haseeb Drabu announced that the state will use direct benefit transfers, wherein the government puts money directly into citizens’ bank accounts, to implement this scheme. “I want to leave the seeds of a thought on how to transition from running social welfare […]

The pursuit of happiness: The American cultural case for a universal basic income

The pursuit of happiness: The American cultural case for a universal basic income

A woman spends her Friday night polishing spoons, cleaning tables and serving food at a truck stop in the middle of nowhere. On her tired feet for nearly the entirety of her eight-hour shift, she must also contend with lecherous men, rude diners and poor tippers. Barely able to keep her eyes open, she drives the empty highway home, where she will wake up her sleeping child, only to kiss him goodnight. Then, she will share her profits of the evening with the babysitter.

You might wrestle with the temptation to believe that if she simply had the money in […]

Finland Begins Universal Basic Income Experiment for the Unemployed

Finland Begins Universal Basic Income Experiment for the Unemployed

The latest trend in socialism is UBI — or universal basic income. The policy requires that citizens receive income from the government, no questions asked. They don’t need to work, prove that they’re seeking work, or have any desire to work. Simply by existing, individuals will get a taxpayer-funded paycheck in the mail.

While this sounds like a fantasy of the far-far-left, at least one major country seems to be considering the policy for its unemployed citizens. Unsurprisingly, the country is part of the ever-more-socialist European Union.

See the details of Finland’s universal basic income experiment on the next page: […]

What I read this week: Is India really ready to usher in a universal basic income programme

What I read this week: Is India really ready to usher in a universal basic income programme

Hey there, it’s nice to connect with you all after a brief sabbatical.

So let’s talk about a universal basic income for every Indian. Won’t believe? Actually it looks like it is closer to becoming a reality in India sooner than we think. I am sure you would love to read about it.

Plus, I also read some interesting write-ups about how water is emerging as one hell of a business and whether earnings really drive market .It’s hell lot of a heavy load this week. Enjoy reading and have a great weekend. Liquid assets: Water, water big business How […]

A guaranteed basic income could be coming to Ontario residents

A guaranteed basic income could be coming to Ontario residents

The idea of a guaranteed basic income for residents of Ontario was the focus of a discussion at city hall on Friday night.

Kitchener is one of 14 communities discussing a pilot project that could see a basic guaranteed income replace Ontario Works and the Ontario Disability Support Program.

The pilot project will study whether giving people a basic guaranteed income is a more effective way to reduce poverty, improve health, housing and employment in Ontario. Residents and politicians meet at Kitchener City Hall on Jan. 13, 2017 to discuss the possibility of a basic income pilot project. Kitchener-Centre MPP Daiene […]