Jammu and Kashmir commits to idea of Universal Basic Income

Jammu and Kashmir commits to idea of Universal Basic Income

J&K finance minister Haseeb Drabu (left) ahead of the state budget presentation on Wednesday. Photo: PTI New Delhi: Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) became the first to commit to a “Universal Basic Income” to all citizens living below poverty line by providing direct benefit transfers.

Presenting his third budget and the first by any state for 2017-18, J&K finance minister Haseeb Drabu said a UBI instead of a plethora of social sector schemes will not only eliminate leakages but also dramatically reduce the cost of delivery.

The idea is consistent with the finance minister’s plans to recast the state budget to focus […]

Off the Rock and under the radar

Off the Rock and under the radar

South Sudanese refugees flee a United Nations base while under attack in Malakai last February. (Justin Lynch/AFP/Getty Images) Welcome to The Beachcomber’s new weekly offering of noteworthy, non-Vashon news stories from around the world and closer to home, that you might have missed in the noise of the latest media melt down.

Europe: Do you think basic income is a good idea? Finland has just launched a two-year pilot study of basic income for its unemployed citizens in an effort to find out. It is the first country-wide trial of its kind in the western world, though as […]

Guaranteed income best for those with disabilities

Guaranteed income best for those with disabilities

The faces of poverty The Ontario government is conducting an online survey to find out what you think about a no-strings-attached basic income as a way to reduce poverty. It’s a step on the road to a pilot project that could last up to three years.

At the risk of spoiling the suspense, I’m going to say giving people more money will reduce poverty. The questions are, would a guaranteed annual income be good public policy and does the government have the money to follow through?

Ontario is following up on a report from former senator Hugh Segal and is prepared […]

UBI vs DBT: Universal Basic Income works only if all sops removed

UBI vs DBT: Universal Basic Income works only if all sops removed

More than the money, UBI is a radically different approach since people are free to make their choices instead of the government. (ANI image) While the government is being egged on to try a version of Universal Basic Income (UBI), the exercise only works if all existing subsidies are ended. If not, UBI becomes just another expensive subsidy, much like the UPA’s Food Security Act. How expensive depends on what version of UBI is used, though all suggest a modified one where, not all, but a large section of the population gets it. Vijay Joshi talks of R3,500 per […]

Home Jammu and Kashmir commits to idea of Universal Basic Income

Home Jammu and Kashmir commits to idea of Universal Basic Income

New Delhi: Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) became the first to commit to a "Universal Basic Income" to all citizens living below poverty line by providing direct benefit transfers.

Presenting his third budget and the first by any state for 2017-18, J&K finance minister Haseeb Drabu said a UBI instead of a plethora of social sector schemes will not only eliminate leakages but also dramatically reduce the cost of delivery.

The idea is consistent with the finance minister’s plans to recast the state budget to focus on outcomes. Accordingly, Drabu announced a new framework for the budget."(Under the existing system) The spending […]

Jan Dhan, Aadhar, mobile paving way for rolling out universal basic income in 2017; here’s how

Jan Dhan, Aadhar, mobile paving way for rolling out universal basic income in 2017; here’s how

The biggest challenge is to find an equitable way to implement it. The government is contemplating the introduction of a basic income. Nobody outside the government knows whether it will move in that direction, and newspaper stories citing me as saying it will happen have no foundation in fact. However, as an economist and advocate for over 30 years, I am delighted that such a move is being contemplated, and that there will be a special chapter on it in the forthcoming Economic Report to be tabled at the time of the Budget.

It is especially exciting since, coordinated by […]

MEPs vote on robots’ legal status – and if a kill switch is required

MEPs vote on robots' legal status - and if a kill switch is required

The robot revolution is set to touch every aspect of society, says the EU report MEPs are to vote on the first comprehensive set of rules for how humans will interact with artificial intelligence and robots.

The report makes it clear that it believes the world is on the cusp of a "new industrial" robot revolution.

MEPs will decide whether to give robots legal status as "electronic persons".Designers should make sure any robots have a kill switch, which would allow functions to be shut down if necessary, the report recommends.Meanwhile users should be able to use robots "without risk or fear […]

Universal Basic Income: Money for Nothing or the Key to Entrepreneurialism?

Universal Basic Income: Money for Nothing or the Key to Entrepreneurialism?

I’ve never been one for keeping up with the latest crazes and trends.

I bought my first pair of skinny jeans three years after everybody else and still wear them now (even though I think we’re all meant to have moved on to the far more comfortable sounding boyfriend jeans). I’ve had the same hair colour nearly all my life; I prefer my food on plates rather than presented artistically on a slab of pine; and I cannot name a single song that was released in 2016.

However, today I’m going to share with you the hot new trend for […]

Final report for the Finnish basic income experiment recommends that the experiment be expanded

Final report for the Finnish basic income experiment recommends that the experiment be expanded

The research team hopes that Finland will over the coming years try out different types of basic income arrangements .

The research team that worked on the Finnish basic income experiment submitted its final report to the Government on 16 December 2016.

The first stage of the Finnish basic income experiment will be launched at the beginning of 2017. In its report, the team recommends that the experiment be expanded in 2018. 2017 experiment operating within tight parameters In a preliminary report published on 30 March 2016, the research team evaluated extensively various basic income models based on […]

VIDEO: Basic Income panel at UK Festival of Debate 2016

VIDEO: Basic Income panel at UK Festival of Debate 2016

A panel discussion and Q&A on a universal basic income for the UK was held in Sheffield in November 2016. Watch the video below.

The Festival of Debate , hosted by the British nonprofit organization Opus Independents , is a series of panel discussions, debates, lectures, and artistic performances related to social, political, and economic issues in the UK. The series was launched prior to the general election in May 2015 and has been continued through 2016.

On November 23, 2016, the Festival of Debate held a two-hour Q&A and debate on universal basic income in Sheffield, England, held at […]