The economist behind Universal Basic Income: Give all citizens free money to help combat a ‘neofascist wave of populism’

The economist behind Universal Basic Income: Give all citizens free money to help combat a 'neofascist wave of populism'

Professor Guy Standing Professor Guy Standing Wikimedia Commons In 2011 Guy Standing, then an economist at the University of Bath, prefaced his new book with a warning.

He described a growing class of "precariat" workers, alienated by a western political agenda which had, since the 1970s, promoted market-led competition above job security. Real wages across the west had stalled for decades and "flexible" work was becoming the norm, leaving many millions around the world "without an anchor of stability."

This precariat, he said, "are prone to listen to ugly voices, and to use their votes and money to give those voices […]

Finland’s basic income experiment begins: one man looks forward to a new start

Finland's basic income experiment begins: one man looks forward to a new start

Juha Järvinen with three of his six children. Juha Järvinen, from the western Finnish city of Kurikka, felt like a lucky man in late 2016, when he learned he was one of the 2,000 unemployed selected to take part in a nationwide basic income experiment.

“When I saw the letter from Kela in the mailbox, I was like ’Yes!’”, he says.

Finland’s basic income trial is being run by the state-owned benefits administrator Kela. The 2,000 participants were selected from the ranks of existing labour market subsidy and unemployment benefit recipients. According to Statistics Finland’s Labour Force Survey, there were 213,000 […]

Finland and universal basic income

Finland and universal basic income

Photo: AFP A joint study conducted by Oxford University and the Oxford Martin school says 47% of the jobs in the US are at risk of being automated within the next 20 years. In interviews during the latter half of 2016, President Barack Obama was quizzed on the concept of Universal Basic Income (UBI). He responded by saying that the concept of UBI is one that will be debated for decades to come as computer systems get ever more efficient, thereby causing job losses all over the world. He did not shy away from the fact that it will […]

Finland Has Finally Launched Its Universal Basic Income Experiment

Finland Has Finally Launched Its Universal Basic Income Experiment


It looks like 2,000 citizens in Finland will welcome the new year with outstretched arms. These Finns are the lucky recipients of a guaranteed income beginning this year, as the country’s government finally rolls out its universal basic income (UBI) trial run. UBI is a potential source of income that could one day be available to all adult citizens, regardless of income, wealth, or employment status.

This pioneering UBI program was launched by the federal social security institution, Kela . It will give out €560 ($587) a month, tax free, to 2,000 Finns that were randomly […]

How Finland could see benefits from its basic income experiment

How Finland could see benefits from its basic income experiment

One of the greatest political challenges in the 21st century is coming up with a welfare system which is both effective and fair. Recipients and non-recipients of benefits payments are both quick to point out apparent deficiencies in the status quo – as well as problems with any potential alternatives. But some countries are clearly ready for change.

As of January 1 2017, Finland became the first European country to implement a plan whereby unemployed citizens receive a basic monthly income. Created by the government agency responsible for Finnish social security benefits ( KELA ), it will be run as […]

How Finland could see benefits from its basic income experiment

How Finland could see benefits from its basic income experiment

A new plan. Shutterstock One of the greatest political challenges in the 21st century is coming up with a welfare system which is both effective and fair. Recipients and non-recipients of benefits payments are both quick to point out apparent deficiencies in the status quo – as well as problems with any potential alternatives. But some countries are clearly ready for change.

As of January 1 2017, Finland became the first European country to implement a plan whereby unemployed citizens receive a basic monthly income. Created by the government agency responsible for Finnish social security benefits ( KELA ), it […]

Debate brews in Korea on universal basic income

Debate brews in Korea on universal basic income

Debate is brewing here on whether South Korea should introduce a universal basic income for its citizens.

The world’s first national trial of the idea, which began in Finland on Jan. 1, has boosted the discussion, which is expected to heat up in the lead-up to the presidential election this year to choose a successor to impeached President Park Geun-hye. Some liberal-minded potential presidential candidates have shown support for the basic income scheme.

Seongnam Mayor Lee Jae-myung, whose approval rating has risen sharply over the past months on the back of popularity with young voters, has called for an increase in […]

Universal basic income vs government provided living utilities

We are coming to the point where society is presented with the means of giving all people the needs and even benefits for existing in their country. Some countries are experimenting with different styles of providing this. I may not be familiar with terms already established for these ideas so I will just describe it where I do not have the term.

The first idea is a socialistic means of providing government programs. You have things like fire and rescue, schools, road maintenance, and other items provided for everyone’s use that are funded by tax revenue paid for […]

Debate brews in Korea on universal basic income

Debate brews in Korea on universal basic income

Debate is brewing here on whether South Korea should introduce a universal basic income for its citizens.

The world’s first national trial of the idea, which began in Finland on Jan. 1, has boosted the discussion, which is expected to heat up in the lead-up to the presidential election this year to choose a successor to impeached President Park Geun-hye. Some liberal-minded potential presidential candidates have shown support for the basic income scheme.

Seongnam Mayor Lee Jae-myung, whose approval rating has risen sharply over the past months on the back of popularity with young voters, has called for an increase in […]

First payments of basic income go out today

The Finnish basic income experiment is being conducted among 2,000 persons between ages 25 and 58, who will receive a monthly basic income of €560 for two years. They will receive their first basic income payments from Kela today.

Those participating in the experiment will be paid a basic income from 1 January 2017 until 31 December 2018. The payments are made on the second business day of each month, with the exception of January 2017, when the payment date is 9 January 2017.

The amount of the basic income will remain the same throughout the experiment. The basic income […]