The Scottish pioneer whose plan for a basic income could transform Britain

The Scottish pioneer whose plan for a basic income could transform Britain

In the city where Adam Smith developed the free-market theories that inspired Thatcherism nearly 300 years later, a young Labour politician is pursuing an economic vision that takes a drastically different approach to “the wealth of nations”. Councillor Matt Kerr, an anti-poverty specialist on Glasgow city council, has been exploring how people become enslaved by poverty – and how they can escape it.

A meeting in Glasgow last month with Guy Standing, the radical economist who founded the Basic Income Earth Network , inspired Kerr to seek cross-party support to pilot a “universal basic income” in parts of Fife and […]

Universal Basic Income: gaining traction

Finland is the first country to implement universal basic income scheme at a national level to reduce unemployment and poverty.

Ubi, basic universal income, universale wage, basic income, what is basic income, universal basic, universal basic incomeUniversal basic income (UBI)—an unconditional weekly or monthly cash payment provided to every human being, without the requirement to work—is an emerging concept thanks to countries trialling the concept, like Finland and India .Finland Is the First Country to Start Paying Basic Income On January 1, 2017, Finland became the first country in the world to pay a free basic income to randomly-picked […]

Finland Launches Its Universal Basic Income Experiment

In my last post I talked about how automation technologies will lead to mass unemployment and that we would need to change our socio-economic structure in the wake of robots taking away our jobs.

Many solutions have been suggested but till now, Universal Basic Income seems like the most viable option. As I explained in my previous post, a UBI is a system in which the state regularly pays you an unconditional some of money, meaning you get paid for being a citizen basically.

It sounds too good to be true and if enough money can be paid to all citizens, […]

A Thought About the Universal Basic Income, Feminism, and “Family Values”

I just had a massive collision in my mind while reading about the possibilities of having a Universal Basic Income. It was caused by three things colliding simultaneously (a very rare feat, even in physics): the idea of a universal basic income, the feminist idea of a wage for “homemakers,” and a smattering of conservative family values.

As you may recall, conservatives have this ideal family meme that appears to be out of the 1950’s. Mom and Dad live with their two children, a boy and girl, in a lovely home with green grass and a white picket fence defining […]

Jumping the gun in India! Response to media reports of alleged UBI endorsement

Jumping the gun in India! Response to media reports of alleged UBI endorsement

A major news outlet in India has claimed that Prime Minister Narendra Modi intends to introduce a universal basic income, inaccurately attributing the claim to an interview with BIEN cofounder Guy Standing (SOAS, University of London). In a statement to Basic Income News , Standing clarifies that he never made such an assertion.

On January 3, Business Insider published an article (“ The Indian government is about to endorse giving all its citizens free money ”) in which the journalist claims that the government of India is “set to endorse universal basic income”. The journalist based this assertion on […]

New Basic Income Project Set to Launch in January

In Brief

One charity is testing a pilot program of Universal Basic Income in a village in Uganda hoping to study its effects.r

t The concept is looked to by many as a necessary step to ensure the survival of those most vulnerable to increased automation. Income for All Universal Basic Income (UBI) has been gaining a lot of traction as of late with various industry experts, government officials, and financial experts expressing the need to explore the possibilities of implementing a basic income program.UBI is a lump sum of money given periodically to individuals unconditionally. There are no […]

HELSINKI, FINLAND: Socially Innovative Finland – livestreamed event

HELSINKI, FINLAND: Socially Innovative Finland – livestreamed event

Kela (the Finnish Social Insurance Institution), the government body running the nation’s newly launched basic income experiment, is hosting a live-streamed discussion of the basic income trial as well as the country’s long-standing maternity package.

On January 12, Kela will hold an event called “Socially Innovative Finland”, which will provide information about the country’s basic income experiment–launched on January 1, 2017, to much international publicity. Maternity package, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Visa Kopu The event will also include discussion of one of Finland’s existing social welfare initiatives: its internationally renowned maternity package, initiated in 1938, which provides all mothers-to-be with […]

The Finnish Basic Income Experiment

Finland has been in the international media’s limelight recently. No, I’m not referring to Juha Sipilä’s dictatorial attempts of conditioning the public broadcasting company . I’m talking about the Finnish government’s experiment of implementing an unconditional basic income, which has been praised by many as a welcomed solution to cut red tape, reduce poverty and boost employment . Sorry folks, but this highly anticipated measure won’t solve any of these problems, except perhaps simplifying bureaucracy a bit.

Less bureaucracy?

Before accusing me of being a killjoy, let me start on the bright side. Any measure that simplifies the social […]

Universal Basic Income, new magic stick of Prime Minister Narendra Modi?

Universal Basic Income, new magic stick of Prime Minister Narendra Modi?

The Centre under the leadership of Prime Minsiter Narendra Modi, is now working on an idea of providing a “Universal Basic Income”. (Photo: IANS) New Delhi, January 7: The government of India is proceeding towards a greater leap through a payment scheme which pay a basic income to the citizens. The Centre under the leadership of Prime Minsiter Narendra Modi, is now working on an idea of providing a “Universal Basic Income” or a regular payment to all its citizens irrespective of their employment or income. It is basically a practice of paying every citizen of the country, a […]

A $10 Million Investment Is Set to Determine If Universal Basic Income Would Work in the U.S.

A $10 Million Investment Is Set to Determine If Universal Basic Income Would Work in the U.S.

A group of activists, investors, and visionaries have pledge to invest $10 million over the next two years to study whether a universal basic income system would work in the United States.

The system is already being tested in places like Canada and Finland, and if successful, it could offset the widespread unemployment expected by increased automation.

THROWING MONEY AT THE PROBLEM OF NO MONEY The concept of Universal Basic Income (UBI) has been popping up left and right all around the world lately. Discussions and tests are and will be carried out by countries like Finland , Canada […]