Smiths Falls town council won’t have ultimate sway on basic income pilot project’s location, says province

Smiths Falls town council won't have ultimate sway on basic income pilot project’s location, says province

Smiths Falls town council divided over the basic income pilot project. Smiths Falls Record News

Though the majority of Smiths Falls town council shut down the basic income pilot project within their chambers, the province said council’s opinion won’t be the only voice considered in their final decision on where the pilot will be launched.

And after council’s controversial decision there are now many voices in the mix.Residents and the mayor of Smiths Falls have fought back after council voted against sending a delegation to lobby on behalf of the town, to be part of the province’s basic income pilot project […]

Being open-minded about universal basic income

In a world riddled with complexity, the simplicity of universal basic income grants (BIGs) is alluring: just give everyone cash. Excerpts of such radical concepts have been put in practice across the globe, with the launch of a pilot in Kenya , results from India , a coalition in Namibia , an experiment in Finland , a pilot in the Unites States , a referendum in Switzerland , and the redistribution of dividends from natural resources in Alaska and elsewhere .

In high-income countries (HICs), the main rationale for BIGs is related to automation , artificial intelligence , stagnant real […]

WASHINGTON, DC, US: Basic Income action at Martin Luther King Memorial

WASHINGTON, DC, US: Basic Income action at Martin Luther King Memorial

On January 16 (Martin Luther King Jr. Day), American basic income activists will convene at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in the nation’s capitol, where they will set up a multi-media display to commemorate King’s support for a guaranteed income. Source: Bob Fitch photography archive Organized by videographer and basic income advocate Matt Orfalea , the event is intended to raise awareness of Martin Luther King’s support for a guaranteed annual income. Renowned for his leadership in the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s, King also championed a guaranteed income for all Americans, especially in his […]

INDIA: NPO plans trial of universal, unconditional cash transfers

INDIA: NPO plans trial of universal, unconditional cash transfers , a non-profit organization based in New Delhi, India, plans to launch a two-year cash transfer program in a poor village in India by April 1, 2017. Like a basic income, the transfers will be unconditional and available to all residents of the village.

Pilot Design

Cashrelief’s planned two-year pilot study will examine the effects of unconditional cash transfers in a poor village in India. The cash transfers will be set at an amount just above India’s poverty level of 972 rupees (about 14 USD) per month for an individual, and will be distributed to households. For […]

No proof required: Financing basic income for the bottom 50 per cent

No proof required: Financing basic income for the bottom 50 per cent

Two major in-kind poverty alleviation policies in operation are the PDS and MGNREGA. (Illustration: C R Sasikumar) What Prime Minister Narendra Modi ’s speech of December 31 made clear was that India was firmly moving away from the anti-poverty policies pursued by all previous governments. The new approach, made possible by technology, is to get away from the Amartya Sen-advocated in-kind income transfers to some version of cash transfers.

Two major in-kind poverty alleviation policies in operation are the PDS and MGNREGA. Both involve largescale government involvement. The former has the government (Food Corporation of India) involved in procurement, storage, […]

Indian government to endorse universal basic income ‘as way forward’, says leading UBI advocate

Indian government to endorse universal basic income 'as way forward', says leading UBI advocate

Indian government to endorse universal basic income ‘as way forward’, says leading UBI advocate

India’s Chief Economic Advisor has already confirmed country’s annual financial report will discuss free money
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India is a rising economy but a substantial proportion of the population remains in poverty Getty India is going to endorse a Universal Basic Income (UBI), according to a leading advocate of the system. The world’s largest democracy will release a report in January stating that UBI is “basically the way forward,” according to Professor Guy […]

As pilots take flight, keep a bird’s-eye view on basic income

As pilots take flight, keep a bird’s-eye view on basic income

One needn’t spend too much time examining the current state basic income movement to deduce that pilot projects are en vogue this year.

Finland’s two-year experiment –in which 2,000 randomly-selected unemployed people will receive an unconditional payment of €560 per month instead of the country’s standard unemployment benefits–was launched on January 1. Several Dutch municipalities are also planning experiments , expected to begin early in 2017, in which existing welfare benefits will be replaced by unconditional benefits for current claimants. Meanwhile in Canada, the government of Ontario is finalizing its plan for a pilot study of a basic income […]

Universal Basic Income Is Our Best Weapon Against The Rising Far Right

LONDON ― A groundbreaking pilot project launched this week in Finland. The government is going to give a randomly selected group of 2,000 unemployed citizens a monthly income of $587 with no strings attached and no need to report how they spend it. The project aims to test the feasibility of a program ― called basic income ― that’s worked in earlier pilot projects elsewhere in the world.

Basic income ― also known as universal basic income and basic minimum income ― is a modest amount paid individually and equally to citizens, without behavioral conditions. It has proven to reduce […]

Universal Basic Income: Will every Indian get free money from the government?

Universal Basic Income: Will every Indian get free money from the government?

Reuters At least two recent news reports in the foreign press seem to suggest that the Indian government could soon consider paying the citizens a basic income. A 3 January report in Business Insider and a 4 January report in UK-based The Independent say that the Indian government could implement the idea of Universal Basic Income (UBI), which will make all citizens eligible to get free money irrespective of whether they are employed or not or have other sources of income.

Both Business Insider and The Independent cite professor Guy Standing, an economist who co-founded an advocacy group, Basic Income […]

 Can the basic income work?

 Can the basic income work?

(© picture-alliance/dpa) The idea of a basic income will hopefully be further developed, Kaleva writes: “The experiment should provide an answer to the burning question of whether a basic income will boost employment or not. The goal of a basic income is to simplify the social security system, to remove obstacles to motivation and to reduce the stifling bureaucracy that tends to lead to passivity. The relationship between incomes and social benefits is currently a complex one, where everything affects everything else and there is no incentive for personal initiative. … Hopefully the experiment being conducted by the social […]