Universal Basic Income – Another Quack solution..?

The original vs quack demonetization solution

Beware of another quackery coming up like demonetization, called the ‘Universal Basic Income Scheme’ from our Government. At the face of it, the idea appears like a truly people oriented solution. But look deep, it is another quack solution like demonetization.

People had indeed suggested demonetization as a solution to cash part of black money. That was not to remove the ‘current’ cash black-money, but future cash black money. The idea involved demonetizing the higher denominations, not just swapping them with new notes,but totally stop the higher currencies, allow only less than Rs.100 denominations, […]

Not Unconditional Nor Universal – Nigeria’s N5,000 Basic Income

Nigeria has just launched itself into a long promised experiment in poverty alleviation in that country. At times the suggestion has been for a universal or unconditional basic income and that is neither of these. It is also most undoubtedly a basic income at N 5,000 a month (say, among friends, $15 US or so). It appears to have more to do with some of the Latin American conditional incomes rather than the dreams of people like me who hunger for that universal and unconditional model. But then given Nigeria’s budget constraints it may well be all the better […]

Finland Experiments With a Basic Income Scheme for Unemployed

Finland Experiments With a Basic Income Scheme for Unemployed

This post was originally published on this site Finland has recently begun a two-year trial providing basic income for the unemployed. The concept of a universal basic income, which aims to supply a monthly stipend regardless of employment, has gained currency in recent years. Finland, however, is the first country in Europe to put the idea into practice. Under the new provisions, 2,000 unemployed citizens, selected at random, will receive €560 (£460) per month. The amount will be deducted from the recipient’s other benefits. There are no restrictions on how the money is to be spent and the salary […]

No proof required: Financing basic income for the bottom 50 per cent (The Indian Express)

No proof required: Financing basic income for the bottom 50 per cent (The Indian Express)

What Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech of December 31 made clear was that India was firmly moving away from the anti-poverty policies pursued by all previous governments. The new approach, made possible by technology, is to get away from the Amartya Sen-advocated in-kind income transfers to some version of cash transfers.
Two major in-kind poverty alleviation policies in operation are the PDS and MGNREGA. Both involve largescale government involvement. The former has the government (Food Corporation of India) involved in procurement, storage, transport and distribution of food. MGNREGA has the government planning projects, employing people, on what is touted […]

Indian Government to Endorse a Universal Basic Income.

India ‘plans to give every citizen a universal basic income’

Just as Finland began its UBI trial this year, India has announced plans to follow through.

Universal Basic Income in India – a promising experience | degrowth.de Universal Basic Income: Indian Context In the Indian context, the criticism that basic income leads to a free-loader problem has been proved to be wrong by extensive evaluation of the pilot experiments conducted in rural India. In 2011, a pilot project called the ‘Madhya Pradesh Unconditional Cash Transfers Project (MPUCT)’ was launched in rural Madhya […]

Finland Rolls Out Universal Basic Income

Finland Rolls Out Universal Basic Income

Finland is the first country to implement universal basic income scheme at a national level to reduce unemployment and poverty .

Universal basic income (UBI)—an unconditional weekly or monthly cash payment provided to every human being, without the requirement to work—is an emerging concept thanks to countries trialling the concept, like Finland and India .

Finland Is the First Country to Start Paying Basic Income On January 1, 2017, Finland became the first country in the world to pay a free basic income to randomly-picked citizens across the nation. The aim of the program is to improve citizens’ quality […]

Universal Basic Income Is Our Best Weapon Against The Rising Far Right

Universal Basic Income Is Our Best Weapon Against The Rising Far Right

Related Posts Per capita income of Indians to cross Rs 1 lakh in FY17 The Economic Times Home (Yesterday) – As per the ‘First Advance Estimates of National Income, 2016-17’ released by the Central Statistics Office, the per capita net national income during 2016-17 is "estimated to be Rs 103,007"…

Household income in Alabama’s poorest county is only $19,500 a year Real-Time News from Birmingham (Yesterday) – The median household income in the United States is $53,889 a year.The median household income in Alabama is lower – $43,623 a year.In Sumter County, Alabama, however, the median income…


Finland to start basic income trial

Finland to start basic income trial

Biz News

Instead of continually talking about the concept, Finland has become the first country in Europe to trial a basic income plan, with 2,000 unemployed citizens chosen at random to take part in the social experiment. The Finnish government is hoping that the initiative will help to reduce government costs and red tape, as well as combat poverty and unemployment rates.

The two-year trial began on January 1, with all participants set to receive a flat rate of €560 (RM2,600) per month, with no obligations to reveal or record how this income is spent. However, the amount will be deducted […]

Smiths Falls town council won’t have ultimate sway on basic income pilot project’s location, says province

Smiths Falls town council won't have ultimate sway on basic income pilot project’s location, says province

Smiths Falls town council divided over the basic income pilot project. Smiths Falls Record News

Though the majority of Smiths Falls town council shut down the basic income pilot project within their chambers, the province said council’s opinion won’t be the only voice considered in their final decision on where the pilot will be launched.

And after council’s controversial decision there are now many voices in the mix.Residents and the mayor of Smiths Falls have fought back after council voted against sending a delegation to lobby on behalf of the town, to be part of the province’s basic income pilot project […]

Being open-minded about universal basic income

In a world riddled with complexity, the simplicity of universal basic income grants (BIGs) is alluring: just give everyone cash. Excerpts of such radical concepts have been put in practice across the globe, with the launch of a pilot in Kenya , results from India , a coalition in Namibia , an experiment in Finland , a pilot in the Unites States , a referendum in Switzerland , and the redistribution of dividends from natural resources in Alaska and elsewhere .

In high-income countries (HICs), the main rationale for BIGs is related to automation , artificial intelligence , stagnant real […]