Finland to trial basic income for the unemployed

Finland to trial basic income for the unemployed

Finland is to replace unemployment benefits with a guaranteed basic income in a trial the government hopes will end the cycle of welfare dependence said to keep people out of work.

In the first European test of its kind, out-of-work Finns will receive a monthly €560 (£473) payment, equal to the current level of unemployment benefit but with no conditions attached. It will continue to be paid even after receiving a job.

A random selection choose 2,000 people to take part in the two-year experiment, which will test one of the key theories behind basic income – that it can reduce […]

Finland experiments with universal basic income scheme

Finland experiments with universal basic income scheme

Finland’s experimental scheme to provide its citizens with a basic income, regardless of employment, launched earlier this week.

The two-year pilot scheme will provide 2,000 unemployed Finnish citizens, aged between 25 and 58, with a monthly basic income of 560 euros ($581.48) that will replace their other social benefits.

These citizens will continue to receive the basic income even if they find work.Kela, the organization which runs Finland’s social security systems and is running the pilot scheme, hopes the basic income experiment will boost employment, because the current system can potentially discourage the unemployed to find work as their earnings reduce […]

Finland’s Basic Income Experiment Hopes to Reduce Poverty

Finland’s Basic Income Experiment Hopes to Reduce Poverty

The problem of poverty is a global issue to worry about. Countries are concerned about the increasing income disparity among its citizens. Due to the rise of population as well as growing competition in all sectors of the world, the demand for employment opportunities is high but the supply is comparatively very low. This causes poverty as because of the lack of a source of income, a great number of people cannot afford the basic necessities. This shows that the basic income of these people is extremely low or almost nil. In order to curb this problem, Finland has […]

Finland starts paying 2,000 unemployed people a basic income

Finland starts paying 2,000 unemployed people a basic income

Finland has become the first country in Europe to pay citizens a basic income Finland has become the first European country to pay its unemployed citizens a basic income as part of a two-year trial that leaders hope will improve quality of life.

As of this month, 2,000 randomly picked citizens receiving unemployment benefits will be given £480 every month until December 2018, without any restrictions or conditions attached.

They will not have to show they are looking for work and will receive the money regardless of any other income they earn.According to official data, the average private sector income in […]

Finland just got cooler, becomes first country to launch basic income for unemployed

Finland just got cooler, becomes first country to launch basic income for unemployed

Kiosked Finnish flags fly at half-mast outside City Hall in Hyvinkaa May 26, 2012 [Representational Image]. Finland, the far north European nation may just become the first country to provide basic income to its citizens.

As part of a unique experiment, the Finnish government has decided to give basic income of Euro 650 (approx Rs 46, 257) to unemployed citizens in a bid to boost employment, cut government red tape and reduce poverty, the Guardian reported.

Also read: Switzerland considers paying $2,500 per month to every citizen Starting from January 1, the government will pick up a random sample of 2,000 […]

Universal Basic Income: the centrepiece of a just society. Karl Widerquist

‘Basic Income: the centrepiece of a just society’ Karl Widerquist (intrrnational expert on UBI)

As part of the series on Universal Basic Income, The Social Change and Community Wellbeing research centre at MMU and Steady State Manchester warmly invite you to another event exploring the Universal Basic Income

Come along on Monday 30th January 2017 1-3pm, Brooks Building, Manchester Metropolitan University, M15 6GX Room 3.31 Who will be talking? Karl Widerquist, Associate Professor at Georgetown University-Qatar, is an internationally renowned scholar and activist, advocating and researching a Universal Basic Income. Karl holds doctorates in both economics and […]

How To Get Free Money? Move To Finland — Universal Basic Income Will Give You $587 A Month

How To Get Free Money? Move To Finland — Universal Basic Income Will Give You $587 A Month

Motorized mannequins hold signs that read "Hire Me" in Toronto, May 23, 2014. Photo: Reuters/Mark Blinch In an effort to understand how to combat unemployment, poverty and social inequality, Finland and Scotland are embarking on bold and ambitious economic experiments that will have their governments pilot a Universal Basic Income (UBI) for every citizen, regardless of their employment status, albeit with a few caveats.

The program has already begun in Finland and is restricted to 2,000 participants who were selected at random out of a pool of people who were receiving some sort of unemployment benefits or income subsidy. The […]

Finland To Give Away Money to The Unemployed

Finland To Give Away Money to The Unemployed

One of Finland’s New Year’s resolutions is to give FREE money to the unemployed for two years, in an effort to get people back to work.

Starting yesterday, Jan. 1, 2017 and lasting until 2019, Finland’s social security department will distribute approximately $585 every month to over 2,000 unemployed Finns. Finns will receive the income regardless of if they find employment or not over the next 2 years. The idea of giving something revenue for doing nothing does not make any sense at all. Finland hopes that this will get plenty of people to get up and get back to […]

Finland Experiments with Basic Income

This should be interesting to watch . Finland is about to embark on an extremely ambitious journey to test one of the most controversial economic theories of our time. The country’s social security institution known as Kela will be handing free money to thousands of jobless citizens on a monthly basis for the next two years. It’s a test of an economic strategy known as Basic Income, which at its core is essentially free money for every person once they reach a certain age, without any prerequisites. The idea behind Basic Income is that by giving every individual a […]

Finland’s Universal Basic Income experiment

Finland has begun an experiment with a universal basic income (UBI) program: Finland has started a radical experiment: It’s giving 2,000 citizens a guaranteed income, with funds that keep flowing whether participants work or not. The program, which kicks off this month, is one of the first efforts to test a "universal basic income." Participants will receive €560 ($587) a month — money that is guaranteed regardless of income, wealth or employment status. The idea is that a universal income offers workers greater security, especially as technological advances reduce the need for human labor. It will also allow unemployed […]