Finland’s Universal Basic Income experiment

Finland has begun an experiment with a universal basic income (UBI) program: Finland has started a radical experiment: It’s giving 2,000 citizens a guaranteed income, with funds that keep flowing whether participants work or not. The program, which kicks off this month, is one of the first efforts to test a "universal basic income." Participants will receive €560 ($587) a month — money that is guaranteed regardless of income, wealth or employment status. The idea is that a universal income offers workers greater security, especially as technological advances reduce the need for human labor. It will also allow unemployed […]

Finns trial a new safety net

Finns trial a new safety net

Finland is trialing a Basic Income project that has the potential to create a more robust safety net for the multitude of Western middle and lower class employees that are being disrupted on almost every front – economic, political, technological and ideologically. Just as the swamp is about to be backfilled in Washington instead of draining the excess of neoliberals that caused most of the problems, the problem to widening inequality and job security may have a solution.

More from AP : Olli Kangas from the Finnish government agency KELA, which is responsible for the country’s social benefits, said Monday […]

Finland Testing Basic Income

Finland Testing Basic Income

With centralized social welfare systems breaking down, the world will be watching Finland’s experiment

Finland is testing the idea of a Basic Income – paying €560 to a select group of citizens regardless of whether they work or not.

The experiment will be watched closely, as the rise in automation and precarious work is revealing the severe flaws in the current social welfare system. I am a big fan of the Basic Income, though I have recently given more thought to the problem of making sure people are incentivized to find work. This matters, because it’s tough to imagine that people […]

AUDIO/VIDEO: Christchurch, NZ councilor and economist Raf Manji advocates Basic Income

AUDIO/VIDEO: Christchurch, NZ councilor and economist Raf Manji advocates Basic Income

Raf Manji , a Christchurch City Councillor and chair of the Strategy and Finance committee, has been advocating for a universal basic income in recent media appearances, including an interview on Radio New Zealand (RNZ) and a TEDx talk in Christchurch. One of his major themes is that a basic income must be seen as part of a new social contract, and that we need to reconceive the idea of citizenship. Raf Manji (left) CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 TEDx EQChCh On November 8, 2016, Manji guested on an RNZ segment called “ Is UBI an idea whose time has come? […]

Finland launches basic income experiment with Jan. 1 cheques for those in pilot project

Finland launches basic income experiment with Jan. 1 cheques for those in pilot project

2,000 people in a pilot project will soon receive a basic income regardless of employment income or other government benefits, as part of a groundbreaking government project. Finland has become the first country in Europe to pay its unemployed citizens a basic monthly income, amounting to 560 euros ($587 US), in a unique social experiment which is hoped to cut government red tape, reduce poverty and boost employment.

Olli Kangas from the Finnish government agency KELA, which is responsible for the country’s social benefits, said Monday that the two-year trial with the 2,000 randomly picked citizens who receive unemployment benefits […]

Nevermind Guaranteed Income, we want the cow

Nevermind Guaranteed Income, we want the cow

I’ve spent a lot of time lately speaking against the establishment of a guaranteed minimum income as an important policy to advocate. I want to make a few things clear:

> I feel the current distribution of wealth is grotesquely unfair.

I don’t believe that those who cannot or will not work should be allowed to starve. I would be against plans to eliminate or cut the existing welfare system as long as it is needed. I believe that we should build a community in which everyone’s needs are met. But, even so, I oppose fighting for a guaranteed […]

Finland trials basic income for unemployed

Finland trials basic income for unemployed

Finland has become the first country in Europe to pay its unemployed citizens a basic monthly income, amounting to €560 (£477/US$587), in a unique social experiment that is hoped to cut government red tape, reduce poverty and boost employment.

Olli Kangas from the Finnish government agency KELA, which is responsible for the country’s social benefits, said on Monday that the two-year trial with 2,000 randomly picked citizens receiving unemployment benefits began on 1 January.

Those chosen will receive €560 every month, with no reporting requirements on how they spend it. The amount will be deducted from any benefits they already receive.The […]

New program will give 2,000 jobless Finnish citizens free money for the next two years

New program will give 2,000 jobless Finnish citizens free money for the next two years

Finland is about to embark on an extremely ambitious journey to test one of the most controversial economic theories of our time. The country’s social security institution known as Kela will be handing free money to thousands of jobless citizens on a monthly basis for the next two years. It’s a test of an economic strategy known as Basic Income, which at its core is essentially free money for every person once they reach a certain age, without any prerequisites.

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The idea […]

Finland to pay unemployed basic income of $587 per month

Finland to pay unemployed basic income of $587 per month

Finland has become the first country in Europe to pay its unemployed citizens a basic monthly income, amounting to €560 ($587)…to cut government red tape, reduce poverty and boost employment .

‘Splain to me how this works, Lucy.

This has already been done in the U.S., in Native American reservations. Tribes split the profits from casinos and natural gas sales, and other tribe businesses, to every tribe member on the reservation. Sometimes this money is enough to live off of.The result in one tribe I have some knowledge of is that the Native kids rarely even graduate from high school. […]

Finland to give people $587 a month in test of universal basic income

Finland to give people $587 a month in test of universal basic income

In a move that might make right-wing media and many US lawmakers apoplectic, Finland has launched a guaranteed universal income pilot program. The state will give out €560 ($587) a month to 2,000 residents, regardless of their job status or wealth, reports CNN. The money won’t be taxed, and the only caveat is that recipients had to have been receiving an income subsidy from the state.

Giving people money regardless of whether or not they’re working seems to defy common sense about personal responsibility and how to boost productivity. But supporters of UBI have argued that it just makes sense […]