Finland gives 2,000 citizens guaranteed basic income


Finland has become the first country in Europe to pay its unemployed citizens a basic monthly income, amounting to 560 euros ($587), in a unique social experiment which is hoped to cut government red tape, reduce poverty and boost employment.

Olli Kangas from the Finnish government agency KELA, which is responsible for the country’s social benefits, said Monday that the two-year trial with the 2,000 randomly picked citizens who receive unemployment benefits kicked off Jan. 1.Those chosen will receive 560 euros every month, with no reporting requirements on how they spend it. The amount will be deducted from any […]

News Rounds: Islamic State terrorists claim credit for deadly attacks in Turkey and Iraq

News Rounds: Islamic State terrorists claim credit for deadly attacks in Turkey and Iraq

Turkish police on guard after bombing in Ankara in February 2016. Turkey has experienced a lot of terror attacks this year. Islamic State claims credit for attack on Istanbul night club. The terrorist and paramilitary organization on Monday claimed responsibility for the New Year’s attack at a popular Istanbul nightclub that killed 39 people and wounded scores of others. Turkish police have detained eight people in connection to the attack but were still hunting for the gunman who disappeared amid the chaos of the attack. The IS-linked Aamaq News Agency said the attack was carried out by a “heroic […]

Finland to Pay Unemployed Basic Income of $587 Per Month

Finland to Pay Unemployed Basic Income of $587 Per Month

HELSINKI — Finland has become the first country in Europe to pay its unemployed citizens a basic monthly income, amounting to 560 euros ($587), in a unique social experiment which is hoped to cut government red tape, reduce poverty and boost employment.

Olli Kangas from the Finnish government agency KELA, which is responsible for the country’s social benefits, said Monday that the two-year trial with the 2,000 randomly picked citizens who receive unemployment benefits kicked off Jan. 1.

Those chosen will receive 560 euros every month, with no reporting requirements on how they spend it. The amount will be deducted from […]

Finland to pay unemployed basic income of $587 per month

HELSINKI (AP) — Finland has become the first country in Europe to pay its unemployed citizens a basic monthly income, amounting to 560 euros ($587), in a unique social experiment which is hoped to cut government red tape, reduce poverty and boost employment.

Olli Kangas from the Finnish government agency KELA, which is responsible for the country’s social benefits, said Monday that the two-year trial with the 2,000 randomly picked citizens who receive unemployment benefits kicked off Jan. 1.

Those chosen will receive 560 euros every month, with no reporting requirements on how they spend it. The amount will be deducted […]

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Marcus Aurelius : RagnarDanesk: The difference is of course that those people earned the money first

Most rich people came out of a rich vagina. They were born on third base and think the hit a triple.

And you fell for it. Yes, parents will take care of their children. The wealth was still earned by and for that family.Not that I object to a reasonable tax on that wealth, but it’s not going to fund half the population with a "basic income." Johnny Rockets 3 hours ago As robotics and AI become more and more advanced, I don’t see […]

Basic Income Arrives: Finland To Hand Out Guaranteed Income Of €560 To Lucky Citizens

Basic Income Arrives: Finland To Hand Out Guaranteed Income Of €560 To Lucky Citizens

Just over a year ago, we reported that in what was set to be a pilot experiment in " universal basic income" , Finland would become the first nation to hand out "helicopter money" in the form of cash directly to every citizen.

As of January 1, 2017, the experiment in "basic income" has officially begun, with Finland becoming the first country in Europe to pay its unemployed citizens the guaranteed monthly sum of 560 euros ($587), in a "unique social experiment which is hoped to cut government red tape, reduce poverty and boost employment." According to Olli Kangas from […]

Finland just launched an experiment giving 2,000 people free money until 2019

Finland just launched an experiment giving 2,000 people free money until 2019

Reuters/Vesa Moilanen Finland has an ambitious New Year’s resolution in mind: learn how offering free money for two years helps the unemployed get back to work.

Starting January 1, 2017 and lasting until 2019, the federal social security institution Kela will distribute roughly $590 each month to 2,000 jobless Finns.

Regardless of whether they find work during that period, the money will keep coming in at the beginning of each month — a trial version of basic income, one of the past year’s most popular theories of how to solve poverty.Under universal basic income (UBI), people receive a standard amount of […]

Finland’s Basic Income Experiment Starts – Really, It’s Testing The Laffer Curve For Poor People

Finland's Basic Income Experiment Starts - Really, It's Testing The Laffer Curve For Poor People

Finland is just starting an experiment which has a lot of us economic types rather excited. Yes, I know, sad, isn’t it, that we might get excited over something that seems so trivial. For what Finland is doing is testing out the core idea of a universal basic income. Instead of paying welfare benefits conditional upon circumstances, like being unemployed, or having too little an income, why not just pay people a set minimum? Not a huge amount, to be sure, but enough to just keep body and soul together. And make it unconditional. Doesn’t matter whether you look […]

Basic income is the latest bad political idea that refuses to die

Basic income is the latest bad political idea that refuses to die

One proposal for a universal basic income in Britain would see every citizen awarded £8,320 regardless of their circumstances or employment status The zombie policy of the universal basic income is the first to rise from the grave of well-intentioned impractical ideas in 2017. Labour-controlled Glasgow city council is the latest to announce that it intends to investigate a pilot scheme.

There is a reason why the basic income is the eternal news story. Someone, somewhere, is always saying what a marvellous idea it is. Some local government, or much less often a national government, is saying that it is […]

Guaranteed Income for Every Citizen – Best Way To Revitalize Humanity by luzcypher

In June 2016, Switzerland voted in a referendum on the topic of introducing a basic income. If it had passed, all Swiss citizens, working or unemployed, would have received about $2,500 Swiss francs for adults and 625 francs for children per month as a guaranteed stipend from the government.

Switzerland would have become the first country in the world to implement such an idea. Although the Swiss Federal Council rejected the initiative in August 2014, the rejection was more of a symbolic suggestion to vote against the basic income than a consequential political action: the Swiss people had already asserted […]