Guaranteed Basic Income for All

Define well balanced? If there comes a point when even the services industry is heavily automated where do we go? Feudalism? Do we all dig up the roads and concrete and become subsistence farmers when we reach the point where nobody can get a job? An economy is essentially just a circulation of money. If the demand for physical human labour is greatly reduced and people aren’t able to earn, therefore spend money, by what other means would money circulate? Hi Spiral,

New jobs will always be created as the world progresses and develops. Think how many staff Amazon employed […]

Why a Struggling Town Voted Against a Basic Income

Why a Struggling Town Voted Against a Basic Income

Smiths Falls is a small town in Ontario that has been absolutely devastated by the realities of the modern economy over the last decade or so.

First , in 2004, a group home for the mentally disabled that employed 800 people announced its closing. Then in 2007 came what many thought might be the death blow for the economically depressed community: the Hershey’s chocolate plant, which had been a fixture of the local economy for decades, shipped out to Mexico . But that wasn’t all—one year later, Stanley Tools, a manufacturing company, also said it would shutter for good. […]

Universal Basic Income: A secure foundation to build our lives

Building on the RSA’s proposal, Jonny Ross-Tatam sets out the Buchanan Institute’s case for a Universal Basic Income.

An effective welfare system should provide a secure financial foundation on which everyone can build their lives and reach their potential. It should provide a stable safety net in the hard times, reward work and largely leave people to get on with their lives. A growing consensus of policy makers and politicians, from across the political spectrum, believe this is not the case with much of the current UK welfare system. Critics from the right take aim at its ‘high marginal deduction […]

Can the universal basic income solve global inequalities?

Can the universal basic income solve global inequalities?

© Icy and Sot. COLOUR RAIN, Icy and Sot (New York, USA, 2013) The idea of an unconditional basic income (UBI) is quite simple: every legal resident in a country receives a monthly stipend sufficient to live above the poverty line. Let’s call this the ‘no frills culturally respectable standard of living’. The grant is unconditional on the performance of any labour or other form of contribution, and it is universal – everyone receives the grant, rich and poor alike. Grants go to individuals, not families. Parents are the custodians of under-age children’s grants, which may be smaller than […]

Finland to give cash to its unemployed as part of national experiment

Finland to give cash to its unemployed as part of national experiment

Finland Basic Income Come January, the country of Finland will embark an experiment to see what happens when you give a universal basic income to unemployed citizens. It will hand out a cash sum of 560 euros ($585) to a random selection of 2,000 unemployed citizens in place of current social security benefits. The program will last for two years even if participants find work during that time.

It’s a grand social experiment to see how the labor market behaves when you secure and guarantee income. Some argue that it would help put a dent in unemployment because people unwilling […]

Daniel Häni: Basic income is an initiative against laziness

In a recent interview, Swiss entrepreneur and activist Daniel Häni contends that “the unconditional basic income is an initiative against laziness.”

Häni is well known in the basic income as the co-founder the co-founder of Switzerland’s popular initiative for an unconditional basic income (UBI), which launched the campaign for a referendum to establish a national basic income.

In the interview, he talks about new conceptualizations of work in modern society, the value of time, and implied social changes from a UBI. Häni argues that man is not by nature lazy. He notes that, in contrast, much opposition to UBI comes from […]

US: National city advocacy group recommends “exploring” basic income

US: National city advocacy group recommends “exploring” basic income

The National League of Cities (NLC) — an advocacy organization representing 19,000 cities and towns in the United States — has published a report called The Future of Work in Cities , which briefly recommends that cities investigate universal basic income.

The Future of Work in Cities examines the changing nature of work, especially due to automation and the growth of the “gig” or “1099” economy, and the lays out several policy recommendations for cities to address these changes. One recommendation is that cities “explore basic income and other more broad-based social support systems.”

The NLC report describes basic income […]

Basic income is a radical idea bound for the political mainstream – here’s why

Basic income is a radical idea bound for the political mainstream – here’s why

Mission: poverty eradication. An idea gaining traction in various part of the world is that everyone in society should receive an amount of money from the state to cover their basic cost of living. People would no longer be stigmatised on benefits, argue supporters.

Dependent women would become financially independent. People would be freed to care for the elderly, crime would fall and the general health of the population would improve. Particularly in an era of fears about future mass unemployment caused by automation, there is a growing feeling that this citizens’ basic income is an idea that’s time has […]

CAROLE TRAINOR: A policy worth exploring

It was with great interest and enthusiasm I followed news of the Basic Income Guarantee motion that was unanimously approved by all parties in the P.E.I. legislature on Tuesday, Dec. 6. A policy worth exploring.

Through his piece in The Huffington Post, Green Leader Peter Bevan-Baker spoke not only to what he referred to as the more obvious and immediate affects of alleviating poverty (better health and mental health outcomes, food security lower crimes rates, educational achievement etc.) he also spoke to what he referred to as the more subtle outcomes of a basic income program that could allow […]

Universal basic income is the operating system of a post-industrial state

Universal basic income is the operating system of a post-industrial state

Universal basic income is the operating system of a post-industrial state There are very few policy ideas that attract support from all sides of the political spectrum these days. Universal basic income is one of them.

The idea of replacing existing welfare systems by giving everyone unconditional cash payments—regardless of income, work status, or anything else—is appealing to conservatives who want to shrink government bureaucracy, liberals who want to support low-wage workers, and technologists who think that robots will soon take all our jobs. In short, for a wide range of problems, basic income is presented as the solution.

Progress implementing […]