Why advocates from the tech industry are pushing for a universal basic income

Why advocates from the tech industry are pushing for a universal basic income

Merely days after Amazon landed its first-ever drone delivery, advocates for universal basic income in the tech industry feel the need for the innovative form of social security more strongly than ever before.

As companies like Amazon and 7 Eleven race to revolutionize industries with the use of drone deliveries, economies all around the world brace for what seems to be a looming new era of business and technology — where human help is of decreasing need.

The convenience that new technologies such as drone deliveries have come to offer seems to outshine in more ways than one the often overlooked […]

The White House’s Fix for Robots Stealing Jobs? Education

The White House’s Fix for Robots Stealing Jobs? Education

Chip Somodevilla-Getty Images A new report from the White House warns that millions of jobs could be automated out of existence in coming years. But it cautions against one much discussed solution: giving away free money.

The report , published this week by the President’s Council of Economic Advisers, joins a growing body of work forecasting massive jobs losses due to automation and artificial intelligence. A paper published in 2013 by Oxford University researchers, for example, estimated that as many as 47 percent of all jobs could eventually be automated. The new report, likewise, forecasts millions of job losses in […]

Why cash handouts from the government could be the answer to robots taking our jobs

Why cash handouts from the government could be the answer to robots taking our jobs

Some fear that robots and AI will steal our jobs.

They probably will (in the near-term, at least half of them).

If that happens, what will we do for a living? How will we earn money? More from Peter Diamandis: Reinventing Food Human Intelligence (HI) Only Amazon Could Make a Checkout-Free Grocery Store a Reality In this blog I’ll be discussing one of the most important proposed solutions to job loss due to automation: The notion of " Universal Basic Income " (sometimes called guaranteed minimum income). Concert From Our Sponsor Free to be stunning Free to be bold […]

Just give them the money (the argument for basic income)

Poor people are still free to reproduce as much as they want, there just won’t be (and shouldn’t be) an endlessly scaling benefit boost to that activity. No one is stopping people from reproducing anyway, but I don’t want to give people more cash beyond a certain point.

Think of it like the mortgage interest deduction for homes. This is a massive wealth transfer from non homeowners to home owners. There was a reform floated, by Romney no less, of capping the deductions so that people buying multi million dollar mansions could not use that tax […]

Perth vies to be basic income guarantee pilot location

Perth vies to be basic income guarantee pilot location

Dec 20 2016 Perth council Perth Courier

Perth will now be pursuing becoming a pilot location for the Ontario government’s proposed basic income guarantee.

Mayor John Fenik won the approval of Perth town council on Tuesday, Dec. 20, to contact the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services the next morning to see if the town could one of the test sites.“I’m really sold on the basic income idea,” said Fenik. “I want Perth to be on the list for this,” but he hastened that he did not want to pursue the idea without council’s support first.“I’m reaching out to you, […]

Unemployment Insurance vs Basic Income: Lessons from Economic Research


1 Unemployment Insurance vs Basic Income: Lessons from Economic Research Bertil Holmlund Department of Economics Uppsala University Jyväskylä, June 1,

2 Key features of UI and BI Alternative ways of providing income protection UI is conditional Joblessness, previous work experience, active job search BI is unconditional All individuals receive X Euro per month irrespective of current or previous employment status or search activity 23 Basic income synonyms Unconditional basic income Universal basic income Citizen s income Universal demogrant 34 Net income, gross income and BI Net income 45 BI Gross income 45 Policies similar to BI Negative income tax […]

Basic Income Part IV: Recommendations & a Commitment to British Columbians


Over the fall, we have explored the concept of basic income in a series of posts on my website, asking for your feedback on each post. The responses I have received, through comments on the website and my Facebook page, as well as in calls and emails to my office, have shown me that there is significant interest in the idea. The reaction has included high levels of support and enthusiasm, as well as a number of concerns and questions.

Your comments and our research have informed our proposal for moving forward with exploring how basic income could contribute […]

Is Universal Basic Income a Good Idea? Stick Around, Because We’re About to Find out

Is Universal Basic Income a Good Idea? Stick Around, Because We’re About to Find out

A Lively Debate

Barack Obama predicted it : Universal basic income (UBI) is under debate. In a UBI system, all citizens are given a flat income regardless of their employment situation — essentially, they will receive money just for being born . The concept is being explored as a potential solution to the problems that will soon arise from artificial intelligence (AI) and job automation .

Though simple in concept, the idea has sparked lively debate.Proponents of UBI see it benefitting society on a number of levels. In February, Nobel laureate Sir Christopher Pissarides made his argument at the World […]

UBI : Universal Basic Income is an Utterly Bad Idea

Basic Income is an Utterly Bad Idea : Universal Basic Income is an agreeable refutation for anyone arguing against it. The idea UBI and a universal basic income guarantee or Income is a universal basic income guarantee or is an Utterly Bad Idea Basic Income [read more…]
Basic Income Uganda, and other countries are very likely to Find out and other countries are very likely to tip the Income a Good Idea? Stick Around, Because We’re About to tip the scales in [read more…]
"Amazon universal basic income ubi be necessary as machines take over more and […]

People Are Actually Pretty Into The Idea Of A Universal Basic Income

People Are Actually Pretty Into The Idea Of A Universal Basic Income

The idea of a universal basic income (UBI)— giving every citizen a cash payment to keep them out of poverty —was f airly fringe until recently , the sort of thing discussed just by obscure think-tanks and people in Alaska. But with fears over automation and the future of work widening, UBI is moving up the agenda , and small experiments with it are taking place around the world. And in the U.S., it turns out, more and more Americans are familiar with the concept, and almost half are willing to support it, according to a new survey .

The […]