Obama: In the Age of Autonomy, Universal Basic Income Will Enter Our Debates

Obama: In the Age of Autonomy, Universal Basic Income Will Enter Our Debates

Obama Talks AI and UBI

In a recent interview with Wired editor-in-chief Scott Dadich and MIT Media Lab director Joi Ito, President Barack Obama discussed the importance of exploring the concept of universal basic income (UBI) as it relates to the rise of technology and artificial intelligence (AI).

AI could fundamentally change employment in the future, and Obama notes that is already ingrained in our daily lives in more ways than we could imagine, citing the medical and transportation industries at the forefront. And while AI is inevitably poised to create a more productive system and possibly a more efficient […]

Tech 2025 Workshop: Silicon Valley, Universal Basic Income, and the Future…

Tech 2025 Workshop: Silicon Valley, Universal Basic Income, and the Future...

" …automation and basic income is a development that will free us to do lots of incredible things that are more aligned with what it means to be human. ” — Albert Wenger (Partner, Union Square Ventures )

Experts vary in their assessment of exactly how many jobs may be lost due to the rise of automated technologies in the workforce (robot automation, driverless vehicles, artificial intelligence, etc.), but economists, technologists, and politicians alike agree that, for the most part, the number of jobs at risk of being squeezed out of existence could be in the tens of millions, globally, […]

In 2017, we’ll figure out if basic income makes sense

In 2017, we'll figure out if basic income makes sense

In 2017, we’ll have some real data available on whether universal basic income is a good idea.

Y Combinator’s Sam Altman is a big booster of the idea of a basic income. Brian Ach/Getty

The concept is simple enough: Governments pay people for doing nothing. In place of state benefits, people would receive income regardless of their situation. Proponents say that such a system could alleviate poverty, and help provide people who are just about managing with a little freedom to escape low quality jobs and access education. As more jobs are lost to automation, the argument goes, a universal […]

Obama: In the Age of Autonomy, Universal Basic Income Will Enter Our Debates

Obama: In the Age of Autonomy, Universal Basic Income Will Enter Our Debates


In a recent interview with Wired editor-in-chief Scott Dadich and MIT Media Lab director Joi Ito, President Barack Obama discussed the importance of exploring the concept of universal basic income (UBI) as it relates to the rise of technology and artificial intelligence (AI). AI could fundamentally change employment in the future, and Obama notes that is already ingrained in our daily lives in more ways than we could imagine, citing the medical and transportation industries at the forefront. And […]

Finland will test giving people a free “basic income”

Jobless people generally cannot earn additional income while collecting unemployment benefits or they risk losing that assistance. For laid-off workers from Nokia, simply collecting a guaranteed unemployment check often presents a better financial proposition than taking a leap with a start-up in Finland, where a shaky technology industry is trying to find its footing again.

Now, the Finnish government is exploring how to change that calculus, initiating an experiment in a form of social welfare: universal basic income. Early next year, the government plans to randomly select roughly 2,000 unemployed people — from white-collar coders to blue-collar construction […]

10 Reasons You Should Support Basic Income

10 Reasons You Should Support Basic Income

Credit: The Daily Public

At George Fox University 10 Reasons You Should Support Basic Income

Pin It The idea of a universal basic income (UBI) has been around for a while, but it has been gaining attention recently. It is a fairly simple idea. Step 1 is to regularly give every citizen a check to cover basic expenses. There is no Step 2.Despite — or perhaps because of — its simplicity, implementing a universal basic income would solve several problems in American economic policy and ultimately be beneficial. Here is an overview of some of the reasons why. […]

About half of Americans support giving residents up to $2000 a month when robots take their jobs

About half of Americans support giving residents up to $2000 a month when robots take their jobs

Nearly half of Americans are in favor of giving cash handouts of $500-$2,000 a month to residents when robots take their jobs.

A survey of 500 individuals in the U.S. released today found that 46 percent of people support the idea of a universal basic income, through which the government gives a cash handout to any resident, irrespective of employment status.

"The general concept of a floor on income is generally acceptable to and popular with voters. This is a solid first step," writes Misha Chellam , the founder of startup-training company Tradecraft and a signatory of the Economic Security Project, […]

Libertarian calls for guaranteed income to replace Social Security and welfare

Libertarian calls for guaranteed income to replace Social Security and welfare

Distinguished author and commentator Charles Murray, who is the author of the book, " In Our Hands: A Plan to Replace the Welfare State ," said in an interview on C-SPAN today that the current scheme of income transfer from the government is “crazy.” He is proposing that the governnment should instead provide an annual subsidy of $10,000 per year in lieu of other benefits such as welfare and Social Security to every American aged 21 years or older. Murray is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.

“It is crazy. We have $2 trillion a year we spent […]

In 2017, We Will Find Out if a Basic Income Makes Sense

In 2017, We Will Find Out if a Basic Income Makes Sense


In 2017, we may find out if a universal basic income is a good idea.The concept is simple enough: Governments pay people for doing nothing. In place of state benefits, people would receive income regardless of their situation. Proponents say that such a system could alleviate poverty, and help provide people who are just about managing with a little freedom to escape low quality jobs and access education. As more jobs are lost to automation , the argument, a universal income will become even more important.Problem is, we […]

Finland Will Give Some Unemployed Citizens a Basic Income

I’ve generally talked about a Universal Social Security (a type of UBI) in its potential to create broad market effects. That’s not possible in these small experiments, so you get incomplete information.

Imagine being a landlord. If an average of 10% of your theoretical rent revenue is lost to evictions and empty units, what happens? You have 10 units that must rent for $250/month to make your profit margin, yet you face a risk of $25/month per unit. Well, to retain the same profit margin, you have to charge $275/month–and what if your tenants can only afford $260/month? You can’t […]