Finland will soon hand out cash to 2,000 jobless people – the idea, universal basic income, is gaining traction

Finland will soon hand out cash to 2,000 jobless people – the idea, universal basic income, is gaining traction

Martti Kainulainen | AFP | Getty Images

No one would confuse this frigid corner of northern Finland with Silicon Valley. Notched in low pine forests just 100 miles below the Arctic Circle, Oulu seems more likely to achieve dominance at herding reindeer than at nurturing technology start-ups.

But this city has roots as a hub for wireless communications, and keen aspirations in innovation. It also has thousands of skilled engineers in need of work. Many were laid off by Nokia, the Finnish company once synonymous with mobile telephones and more recently at risk of fading into oblivion.While entrepreneurs are eager to […]

What Pisses Me Off About Universal Basic Income (UBI)

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Finland Will Hand Out Free Cash To 2000 Jobless People In Universal Basic Income Experiment

Finland Will Hand Out Free Cash To 2000 Jobless People In Universal Basic Income Experiment

There’s been a lot of buzz this year about an old economic idea called universal basic income . It’s a guaranteed monthly check from the government for every citizen, no strings attached. Automation, gig jobs and the overall precariousness of work is driving interest in the idea, from Silicon Valley to the Netherlands. Finland launches a pilot program next month to test out the idea, but the country’s center right government is testing it as welfare reform, not as an anti-poverty tool.

Finland, population 5.5 million, is struggling with high unemployment, especially among the young. The jobless rate is more […]

Universal Basic Income: For Better And For Health

Universal Basic Income: For Better And For Health

Stress affects most people. In fact, young children get stressed too, even though the reason for why they feel that way is far simpler compared to adults. Typically, it’s just related to their play time being interrupted by something like the need to study, clean up, take a bath, eat or even sleep. For adults, it’s much more complex. Or is it really? When you think about it, the stress that most adults feel boils down to one thing: money. More specifically, the lack of it.

Generally, it’s the drive to meet basic needs like food, shelter and clothing that […]

Research group recommends expansion of basic income experiment

Research group recommends expansion of basic income experiment

The research group working on the basic income experiment proposes its implementation in multiple stages. According to the group, this would be the most reliable way of learning more about the basic income. It would also enable the further development of study designs and provide the information needed to revamp the Finnish social security system to meet future needs.

The research group reviewing the basic income experiment submitted its final report to Pirkko Mattila, Minister of Social and Affairs and Health, on 16 December 2016. In its final report, the group no longer proposes a method of implementing the basic […]

Why We Should be Talking About Universal Basic Income

Why We Should be Talking About Universal Basic Income

Imagine if the government gave every American adult $2,500 a month in real dollars (30K annually) for the rest of their lives – no strings attached. Seems crazy right?

Not so fast – this idea is known as Universal Basic Income (UBI). I believe UBI will be the solution to a myriad of economic problems we currently face. I have listed some things to consider when talking about UBI.

Benefits: Provides a social safety net for all Americans. This would eliminate homelessness and extreme poverty among the most vulnerable Americans.Addresses concerns from automation and technology significantly increasing structural unemployment. It […]

Why Universal Basic Income can’t work on its own

Why Universal Basic Income can’t work on its own

In my last column, “How Trump Can Save American Democracy,” I wrote of the importance of finding creative, forward-looking solutions to the unemployment problem in America, specifically of rural Middle America, that has been most affected by economic decline and deindustrialization. I stressed that this is paramount to directing the course of American society towards positive change and calming the currents of nativism that have been arising. I suggested that if Trump is to succeed in fulfilling the unattended needs of his core constituency, he must not rely on bringing back industry or trying to create new jobs where […]

Nimai Mehta, “A universal basic income to step up economic reform”

Nimai Mehta, “A universal basic income to step up economic reform”

Universal basic income (UBI) has been receiving an increasing amount of attention in India –including from the national government, with the Chief Economic Adviser having announced that UBI will be examined as part of the country’s next Economic Survey .

Within the government, UBI tends to be viewed chiefly as a way to overcome the inefficiencies and corruption that plague existing programs of social welfare. Some academic economists, including Abhijit V. Banerjee (MIT) and Pranab Bardhan (UC-Berkeley), have also emphasized the efficiency of UBI in comparison to India’s current welfare state. CC BY 2.0 nevil zaveri One critic of this […]

British Medical Journal calls for a study of universal basic income

Recently, there have been increasing calls for dialogue on a universal basic income (UBI) from political parties, think tanks (including the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce (RSA)), civic activists, trade unions, and leading entrepreneurs such as Tesla chief executive Elon Musk. These calls are a response to growing income insecurity, some sense that welfare systems may be failing, and as a preparation for the potential effects of automation and artificial intelligence on employment prospects in industries that might be better served by machines. 3 UBI-style pilots are planned in Finland, the Netherlands, and Canada […]

$10 Million Project to Study Basic Income Programs Launched

$10 Million Project to Study Basic Income Programs Launched

The Economic Security Project , a coalition of more than a hundred tech entrepreneurs, investors, and activists, has announced a two-year, $10 million project to explore how a universal "basic income" (UBI) could provide economic opportunity for all.

ESP signatories who have committed to "think seriously about how recurring, unconditional cash stipends could work, how to pay for them, and what the political path might be to make them a reality" include Y Combinator president Sam Altman, Zipcar co-founder Robin Chase, Institute for the Future fellow and "work instigator" Natalie Foster, Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza, Niskanen Center policy […]