Basic income worth a try

Basic income worth a try

When it can often seem like our politicians can never agree on anything, sometimes they can surprise you. Sometimes they come together and actually find common ground to unanimously support an idea.

Such is the case last week when the PEI Legislature agreed to have the province work with the federal government in hopes of setting up a basic income pilot project on the Island.

The motion was put forth by Green Party Leader Peter Bevan-Baker last Tuesday and was supported by all parties. Obviously, current welfare models are not working. Many Islanders are struggling and no matter how hard they […]

More countries testing Basic Income, economists continue crying, losing hoap

> Economist
So many redditors here this morning

Economist b49d Don’t know what they did but I’m sure the first thing the IMF did when they knocked on their door was to say: "why on earth are you paying people to not work" You know guys, automation is not a problem. Its actually good. It frees up labor to go do other more useful stuff and that generally is better compensated. Automation will only become an issue when machines can build themselves and produce every step for all the materials they need to produce […]

Universal Basic Income

Universal Basic Income In the 70’s they told us we were all going to enjoy a lot more leisure time because all the hard work would get taken care of by machines.

At minimum, I believe that with decreased costs of living, UBI will be one of many tools empowering self-actualization at scale – more people will be able to follow their passions, be more creative, and spend more time on higher-order, personally fulfilling tasks.
And there we are. Same bullsh!t, different day. What do you mean "we", have you got a mouse in your pocket? What do you […]

Interview: Basic income can ‘mend the net’

Interview: Basic income can ‘mend the net’

In his new Kindle book Mending the Net , author Chis Oestereich describes how a basic income can address some of the “wicked problems” facing humanity.

For Oestereich, the basic income can help society rethink its consumption patterns and possibly upend the “treadmill of subsistence.”

In the book, Oestereich predicts that the economy could be headed toward a recession. In the interview he said that basic income can be a “shock absorber” of economic downturns. Without a basic income, Oestereich said he worries that the next recession will be much worse than the last for many people.One of the most unique […]

Debating Basic Income

While I’m not one of the reactionary Luddites who claims AI is suddenly not capable of doing anything or is only as capable as looms and tractors ever were, and I’m not going to bother using the same an!capistan arguments against basic income that clearly aren’t swaying anyone (I don’t know why anarchocapitalists and libertarians even bother), I will say that we’re giving basic income too much credit.

Keyword: credit. That’s what I’m leading into. Whenever I keep promoting Vyrdism, I also mention why I don’t trust basic income— the State, which is the agency who will distribute said income, […]

Blue sky basic income thinking is b****cks

4 mins


But as was mentioned in the previous article, this does something pretty scary to the job market. The doctor gets replaced by an expert system, the surgeon by a robot. The only human job left is care assistant but that’s a) an unskilled job and b) only going to be provided for rich people since it doesn’t serve any particular medical need.It’s not a particularly appealing future where a handful of people designing or managing the automated systems are fabulously rich and everyone else becomes waiters or artisan bakers in the hope that one of […]

Universal Basic Income Doesn’t Just Improve Your Finances, It Improves Your Health

Universal Basic Income Doesn’t Just Improve Your Finances, It Improves Your Health

In two separate occurrences, the implementation of a universal basic income system corresponded with populations experiencing fewer mental and physical health issues.

Several countries are testing out UBI programs, and if successful, they could not only improve health but also increase creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation.

Health in Security Universal basic income (UBI) — a system in which a population is given a set amount of money, unconditionally — is rapidly becoming a topic of increased interest across the world. Proponents expect such a system to reduce poverty and improve the economy, and now, according to some re-examined data, there […]

Finland to test a basic income for the unemployed

Finland to test a basic income for the unemployed



Olli Kangas is leading Finland’s basic income experiment. Kangas says the government favors "evidence-based" policy making, testing social programs before enacting them. – There’s been a lot of buzz this year about an old economic idea called universal basic income . It’s a guaranteed monthly check from the government for every citizen, no strings attached. Automation, gig jobs and the overall precariousness of work is driving interest in the idea, from Silicon Valley to the Netherlands. Finland launches a pilot program next month to test out the idea, but the country’s center right government is […]

Finland to test ‘basic income’ (free money)

Finland to test 'basic income' (free money)

Finland’s center-right government, headed by Prime Minister Juha Sipilä, wants to see if an unconditional basic income would encourage Finns to take low-paid or part-time jobs that don’t pay off for them under the country’s current welfare rules.

Right now many unemployed Finns are caught in “incentive traps,” where working leaves them worse off than staying on social assistance.

Ollie Kangas, director of government and community relations at KELA , the government agency that handles all sorts of public benefits, He is leading the basic income experiment. “In the present system […]

Countries should put a universal basic income in place before robots take our jobs

Countries should put a universal basic income in place before robots take our jobs

Economics Professor Karl Ove Moene at the University of Oslo believes that a universal basic income is more urgently needed in poor countries than in Norway. Nevertheless, he believes more countries should experiment with different kinds of welfare payments like the universal basic income. (Photo: Jan T. Espedal / NTB scanpix) Nobel laureates in economics are talking about it. So is Tesla CEO Elon Musk. Switzerland actually voted on a referendum on it earlier this year — although the proposal lost. But in 2017, Finland and the Netherlands will start their own trials of paying out a universal basic […]