Finland to test a basic income for the unemployed

Finland to test a basic income for the unemployed

Olli Kangas is leading Finland’s basic income experiment. Kangas says the government favors "evidence-based" policy making, testing social programs before enacting them.

There’s been a lot of buzz this year about an old economic idea called universal basic income . It’s a guaranteed monthly check from the government for every citizen, no strings attached. Automation, gig jobs and the overall precariousness of work is driving interest in the idea, from Silicon Valley to the Netherlands. Finland launches a pilot program next month to test out the idea, but the country’s center right government is testing it as welfare […]

‘People simply can’t afford to purchase healthy food,’ Health Unit says

'People simply can't afford to purchase healthy food,' Health Unit says

The high cost of food continues to make healthy eating difficult, if not impossible, a recent survey by the Perth District Health Unit suggests. Each year the PDHU monitors the affordability of food in the region by visiting six local grocery stores to find the average total cost of 67 basic food items such as vegetables, fruit, meat, bread, eggs, and milk.

In 2016, the cost of this Nutritious Food Basket for a family of four was $210.51 per week, or $911.51 per month. Those figures are similar to the cost in 2015, but is an increase of $15.97 per […]

In Our Hands: Crime and Charles Murray’s Universal Basic Income Scheme

A Skeptic’s Kind Thoughts About UBI

I’m hostile to any sort of government ‘entitlement’ (basically wealth transfer from one segment of society to another), and a UBI is the biggest, baddest entitlement of all. However, Charles Murray in his newly re-released book “In Our Hands: A Plan To Replace The Welfare State” makes a very persuasive case for a UBI. How politically realistic is another matter, but his plan certainly has its logic.

Murray proposes that every citizen over 21 receives a $13,000 annual cash handout. His plan requires a Constitutional amendment that would prohibit any and all wealth transfer […]

Thinking about wage subsidies and wage insurance

I wanted to focus on an interesting essay in AEI’s new book, “The US Labor Market: Questions and Challenges for Public Policy.” It’s by economist Glenn Hubbard and looks at ways public policy can support work. Twenty20. Not surprisingly, perhaps, Hubbard looks at expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit, as well as new wage subsidies. Both “dominate” alternatives such as a higher minimum wage and a guaranteed basic income, according to Hubbard. He even gives a smidgen of economist snark: It is also ironic that prominent technology industry executives advancing a guaranteed basic income no doubt consider their own […]

Free Money It Can Save the World or It Can Ruin It

Free Money It Can Save the World or It Can Ruin It

In recent weeks, there has been a spike in the debate around the idea of Universal Basic Income (UBI). UBI basically means that if you’re alive you deserve to receive enough money to keep you above the poverty line and provide for all your basic needs. The money can come either from a government or some other public institution, but the reception of the money is not contingent upon anything other than being alive. "Save the World or It Can Ruin It" Through a program called the Economic Security Project (ESP) , endorsed by such high profile figures as […]

Demonstrators urge province to take immediate action on basic income

Demonstrators urge province to take immediate action on basic income

Helena Jaczek, Minister of Community and Social Services, visited Sudbury, Ont., on Monday to talk about the provincial government’s plan to implement a basic income pilot project. (CBC) A meeting to discuss the Ontario government’s plan to implement a basic income pilot project was briefly interrupted on Monday evening in Sudbury, Ont., by calls to immediately hike social assistance rates.

Members of the Raise the Rates campaign held a straw poll. They asked people in the audience if they want the province to bring Ontario Works payments up to $1,320 a month and increase disability payments by $500, as recommended […]

Activists and tech leaders invest $10 million to research basic income

Activists and tech leaders invest $10 million to research basic income

Reuters photographerMore than 100 experts from Silicon Valley, activist communities, and academia have teamed up to learn about the year’s most popular idea for fighting poverty.

Announced December 8, the Economic Security Project (ESP) is a two-year fund of $10 million that will go toward uncovering everything there is to know about universal basic income, a system of wealth distribution in which every citizen receives a monthly stipend to cover basic needs.

The coalition contains a range of future-minded folks, including Y Combinator President Sam Altman, GiveDirectly Co-Founder Michael Faye, and Robert Reich, the former Secretary of Labor and a current […]

A Social Experiment: Helping a Family in Need with a Basic Income

A Social Experiment: Helping a Family in Need with a Basic Income

I would like to invite you all to contribute a few dollars a month to crowdfunding a basic income for a family in need .

Have you ever heard of the concept of a basic income ? It’s the idea that everyone in a society receive the same unconditional amount of income to be able to meet subsistence needs. Manitoba ran a very successful basic income experiment in the ’70s . Finland is about is about to launch a basic income trial . The PEI legislature just unanimously passed a basic income motion .

I’ve long thought that such a program […]

The Case For And Against Universal Basic Income

The Case For And Against Universal Basic Income

Some on the right are embracing a form of government policy as a means to end poverty: universal basic income.

Keep reading this article on The Daily Wire

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What Will It Take To Get A Universal Basic Income In The U.S.?

What Will It Take To Get A Universal Basic Income In The U.S.?

With income inequality on the rise and the American Dream an illusion for more and more Americans , lots of people are calling for a universal basic income (UBI) to be part of our future. A stipend paid to every man, woman and child in the U.S., a UBI could end poverty, reduce government bureaucracy, and spur creativity and meaningful work, people across the political spectrum say .

But exactly how a UBI might work in practice is still a big open question. We have to work out, for example, how to pay for a UBI (the cost might be […]