Take basic income and short working week seriously, Greens think-tank urges

Take basic income and short working week seriously, Greens think-tank urges

The Greens Institute said it remained agnostic on whether a universal basic income was right for Australia, but the conversation needed to be had. Photograph: Alamy The rise of contract and casual work means a shorter working week and universal basic income should become serious policy options, the Green Institute says.

The institute ’s report Can Less Work be More Fair ? said the loss of permanent full-time jobs in areas as diverse as cleaning services and academia was making work highly precarious and increasing the divide between those who were overworked and those who were underemployed.

Tim Hollo, the Green […]

Universal Basic Income as the Future of Welfare

Silicon Valley is in love with Universal Basic Income. Before anyone writes it off, it’s something people need to seriously consider.

If you haven’t heard about the concept of Universal Basic Income (UBI), maybe you’re missing something especially if you are tired of the debates over entitlement programs. This is an idea that is being embraced by Silicon Valley elites , so it’s not necessarily being taken as seriously as it could or should be. The basic premise is based on redistribution of wealth, but without a massive bureaucracy supporting it.

What UBI boils down to is setting a basic […]

Take basic income and short working week seriously, Greens think-tank urges

Take basic income and short working week seriously, Greens think-tank urges

The rise of contract and casual work means a shorter working week and universal basic income should become serious policy options, the Green Institute says.

The institute ’s report Can Less Work be More Fair ? said the loss of permanent full-time jobs in areas as diverse as cleaning services and academia was making work highly precarious and increasing the divide between those who were overworked and those who were underemployed.

Tim Hollo, the Green Institute’s executive director, said he hoped the paper expanded the acceptable boundary of conversation for left-of-centre politics, as the Institute of Public Affairs and Sky’s Andrew […]

A Canadian Province Just Passed a Resolution for Universal Basic Income

A Canadian Province Just Passed a Resolution for Universal Basic Income

This province is also very tiny farming province with less than 200,000 people total; it also tends to have >10% unemployment for decades and all their talented people leave the province asap. They really have nothing to lose. If UBI turns into a win, good on them. If UBI ultimately fails, then it really wont make things worse for them. Was going through pics my husband… Tattoo artists of reddit, what are… No matter how many times I… Overwatch Mei & Roadhog Cosplay Velma What is the strangest sub… Insane body The tongue of a tiger And they’re asking […]

Would a universal basic income fix US economic inequality? One group is spending $10 million to find out

Would a universal basic income fix US economic inequality? One group is spending $10 million to find out

Come and get it. (Stefan Bohrer / Wikimedia) Universal basic income (UBI) is either a miracle cure for ailing capitalist economies or a dead end for a doomed, under-employed underclass . Nobody really knows which is true because UBI has never been fully studied . Now, one of the most ambitious efforts so far is about to spend millions to find out.

As populist uprisings sweep the Western world bringing authoritarian leaders to power, people across the political spectrum are taking a hard look at UBI. Partially tested in various places in the 1960s and 1970s—including areas of the US, […]

Manufacturing Goes Where the Robots Are

Manufacturing Goes Where the Robots Are

In the eight months since engineer John Crews’ book on the robot future hit shelves, the global political climate has changed so drastically that Robonomics now reads like an outsider political treatise. The survey of the fourth industrial revolution explores a heavily automated future in which governments supply citizens with basic income and concerns about job loss are couched in broader conversations about ending scarcity and the socio-economic problems it presents. It’s a coherent vision of progress, but one that does jibe with the results of the US presidential election or the Brexit vote, both of which galvanized a […]

Would a universal basic income fix US economic inequality? One group is spending $10 million to find out

Would a universal basic income fix US economic inequality? One group is spending $10 million to find out

Universal basic income (UBI) is either a miracle cure for ailing capitalist economies or a dead end for a doomed, under-employed underclass . Nobody really knows which is true because UBI has never been fully studied . Now, one of the most ambitious efforts so far is about to spend millions to find out.

As populist uprisings sweep the Western world bringing authoritarian leaders to power, people across the political spectrum are taking a hard look at UBI. Partially tested in various places in the 1960s and 1970s—including areas of the US, Canada, and India—UBI gives everyone a guaranteed minimum […]

Neither universal nor individual nor unconditional

Neither universal nor individual nor unconditional

Written By: Pierre Madden

I am convinced that Basic Income will be implemented in the next decade. By its definition, BI is universal, individual and unconditional. However, none of these features will be a part of BI as it first materializes.

A universal demogrant is just too expensive to contemplate, except in Alaska where oil revenue is distributed to every man, woman and child. Giving the same amount to everybody only to claw it back in taxes from most, while philosophically pure, flies in the face of common sense. That is why all serious proposals are structured as a negative […]

P.E.I. Passes Motion To Implement Basic Income

P.E.I. Passes Motion To Implement Basic Income

Brad Pitt‘s request for an emergency hearing to have all his and Angelina Jolie divorce documents sealed has been denied, PEOPLE has confirmed. A judge ruled on Wednesday that the filing did not meet the requirements for sealing details at this time. Both Pitt and Jolie’s attorneys were present in court for the decision. Laura Wasser, Jolie’s attorney, says the actress does not oppose sealing documents to prevent details from becoming public, but that Pitt’s team didn’t consult with them before their hearing, which is why she opposed it at this time. While the two sides continue to hash […]

Elon Musk Foresees us Adopting Some Form of Universal Basic Income

Likelihood of Automated Jobs

It’s become pretty common knowledge by now that as robots and artificial intelligence are automating many tasks, there is concern over what jobs would still be available for humans. We’ve already seen large number of job losses in the manufacturing industries, McDonald’s is replacing workers with automated kiosks, and there is even an artificial intelligence Lawyer called Ross Intelligence that has started being hired by some firms. "THERE IS A PRETTY GOOD CHANCE WE END UP WITH A UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME, OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT, DUE TO AUTOMATION."
– Elon Musk, Founder and CEO of […]