What do Russians think about Unconditional Basic Income?

What do Russians think about Unconditional Basic Income?

I’m also not exactly sure how taxes are supposed to work in a system like this. How does Russia provide survival income for its citizens? There are poor people in Russia, even by Russian’s extreme definition of poverty. More than in the U.S. And consumption level on the edge of U.S. poverty is achievable in Russia only for upper middle class in large cities. It is like:

80% of U.S. poor have air conditioning. In Russia, air conditioning in households is a rarity. Because no built-in air conditioning exists anywhere (maybe just a few super expensive condos in Moscow where […]

My letter to the NY Times re: Free Basic Income Is Not a Solution to Unemployment

Re: Free Money for the Jobless Dear Sirs: Your article about Finland’s experiment in providing a free basic income to the unemployed fails to address the main question–what exactly is the cause of unemployment and what is the best way to eliminate it? The cause of unemployment is a change in the market, which, if not caused by government itself, is a natural occurrence in a dynamic economy. The great Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter coined the phrase “creative destruction” to describe the process whereby an advancing, wealth generating economy is constantly shedding old production methods for better […]

Ontario to give its citizens a universal basic income of $1,320

Ontario to give its citizens a universal basic income of $1,320

A Canadian province is to run a pilot project aimed at providing every citizen a minimum basic income of $1,320 (£773) a month.

The provincial government of Ontario confirmed it is holding public consultations on the $25m (£15m) project over the next two months, which could replace social assistance payments administered by the province for people aged 18 to 65.

People with disabilities will receive $500 (£292) more under the scheme, and individuals who earn less than $22,000 (£13,000) a year after tax will have their incomes topped up to reach that threshold.The pilot report was submitted by Conservative ex-senator Hugh […]

Elon Musk says robots will push us to a universal basic income

Elon Musk says robots will push us to a universal basic income

Here is an interesting piece on why UBI is not an unequivocally good thing: Universal Basic Income: freedom for workers?


What freedom is there in the wage system, the system of propertied and propertyless people, when the majority must sell their physical and mental faculties, their time with their families and friends, their freedom to be who and what they are, in order to obtain what they need? What justice is there in a system where those who do the vast majority of the work see little of the product of that labour? Where […]

Study population for basic income experiment drawn by random sample

A study population of 2,000 persons who will participate in the basic income experiment has been selected by random sample.They will be notified at the end of December.

The sample was drawn, with some exceptions, from among persons between 25 and 58 whom Kela paid labour market subsidy or basic unemployment allowance in November 2016 for some other reason than a temporary layoff. Those receiving earnings-related unemployment allowance were not included in the sampling.

The sample was drawn from about 175,000 persons, who make up the target population for the basic income experiment. A study population of 2,000 individuals was […]

About Basic Income

Universal Basic Income, also known as “basic income,” “guaranteed minimum income,” and “negative income tax,” is a way to eliminate poverty completely and thoroughly, once and for all!

A universal basic income would be an income that would be given to all members of society every month regardless of any other factor in their life. The amount would not be extravagant but it would be enough to provide the basics necessary for life. In the United States this would be something like $1500 per month.

A large portion of the money would come from currently existing welfare programs like SNAP, TANF, […]

Research team recommends expansion of basic income experiment in 2018

The first stage of the Finnish basic income experiment will be launched at the beginning of 2017. The team of researchers who explored various alternatives for implementing the experiment hopes to see the experiment continue after the initial stage.

According to Olli Kangas of Kela, who led the team, the model which will be investigated in 2017 should be seen as the first step in a series of experiments testing various types of basic income.

A total of 2,000 persons between ages 25 and 58 who are paid unemployment benefits paid by Kela will participate in the first stage. The […]

Lost your gig to a robot? Here’s a check to help you get by

Lost your gig to a robot? Here's a check to help you get by

"Don’t slam the door on your way out, man." A robot ate my job and all I got was this lousy welfare check.

A new survey says nearly half of Americans are OK with the idea of a "universal basic income," a monthly payment that could be funded by tax revenues and used as a safety net against job loss caused by, among other things, automation, artificial intelligence and similar tech developments .

Celebrated personalities such as Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking have expressed concern over the possibility of such job loss , and one researcher has forecast that 6 percent […]

The precariat, populism and robots: is basic income a political imperative?

The precariat, populism and robots: is basic income a political imperative?

Protestors in Zurich demand a restructuring of the welfare state In the previous two articles in this series, the precariat was depicted as the emerging mass class , experiencing falling real wages, chronic economic insecurity and growing anger, in a context best described as rentier capitalism , rather than free-market capitalism. Revolt is in the air, and is justified, even if we may detest the forms it is taking, because the system is "rigged" excessively in favour of the rentiers, those who earn income from property, physical, financial or intellectual.

What is to be done? The starting point – elaborated […]

Time For A Universal Basic Income?

Time For A Universal Basic Income?

By Pedro Sousa

* This article was originally published by the Australian Institute of International Affairs .

The concept of a universal basic income has received renewed attention in 2016 . The general frustration with mainstream politics and the finance sector—manifested in the Brexit and US election votes—is indicative of the view that the economic system in the West is deficient. Inequality is growing, welfare costs are increasing, and technological disruption is escalating; prompting some to warm to the idea of a guaranteed basic income for everyone. The technological revolution and the resulting digital economy are driving the increasing […]