A Basic Income in the UK – ‘what’s not to like’?

Eri Mountbatten, our North Wales elected representative on the NAWRA committee, writes about the concept of a basic (or citizens) income:

What is basic (or citizens) income?

For those who are unfamiliar with the concept, the central and arguably well founded assumption is that the current welfare system is broken. It demoralises those most vulnerable in society and creates artificial barriers to individual and societal progress by keeping welfare claimants in the so-called ‘poverty-trap’.Proponents suggest that in order to allow citizens to achieve their full potential, citizens need to be liberated, as much as possible, from Governmental intrusion and […]

Catalonia (Spain): Catalonian Ministry of Economy and Tax Office presents profound study on social policies, featuring basic income

Catalonia (Spain): Catalonian Ministry of Economy and Tax Office presents profound study on social policies, featuring basic income

(Image: Barcelona, “Queen” of the Mediterranean)

In the Spanish region of Catalonia, serious efforts are being made to reduce poverty and to reduce inequalities. Last week, on the 17 th of November, the Catalan Ministry of Economy and Tax Office presented a thorough study on social policies, which includes the contributions of 30 academics and other experts and technicians.

The document points out that current restrictions on the Catalan Government public policies are stalling necessary changes, such as the implementation of more redistributive measures. This is due, in part, to the fact that the main tax revenue is managed by the […]

‘My heart tells me this is a fantastic solution’: Ontario Minister on Basic Income

‘My heart tells me this is a fantastic solution’: Ontario Minister on Basic Income

Chris Ballard, Minister of Housing and Minister Responsible for the Poverty Reduction Strategy for Ontario Chris Ballard, the Minister of Housing and Minister Responsible for the Poverty Reduction Strategy for Ontario, says he is hopeful the province’s Basic Income pilot will “put to rest” any doubts people have about how positive a minimum income strategy could be.

Ballard, who is overseeing the Basic Income pilot project initiated by Canada’s largest province, says some of the key things they want to look at from studying the pilot will be Basic Income’s impact on community health, individuals’ health, education, general quality of […]

Ontario’s Austerity Government Sets Basic Income Trap

Ontario’s Austerity Government Sets Basic Income Trap

The Ontario Government’s Adviser on Basic Income (BI), Hugh Segal, has released his much heralded discussion paper, “ Finding a Better Way ,” that sets out his proposals for a lengthy BI pilot project. If the experiment he advocates is put into effect, it will run parallel to the deliberations of a Security Reform Working Group that will be considering changes to the present social assistance system in the province, rather than replacement to it.

Segal’s proposal is being put forward in an international context of considerably enhanced interest in the notion of Basic Income (BI). The Ontario Coalition Against […]

A New Initiative In Canada Trials Universal Basic Income

A New Initiative In Canada Trials Universal Basic Income

The policy will provide an unconditional salary for citizens living below the poverty line The policy will provide an unconditional salary for citizens living below the poverty line

The Canadian province of Ontario will be testing universal basic income in 2017, making it the first government in North America in decades to test the policy that many feel is a panacea to growing levels of income inequality. The province’s most impoverished residents will be given a guaranteed minimum income with the hopes of raising their quality of life and saving the government money.

Longtime advocate of basic income, conservative political strategist […]

The U.S. Could Adopt Universal Basic Income in Less Than 20 Years

Scott Santens is a writer and advocate of universal basic income for all. He is the moderator of the Basic Income community on Reddit and Founder of the BIG Patreon Creator Pledge. His writing has been featured in the Atlantic and Huffington Post.

Daniel Araya: Scott, everyone seems to be talking about universal basic income as a way to resolve technological unemployment. How do you define basic income? How did you come to embrace the idea of basic income?

Scott Santens: I define basic income as a universal income floor set above the poverty level. It’s essentially a […]

The Universal Basic Income Edition

The Universal Basic Income Edition

The Universal Basic Income Edition My good friend, Jason Michael McCann, has taken on this difficult topic and says this on his blog, The Random Public Journal –

A Universal Basic Income is in the pipeline for a trial in Fife. People, regardless of how much they earn, will get an annual basic sum in cash to spend as they please. Experiments over the past forty years have shown that it works. Lucky Fife.

We’re all getting poorer. As it is the economy pretty much everywhere is structured in a way that benefits a tiny minority of the […]

Stanford, The White House, And Tech Bigwigs Will Host A Summit On Poverty

Stanford, The White House, And Tech Bigwigs Will Host A Summit On Poverty

President Obama and Mark Zuckerberg in 2011 President Obama and Mark Zuckerberg in 2011

Tomorrow, the White House will partner with Stanford University and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative — a limited liability corporation launched by the CEO of Facebook and his wife — to co-host the Summit on Poverty and Opportunity, a two-day, invite-only event held on the school’s campus. It will focus on using technology and innovation to address issues like poverty, inequality, and economic immobility. The event will include an interactive demo by Palantir, the secretive Peter Thiel-backed analytics company, on how a real-time data platform can […]

How desirable is establishing basic income in our modern capitalist societies?

How desirable is establishing basic income in our modern capitalist societies?

Basic income actually helps solidify capitalism believe or not. These capitalists supporters are embarrassing under equipped on their own economic system. In fact every capitalist should be cheering it on, especially if they are Malthusian and Keynesian. So how does basic income help solidify Capitalism, and shouldn’t ever be associated with such Socialist thought?

Basic income isn’t supposed to be thought as payment from a vacuum, it works exactly like the capitalist system only that the recipients are expanded. In fact many capitalists and liberal thinkers do want to support it. Why is that, is it because of this automation […]

German MP proposes ‘free basic income’ for parents

German MP proposes 'free basic income' for parents

A member of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union wants parents in Germany to receive a basic income regardless of their means. But this shouldn’t be confused with universal basic income, she said. It wouldn’t be the first progressive idea to be taken on by conservatives. A group of Bundestag members in the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) have proposed offering parents a basic state income – independent of their own financial situation.

The fixed monthly payment, the exact amount of which was not mentioned, would be tied to child care costs and would be subject to social insurance contributions.

The payment, part […]