Finland ends experiment with universal basic income

Considering that "reality" appears to be the optics associated with free money as opposed to any fiduciary concerns, this amounts to a misfire.

And just to illustrate how shit Fox News is, here’s the crux of the NY Times article that it editorializes.

Fox News would have you believe that they ran out of money and freaked out. The reality is that it was an experiment to begin with and that they’re using the results to revamp their social services programs. #5 It was never meant to be anything more than a 2-year experiment. […]

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Finland Ends Experiment with Universal Basic Income

Finland Ends Experiment with Universal Basic Income

Quote of the Day: “There is a fear that with basic income they would just stay at home and play computer games,” Heikki Hiilamo, a professor at the University of Helsinki, told the paper. –Fox News Report on Finland’s Experiment with Basic Income Basic income is all the rage among certain elites today.

San Francisco is among the big U.S. cities considering creating a basic income.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has said that basic income could be established to “to make sure that everyone has a cushion to try new ideas.”Meanwhile, Finland is ending its one-year experiment with a universal basic […]

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