Iris Scanning ‘Orb’ Brings ‘Universal Basic Income’ via Crypto, Courtesy of Silicon Valley

Iris Scanning ‘Orb’ Brings ‘Universal Basic Income’ via Crypto, Courtesy of Silicon Valley

A Worldcoin Orb Operator performs iris scans and collects hashes of biometric data from villagers in Malaysia in exchange for the project’s ERC20 tokens. Founders Sam Altman and Alex Blania both say the project, backed by $25 million in Silicon Valley funding, is rooted in the notion of universal basic income. (Image: Worldcoin Press Kit) A new cryptocurrency is bringing hardware-based biometric iris scanning to the blockchain, inspired by the concept of universal basic income, courtesy of investment by Silicon Valley.

The project, called Worldcoin, was co-founded by Alex Blania, a man who’s LinkedIn profile shows a modest 6 months […]

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