Letters: Trump’s ‘accomplishments’ | Free speech | Keep Trump | Fresh take | Unnamed critics

Letters: Trump’s ‘accomplishments’ | Free speech | Keep Trump | Fresh take | Unnamed critics

should stop Trump

For Donald Trump’s supporters who want him reelected, remember his greatest accomplishments:
Denied COVID was serious — called it “Chinese Flu” — and was anti-masking and anti-vaxxing; from March 1-April 30, 2020, made 11 tweets about unproven therapies, mentioned these 65 times in White House briefings and suggested injections with disinfectant . The results during his term: 400,000 deaths , increased violence against Asians and mask-requirement rage on flights.He constantly tweeted hateful remarks about individuals and groups. The results: hatred and violence increased and are still increasing at alarming levels.He encouraged rioters to storm the […]

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