Meet the new moms using up to $700 in monthly basic income to afford childcare. It could be the answer to helping parents stay employed.

Meet the new moms using up to $700 in monthly basic income to afford childcare. It could be the answer to helping parents stay employed.

Some parents say guaranteed basic income helped them afford childcare, allowing them to secure jobs and promotions at work. Guaranteed basic income helps some parents pay for childcare and stay afloat during maternity leave.

With cash payments, parents report more job security and higher educational outcomes.

Basic income critics say the programs are too expensive and discourage participants from working. Celeste Lord-Timlin just had her first baby . Siobhan is about a month old, and it’s a victory when she naps just long enough for Lord-Timlin to rest or take a phone call. Meals or a shower sometimes have […]

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