My life: Waiting for Universal Basic Income or WW3 – Whichever comes first


Deplorable F*ck-up

Fucking sucks, brahs . Highly Deplorable Re: My life: Waiting for Universal Basic Income or WW3 – Whichever comes first Posted 02/19/2017 12:12 PM – Hide All women are whores. Turn the two keys.. I’m Deplorable Re: My life: Waiting for Universal Basic Income or WW3 – Whichever comes first Posted 02/19/2017 12:43 PM – Hide work at mcdonalds/target/costco/walmart etc. any job that gets you out of the apartment and interacting with people is a good job. Bagmeister Supreme Registered +12 340 posts 20 topics Re: My life: Waiting for Universal […]

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