‘New Democrats’ Outnumber Liberals, But Need Pizazz

'New Democrats' Outnumber Liberals, But Need Pizazz

The media, perpetually mesmerized by ideologues and charisma, have virtually anointed radical leftist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as the future of the Democratic Party. In fact, it should focus on Rep. Derek Kilmer and the House New Democrat Coalition he chairs.

The Progressive Caucus, representing ultra-liberals, numbers 95 representatives. But New Democrats number 101 , including most of the 40 newcomers who took seats away from Republicans in 2018 and 21 who won in 2016 Trump districts.

If the party wants to maintain or enlarge its majority in 2020, it needs to keep attracting independent and some Republican voters, which won’t happen […]

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