New Mexico experimented with a basic income program that gave $500 a month to immigrant families. They used the money to pay rent and secure jobs.

New Mexico experimented with a basic income program that gave $500 a month to immigrant families. They used the money to pay rent and secure jobs.

A New Mexico guaranteed basic income program offered immigrant and undocumented households across the state $500 a month for a year. Foto: Sean Pavone / Getty Images New Mexico’s basic income pilot provided $500 monthly to 330 immigrant households.

Pandemic relief excluded many immigrants, leading to economic hardship for undocumented families.

The pilot showed improved employment and education outcomes for participants. New Mexico’s basic income pilot set out to fill a gap in America’s financial safety net: many immigrants aren’t able to access help. Pandemic-era relief was largely restricted to US citizens, leaving undocumented households and families with mixed […]

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