Over 3 million people are Desperate. What are the Merits of a Universal Basic Income?

Over 3 million people are Desperate. What are the Merits of a Universal Basic Income?

This petition was first circulated at the height of the Pandemic.

I’m asking those of you who supported it to sign a new petition calling on the Government to inquire into the merits of Universal Basic Income (UBI)

Please use this link to go direct to the Government Petition: https://www.aph.gov.au/e-petitions/petition/EN5308 More than 3.2 million people now live below the poverty line. Homelessness and inflation in the cost of living are just two of the problems they face. Could you live on $49.50/day (welfare)?And what happens as automation, virtualization and AI comes for YOUR job… or partner or children or […]

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