Re: Universal basic income: forced early retirement

Yes, though if "those of means" were smart they’d realize it’s in their best interests and/or in the best interests of society ( like these billionaires ). How dramatic can the wealth gap get before those on the bottom no longer have the means to keep the economy for the 0.1% going?

I believe it was Adam Smith that said people need to have work. So in a recession when there weren’t enough jobs and people were sitting around idle he proposed coming up with meaningless jobs such as paying people to dig a hole and then fill […]

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Re: Universal basic income: forced early retirement

Sure, but the whole point here is that (possibly soon) we won’t need any human labor at all, or at least very very little. Do you want to just make up jobs (dig hole, fill back in)? Or do you want to take the fruits of that innovation and just hand enough out that people can pursue what they want?

Your call. But it’s not a Protestant ethic issue – if there’s no useful work to do, there’s no moral reason to work.

-W This is a huge issue in Sweden nowadays. The job market in Sweden is very competitive and […]

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