Researchers Gave People $1,000 A Month For 3 Years With No Strings Attached & Released Exactly What They Did With The Money

Researchers Gave People $1,000 A Month For 3 Years With No Strings Attached & Released Exactly What They Did With The Money


They say money can’t buy happiness, but money can certainly increase access for people to have their basic needs met, and beyond. Economic stability opens doors to education, better employment, and more balanced mental health. When you’re not worried about how to make ends meet, you can focus that mental energy elsewhere.

People’s lives can change for the better in tangible and measurable ways, as shown by the Unconditional Cash Study . Researchers gave people $1,000 for 3 years with no strings attached, and the results on how they spent the money were released. The study was funded by OpenResearch, […]

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