Ruhrtriennale: “Respublika” makes the audience dance, walk and be amazed

Ruhrtriennale: “Respublika” makes the audience dance, walk and be amazed

The “Respublika” production by the Lithuanian Łukasz Twarkowski halves the average age of the Ruhrtriennale and dissects the failure of utopias.

Perhaps the failure of utopias is not only the norm, but actually their purpose. “Always trying. Always failed, “says a story by the pseudo-fatalist Beckett, but also: “It doesn’t matter. Try again. fail again. It’s better to fail.” The “Respublika” production by the Lithuanian director Łukasz Twarkowski, which was mocked because of its six-hour duration, is based on such a failure at the Ruhrtriennale in the Bochum Centennial Hall. And with the promise of making the audience […]

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