Sen. Booker’s idea of guaranteed government jobs not so outrageous | Lexington Herald Leader

Sen. Booker’s idea of guaranteed government jobs not so outrageous | Lexington Herald Leader

Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., recently proposed a federal program guaranteeing a job for anyone who wants one. It sounds a lot more radical than it is. Properly implemented, a job guarantee could be a good way of fighting recessions and getting more Americans into the workforce in the long term.

Economist Adam Ozimek, writing in Forbes, wasn’t a fan of Booker’s plan, calling it “absurd” and “insane” for the government to provide jobs with a salary of $24,600. “According to the Census, there are currently 50 million wage and salary workers with annual earnings below $25,000,” he said. “Is this […]

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