Prof. Guy Standing: Every country can afford Universal Basic Income

Prof. Guy Standing: Every country can afford Universal Basic Income

Guy Standing: "Our wealth and income are much more influenced by our parents and older generations than by our own actions." [ pbombaert/Shutterstock ]

99% of people want to improve their lives. And the UBI won’t prevent them from wanting it. So if such projects prevent them from having to do terrible jobs, this is positive, says Guy Standing told EURACTIV Poland.

Professor Guy Standing is a professorial research associate at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London and co-president at the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN). Standing spoke to Editor-in-Chief Karolina Zbytniewska. […]

Hawaii becomes first state to begin evaluating a universal basic income (thanks for your help reddit!)

Hawaii becomes first state to begin evaluating a universal basic income (thanks for your help reddit!)

The news will have this shortly, but I thought I would reach out to r/Futurology and r/BasicIncome first to say thank you.

For several years I have followed these subs and some of the discussions here were compelling enough to lead me to start a more public discussion about how it might be possible to ensure that as innovation, automation and inequality transform our economy, we ensure that it remains stable, everyone benefits, and no one is left behind. I have been working with other groups and stakeholders since, many of whom have been working on this for much longer […]

A path is chosen in the season finale of What Next?

Throughout the series, What Next? has discussed the disruptive impact of technology, the environment, the economy, increasing inequality, and how we’re going to deal with a growing and aging population with finite resources.

With nearly 200,000 responses to questions so far via – including surprising results such as 76% of Kiwis under-18 expecting to be able to retire one day, and 73% of all New Zealanders calling for a Universal Basic Income Trial – the past four nights have indicated that New Zealanders would like to see a lot of current policy and attitudes change, while some things to […]

Hawaii is considering creating a universal basic income

Related Posts Hawaii soldier on surfboard dead after boat runs over him (Today) – HONOLULU (AP) – Hawaii officials say an Army soldier is dead after the surfboard he was riding was run over by a fishing boat.The state Department of Land……

Hawaii Governor says he is ‘looking forward’ to Trump’s travel ban going to Supreme Court independent (Yesterday) – Exclusive: ‘Hawaii is a very special place. We are a community of minorities. Our legacy is that we have welcomed wave after wave of immigrants to our state’…

The Hourly Income You Need To Afford Rent […]

universal basic income (UBI)

Universal basic income (UBI) is a model for providing all citizens of a country or other geographic area with a given sum of money, regardless of their income, resources or employment status. The purpose of the UBI is to prevent or reduce poverty and increase equality among citizens.

UBI is also known simply as basic income. According to the advocacy group Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN), the essential principle behind basic income is the idea that all citizens are entitled to a livable income, whether or not they contribute to production and despite the particular circumstances into which they are […]

Hawaii just became the first US state to pass a bill supporting basic income

Hawaii just became the first US state to pass a bill supporting basic income

Flickr/Ray_LAC Innovation and forward-thinking may be Hawaii’s two biggest exports in 2017.

Earlier this month, the state earned the distinction of being the first in the U.S. to formally accept the provisions of the Paris Climate Agreement after President Donald Trump decided to withdraw the nation from it, and now, Hawaii is taking the lead in embracing yet another innovative idea: universal basic income (UBI).

On June 15, Hawaii state representative Chris Lee wrote a Reddit post about House Concurrent Resolution 89 , a bill he says he introduced in order to "start a conversation about our future." According to Lee, […]

Hawaii Considers Radical Idea to Make Life in Paradise a Little Easier

Hawaii Considers Radical Idea to Make Life in Paradise a Little Easier

PhilAugustavo/Getty Hawaii has become the first state in the country to officially start exploring a means to provide its residents with a guaranteed basic income. The bill, passed recently by both houses of the state legislature in a unanimous vote, declares that all Hawaiians “deserve basic financial security” and directs state agencies to analyze “universal basic income” and similar policy options.

“As innovation and automation and inequality disrupt our economy, we want to make sure that everybody benefits and nobody is left behind,” the author of the bill, state Rep. Chris Lee of Kaliua, told Mother Jones . “It’s past […]

Hawaii Just Became The First US State To Pass A Bill Supporting Basic Income (UBI)

Hawaii Just Became The First US State To Pass A Bill Supporting Basic Income (UBI)

"all families in Hawaii are entitled to basic financial security"

That ought to attract many low-life, POS Muslims.
Less Than $975 To Go!!
Even George Would Be Shocked To Find Some FReepers Haven’t Donated To FR This Quarter! Every Dollar Helps!!Sponsoring FReepers are contributing $10 Each time a New Monthly Donor signs up! Get more bang for your FR buck! Click Here To Sign Up Now! They have an entire ocean keeping them from most of the homeless that will invade.But invade they shall — it will take time, but invade they shall.College […]

Against a guaranteed jobs program

Against a guaranteed jobs program

President Trump made many wild claims about the U.S. economy during the 2016 campaign. He frequently asserted that official job numbers dramatically understated unemployment. Fake government news! The real unemployment rate, he speculated, could be as high as 42 percent, far worse than at the depth of the Great Depression.

Today, of course, President Trump has fully embraced those very same job stats as evidence that Trumponomics is working. After all, the official unemployment rate is 4.3 percent — though lowest number since 2001, and a level that probably puts us at or near full employment.

Oddly, though, liberals seem to […]

Universal Basic Income – Why YOU Deserve It

"The goal of the future is full unemployment, so we can play." – Arthur C. Clarke, 1969.

It isn’t right to think that giving people more money will entail rising prices. As I’m sure you’re aware, increased demand can lead to sizably increased production, which in turn leads to lower prices. It is the production rate and how much it can be pumped up in response to an increase in demand that is the key factor in price resolution. When the supply cannot be increased (or match the demand), there is more money chasing the same amount of goods and […]