Basic income scheme comes to Canada’s poor

Basic income scheme comes to Canada's poor

The Canadian province of Ontario plans to give up to 4,000 low-income households a guaranteed basic income for three years. Finland recently began its own basic income experiment, reports Jillian Kestler-D’Amours. Canadian dollars Canada’s most populous province will soon join a growing list of places around the world that are exploring ways to give their citizens a guaranteed, basic income every month.

Ontario will launch the basic income pilot later this spring in the Hamilton and Thunder areas, in south- and north-western Ontario, and in Lindsay, a town of about 20,000 residents around two hours east of Toronto, next fall.

Adults […]

Basic income scheme comes to Canada′s poor | Americas | DW.COM

Basic income scheme comes to Canada′s poor | Americas | DW.COM

Canada’s most populous province will soon join a growing list of places around the world that are exploring ways to give their citizens a guaranteed, basic income every month.

Ontario will launch the basic income pilot later this spring in the Hamilton and Thunder areas, in south- and north-western Ontario, and in Lindsay, a town of about 20,000 residents around two hours east of Toronto, next fall.

Adults between the ages of 18 and 64 living on a lower income in one of the three test locations will be chosen at random, and up to 4,000 people will receive monthly payments.A […]

Interview: Pitfalls of libertarianism without basic income

Interview: Pitfalls of libertarianism without basic income

The basic income is known for cutting across ideological lines. Libertarians, who have had a long history supporting the basic income, are also giving the idea a fresh look as a way to replace the current welfare system.

Many libertarians, though, remain skeptical of whether a Universal Basic Income (UBI) is in line with libertarian ethics, and other libertarians believe it would cause economic damage.

Daniel Eth, a PhD student at UCLA studying computational nanotechnology, argued in Thinking of Utils that strict libertarianism, particularly without UBI, “enables oppressive systems to emerge, even when no one is acting in bad faith and […]

Dyer: (Not quite universal) basic income explained

Dyer: (Not quite universal) basic income explained

In Switzerland last June, they held a referendum on a universal basic income that would have given each adult Swiss citizen $2,500 per month. It was a truly universal basic income because it would have gone to everybody, whether they were working or not. The horrified Swiss rejected it by a majority of more than three-to-one.

In Finland in January, the government launched a pilot program for a basic income, but it was a timid little thing that gives the participants in the trial just $600 per month. It certainly isn’t universal because it only goes to jobless people who […]

Basic Income – a good work intervention

Recently, we’ve begun to hear MPs and others say things like ‘I’m against Basic Income because I’m pro-work’. I think this is a false opposition. One of the fundamental reasons I support Basic Income is because I believe it’s vital to improve work – not least by giving workers some power to reject that which is demeaning, underpaid or demoralising.

And yet, there has to be some reflection in the pro-Basic Income community that a hazy post-work narrative floats around, blurring the view. There are many appealing arguments for Basic Income, but the idea that the struggle to improve work […]

Basic income, endless opportunity

Basic income, endless opportunity

Basic income is a periodic payment provided to an individual, regardless of means or job status. It’s aim is to enable and free individuals, and provide a basic financial freedom for all.

This is not a far-fetched, 50 years away, utopian concept. Basic income experiments are already being conducted around the world, from Kenya to the Netherlands to Canada .

Although generally considered something that would be run and administered by the public sector, my personal belief is that we may well see significant moves made by the private sector first, in fact, Y Combinator is currently conducting an experiment in […]

Video Reveals That Americans Have a Very Powerful Reaction to Universal Basic Income

Video Reveals That Americans Have a Very Powerful Reaction to Universal Basic Income

Historian Rutger Bregman gave a TED talk on why UBI is the answer to poverty in the age of automation and received a standing ovation from Americans who seemed ready to try it. Countries around the world, like Canada, are putting this theory to the test. Standing Ovation For UBI

Dutch historian Rutger Bregman gave a TED talk on universal basic income (UBI) in which he explored this loaded question: Why do the poor make such poor decisions? His answer was simple: people in poverty save less money, eat less healthful foods, and do drugs more often because their […]

Canadian conservatives also support basic income?

Canadian conservatives also support basic income?

which country has poor people, which government needs to help the poor. In the United States, for example, all levels of government funding for poverty alleviation, add up to $one trillion a year, spent on the more than and 120 welfare projects. Since the money can not escape, how to spend more reasonable is a topic of debate for many years. This week, the Ontario provincial government launched a pilot project on basic income, which attracted close attention and heated discussion at home and abroad.

basic income security, simply to send money to the poor, without any additional conditions, such […]

Trivers takes government to task over inaction on basic income pilot for P.E.I.

Trivers takes government to task over inaction on basic income pilot for P.E.I.

FILE PHOTO: Brad Trivers, Conservative MLA for Rustico-Emerald. Trivers challenged Family and Human Services Minister Tina Mundy on what steps have been taken to make such a pilot a reality in P.E.I.
“This tired Liberal government basically shelved the idea of a basic income project when Ottawa wouldn’t pay for it, even though the federal government did offer support through data,” Trivers said during question period Friday.
Mundy wrote to the federal and Social Development Minister Jean Yves Duclos in February asking for an update on the possibility of a pilot for the Island.
Duclos’s response was that his […]

Here’s Why the Answer to Increasing Automation Could Be Universal Basic Income

Here’s Why the Answer to Increasing Automation Could Be Universal Basic Income

Here’s Why the Answer to Increasing Automation Could Be Universal Basic Income
Close contact to guns through family or acquaintances puts you naturally closer to gun violence. A study published in JAMA claims gun violence spreads like an infectious disease. The research team – Yale Sociology professor Andrew Papachristos and Harvard students Ben Green and Thibault – looked at over 11,000 shootings in Chicago from 2006 – 2014. The researchers concluded that gun use spreads like a virus due to social affiliation with others, with Papachristos telling Gizmodo : “You don’t catch a bullet like you catch […]