Finland Launches Basic Income Program

Finland Launches Basic Income Program

This month, Finland became the first country to implement a basic income plan for some of their unemployed citizens. The program is aimed at motivating the unemployed to look for work. In addition, proponents of the program hope that it will help the economy adjust to changes in the labor market caused by automation .

If it works, Finland’s basic income plan could reshape and simplify the country’s social security system. It also has the potential to change the way citizens and governments around the globe think of unemployment and assistance. How the Plan Works

This month, Finland will […]

This Finnish guy gets a $600 per month ‘basic income’ for doing absolutely nothing

This Finnish guy gets a $600 per month ‘basic income’ for doing absolutely nothing

Earlier this year, in an effort to learn about people’s work habits, Finland launched an experiment giving $600 to 2,000 unemployed Finns every month for two years.

Kela, the federal agency running the experiment, billed it as a modified version of the economic model known as universal basic income, though some people argued it didn’t qualify. Given people had to be unemployed, it wasn’t technically universal.

Juha Jarvinen, one of the 2,000 lucky recipients, was not one of those naysayers.“I was dreaming to get into the test and now I’m here,” the 37-year-old entrepreneur and father of six wrote on his […]

Finnish government gives unemployed guaranteed £485 a month in basic income trial Scandinavian living

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