The Pragmatic Case for a Universal Basic Income

But it has pragmatic advocates (including me) who believe that a UBI offers a better compro- mise than do other income-support programs among the mutually incompatible criteria of effectiveness in reducing poverty, mainte- nance of work incentives, administrative effi- ciency and accurate targeting.

The most encouraging sign is that the live- liest debates over a UBI today are taking place within, rather than between, the main ideo- logical camps. At a time when macroeco- nomic forces and the politics of big money are leading to ever-greater inequality, perhaps America is still capable of finding common ground for a pragmatic antipoverty effort. m

How A Universal Basic Income Would Transform Society

How A Universal Basic Income Would Transform Society

Is Abundance Possible for All? A universal basic income has the potential to unleash unimaginable amounts of human time, energy, creativity, and passion that has the potential to radically transform society. No child’s dream is to make lots of money.

A universal basic income could spawn all kinds of alternative living arrangements. Certainly, there are mobile home parks where you could live a decent quality of life on your own if that’s the way you want to live. But five people could also pool their basic income and have access to $100,000/year of guaranteed income. That’s enough to buy a house together. Those huge suburban houses full of empty bedrooms could become communal living accommodation, helping people meet the universal need we all share of feeling like we belong to a community, of being needed and mattering to others.

How To Fund A Universal Basic Income Fairly

How To Fund A Universal Basic Income Fairly

A properly constructed UBI would be based on the idea that the resources that weren’t created by human labor – the land, the airwaves, our public spaces, the skies, and even money itself – belong to everyone. And therefore, if you want exclusive access to any of these resources either to live or to start a business, you should have to compensate the rest of humanity for their reduced access. These economic “rents” already exist in the form of property taxes, licenses, and interest payments. But instead of sharing this wealth (that no human being created) with everyone, the wealthy elites appropriate it all to themselves. This is what must change.

Universal basic housing: could it work?

Universal basic housing: could it work?

But all of these schemes are ultimately trying to address the same underlying problem: if a household doesn’t earn enough, it won’t be able to afford accommodation. The solution, therefore, is to ensure that – regardless of how low non-housing income is – every household in Ireland can access good quality accommodation.

UGANDA: Two-year basic income pilot set to launch in 2017

UGANDA: Two-year basic income pilot set to launch in 2017

Eight, a charitable organization based in Belgium, is preparing to run a basic income pilot in Uganda (as previously announced in Basic Income News ). The two-year pilot is set to launch in January 2017, and will form the basis for a documentary.

Eight does not only plan to publish the results of the pilot study in journals. In addition, it will create a cinematic documentary, Village One, which will trace the story of the introduction of the basic income and its effects on the community over the course of the study.

The Case for A Basic Income for Families with Children in New Zealand

The Case for A Basic Income for Families with Children in New Zealand

We have our own evidence of a basic income working in practice in New Zealand. Just look at universal superannuation: a government policy that has successfully reduced New Zealand’s rates of poverty in the over 65s to equal rates to those in Scandinavian countries. We saw a vulnerable group and a need and we implemented a successful policy based on the idea of providing a basic income.

We should be proud of that. While some argue that superannuation is a ‘return for tax paid’ the reality is that the tax paid by older people is long spent by the time they get to 65 on the basics like roads and schools and their healthcare. We should not minimise superannuation by calling it a return on payments made. Rather super is something we do as a ‘Good Society’; we use taxpayer dollars to support a segment of our population during what can be a vulnerable period of their lives.

Cosatu spurs on basic income calls

Cosatu spurs on basic income calls

Johannesburg – Calls for a basic income grant (BIG) are gaining momentum again, with Cosatu president Sdumo Dlamini saying it should be included in the country’s comprehensive social security plan, which is currently been drawn up by government.

Isobel Frye, who heads up the Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute, has said before that had the basic income grant of R100, which was opposed by the government and former president Thabo Mbeki as being too expensive, been implemented in 2004, the poverty gap would have been reduced by more than 70 percent.

Is Universal Basic Income a Viable Solution? Another Country is Giving it a Shot

Is Universal Basic Income a Viable Solution? Another Country is Giving it a Shot

The case for universal basic income (UBI) has been made by financial experts, economists, government officials, and tech moguls, alike. So far, except in the case of Finland, all the talk about UBI has mostly been talk. That’s all about to change now, with Ontario, Canada preparing for its own pilot basic income program in 2017.

During the three-year test program experts would, “gather quantitative and qualitative data through access to administrative records, questionnaires and interviews, making aggregate data/preliminary results available broadly and transparently,” says Segal. He believes that supplemental income should be set at $1,320 a month ($1,820 for people with disabilities) for it to be effective. “The objective behind this endeavor should be to generate an evidence-base for policy development, without bias or pre-determined conclusion,” he adds.

SPAIN (BASQUE COUNTRY): New Survey Confirms Public Support of Basic Income

SPAIN (BASQUE COUNTRY): New Survey Confirms Public Support of Basic Income

In the two previous biggest European surveys — one conducted in Catalonia by GESOP and the other in the European Union by DALIA Research — around 70% of respondents said they would support an unconditional basic income. The new survey from Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea finds that more than half of the respondents (54.4%) are in favor of an unconditional basic income. Although the percentage in favor is smaller, these data confirm that a majority of people throughout different European territories would support an unconditional basic income.

The three surveys mentioned above show that under 4% of respondents believe that they would stop working if they received an unconditional basic income. In the first survey (the one carried out by GESOP in Catalonia), it was seen that only 2.9% of the respondents who are currently employed say that they would stop working. Meanwhile, in the second (carried out by Dalia Research), 4% of the 10,000 Europeans surveyed said that they would leave their job for an unconditional basic income. Both results are very similar to the one obtained recently by Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, where the percentage of currently employed respondents who report that they would stop working if they received an unconditional basic income stands at 3.5%.

Elon Musk: Robots Will Take Your Jobs & Governments Will Have To Pay Your Wages

Elon Musk: Robots Will Take Your Jobs & Governments Will Have To Pay Your Wages

Once many jobs become automated, it’s inevitable that unemployment rates will rise. As mentioned above, much like assembly line workers being put out of jobs during the Industrial Revolution, the same will occur during the Automation Age. For example, cars that drive themselves have already been developed and are a safer, more economical alternative to taxi drivers, so these automated cars will eventually replace taxi services.

We need to develop a way to smoothly transition into this new era of technology, and the best tactic, according to Musk, is to implement a universal basic income (UBI). In other words, the government would pay all citizens the same amount of money so they have adequate financial means to live.