Targeted basic income transfer scheme


Why in news? What PM Modi’s speech of December 31 made clear was that India was firmly moving away from the anti-poverty policies pursued by all previous governments.

The new approach, made possible by technology, is to get away from the Amartya Sen-advocated in-kind income transfers to some version of cash transfers. What is an in-kind poverty alleviation policy? Two major in-kind poverty alleviation policies in operation are the PDS and MGNREGA. Both involve largescale government involvement . PDS – the government (FCI) involved in procurement, storage, transport and distribution of food. MGNREGA – the government […]

The Scottish pioneer whose plan for a basic income could transform Britain

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Category: Universal/Guanteed Basic Income/Helicopter Money (BI)

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Canada’s ‘Basic Income’: Progressive Dreams Meet Neoliberal Realities — David Icke latest headlines

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THE NETHERLANDS: 80% of GREEN LEFT Party Members vote in favour of Large-Scale Experiments with a Universal Basic Income

THE NETHERLANDS: 80% of GREEN LEFT Party Members vote in favour of Large-Scale Experiments with a Universal Basic Income

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In the draft version of the election program, a basic income was only mentioned as a possible means to reform the social welfare system.

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Dani Garavelli: Universal basic income could be on its way

Dani Garavelli: Universal basic income could be on its way

Picture: Ian Georgeson POLITICAL turmoil unleashed by acute economic uncertainty is converting sceptics to the case for a Universal Basic Income, writes Dani Garavelli

When economist Guy Standing first advocated a universal basic income (UBI) – a regular unconditional sum paid to all adults regardless of employment status – he was considered quixotic (where quixotic is a synonym for “a crackpot”). When his book The Precariat – which identified an emerging class of people whose lives were diminished by short-term and zero hours contracts – was published in 2011, the mainstream cocked an ear, but, politically, UBI remained […]

Universal Basic Income

Universal Basic Income

Universal Basic Income

The concept of a universal basic income (UBI) paid to citizens regardless if they are employed or not, is becoming popular in the West as well as some parts of the world. Finland recently began a pilot scheme, where it pays 2000 Fins approx. US$ 600 per month, with no strings attached. It is also being tested in other countries, some dating back to the seventies.

This is not a new concept. It was popularized by Thomas Paine, one of the thinkers in the American War of Independence, at the end of the eighteenth century. The basis […]

Thread: Does the guaranteed income intrest you?

Thread: Does the guaranteed income intrest you?

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Join Date Posts

Yeah, I’ve heard this one before. So, we tax the rich to pay for the poor. What happens when that money dries up? I can’t see people of wealth or corporations wanting to put forth the effort to stay wealthy if all that will happen is having that wealth taken away from them. Where does the money come from then? Do the 1% wealthiest people and corporations have enough money to guarantee a universal basic income? I don’t think the math supports the claim, no matter how much […]

Universal Basic Income

Universal Basic Income

What Is It?

If you haven’t already heard of the Universal Basic Income, then you’re in for a treat! There’s been talk of nations providing their citizens with one universal unconditional income. Whilst some countries like Australia currently adopt the welfare system, the Universal Basic Income would override all of them.

The idea isn’t new and can be traced back to at least the 1700s in varying forms and has been thought to be a way of reducing poverty. If you had a guaranteed basic income, would you still work? This is one of the biggest arguments against such a […]

The Scottish pioneer whose plan for a basic income could transform Britain

In the city where Adam Smith developed the free-market theories that inspired Thatcherism nearly 300 years later, a young Labour politician is pursuing an economic vision that takes a drastically different approach to “the wealth of nations”. Councillor Matt Kerr, an anti-poverty specialist on Glasgow city council, has been exploring how people become enslaved by poverty – and how they can escape it.

A meeting in Glasgow last month with Guy Standing, the radical economist who founded the Basic Income Earth Network , inspired Kerr to seek cross-party support to pilot a “universal basic income” in parts of Fife and […]

Welfare in the 21st century

Welfare and welfare states have been constants in the socio-economic affairs of modern-day nation states, at least from the time of Otto Von Bismarck’s Germany (formerly Prussia). Since then, there has been a gradual move towards establishing a welfare-oriented state. One of the major attractions of the industrialised West – for those who migrate to these regions – is the welfare-based nature of society and government.

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