Basic Income: Here’s Why It Could Be Even Worse for the Poor

Basic Income: Here’s Why It Could Be Even Worse for the Poor

Finland Is Testing It, but Basic Income Could Break the Modern Welfare State

The country of Finland will give 2,000 of its citizens a basic income—amounting to €560.00/$587.00—for nothing. The rock band Dire Straits used to sing about Money for Nothing in 1985. But even in their interpretation, you would have to know how to strum a tune on a guitar before the money would come. Is basic income such a nutty idea as to cause economic collapse?

Not in Finland, which is one of the first to apply the “concept” of basic income. A lottery will determine the […]

Universal Basic Income Is Our Best Weapon Against The Rising Far Right

Universal Basic Income Is Our Best Weapon Against The Rising Far Right

Farmers protest falling prices and the plight of the Finnish agriculture sector. Helsinki, Finland. March 11, 2016. LONDON ― A groundbreaking pilot project launched this week in Finland. The government is going to give a randomly selected group of 2,000 unemployed citizens a monthly income of $587 with no strings attached and no need to report how they spend it. The project aims to test the feasibility of a program ― called basic income ― that’s worked in earlier pilot projects elsewhere in the world.

Basic income ― also known as universal basic income and basic minimum income ― is […]

Finland Experiments With a Basic Income Scheme for Unemployed

Finland has recently begun a two-year trial providing basic income for the unemployed. The concept of a universal basic income, which aims to supply a monthly stipend regardless of employment, has gained currency in recent years. Finland, however, is the first country in Europe to put the idea into practice. Under the new provisions, 2,000 unemployed citizens, selected at random, will receive €560 (£460) per month. The amount will be deducted from the recipient’s other benefits. There are no restrictions on how the money is to be spent and the salary will continue if recipients find work.

The move was […]

World’s Largest Democracy Plans to Give Its Citizens Free Money

World’s Largest Democracy Plans to Give Its Citizens Free Money

India, the largest democratic nation in the world, is poised to become the latest endorser of the Universal Basic Income (UBI) solution. The move is intended to provide a safety net for all citizens, as well as remove the inefficient benefit systems that are currently being implemented. This information comes from Professor Guy Standing, a UBI advocate and one of the founding members of the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) who recently got back from the U.S. after taking part as a consultant on a $20 million UBI trial scheduled to take place in California within the year.

Aside from […]

Universal Basic Income: gaining traction

Lately (particularly on NPR) I’ve been hearing more and more serious talk about the idea of a "Universal Basic Income," whereby everyone is simply given a monthly "salary" to live on, the figures ranging from US$10,000 per year to US$24,000 per year—enough to pay food & shelter basics. It would ideally replace many or most of the existing band-aid social services and assistance programs that carry expensive bureaucracies and cumbersome needs-testing.

Under the U.S. capitalist regime at least, a universal basic income would itself be one big band-aid, essentially compensation, "hush money" for tolerating the continuing mass rake-off of the […]

Scotland set to pilot universal basic income scheme in Fife and Glasgow

Scotland set to pilot universal basic income scheme in Fife and Glasgow

The SNP passed a motion in support of universal basic income at their conference last year Getty Images A councillor has backed the introduction of a universal basic income in Scotland because he says it is the best way to tackle poverty.

A radical scheme to give every citizen a universal basic income (UBI), regardless of whether or not they work, is set to be piloted by two Scottish councils this year.

Labour-run Glasgow and Fife councils are designing trial schemes following meetings held late last year.It has not yet been announced what level the basic income will be set at, […]

Finland new social experiment : Universal basic Income

Started on January 1st Finland will be giving 2000 of their unemployed a free income of 560 Euros per month. This program will last for 2 years as an experiment to measure the effects universal income will have on employment and to review their social security system.

Articles: Some countries like Brazil and Uganda have also started similar experiments or programs to help poverty and see the effects.Articles: What is universal basic income (UBI) ? My simple understanding is that it is a periodic payment of cash or equivalent to an […]

Global Universal System – Part 2 Introduction- My view on unconditional Universal Basic Income (UBI) by felixlim

A “basic income” is a general income unconditionally granted to all, without any means test or requirement to work. It is an individual entitlement with no strings attached.

In GUS there will be means test and requirement to work as broadly defined if required subject to different environment. The time to waste on productivity or feeding the lazy arguments can be countered with a meritocracy policies to convince the mass public. There is no country in the world that is 100% without laws, regulations or policies. Any sane man want to argue that its an infringement of 100% freedom and […]

Global Universal System – Part 2 Introduction- My view on unconditional Universal Basic Income (UBI)

Global Universal System - Part 2 Introduction- My view on unconditional Universal Basic Income (UBI)

A “basic income” is a general income unconditionally granted to all, without any means test or requirement to work. It is an individual entitlement with no strings attached.

In GUS there will be means test and requirement to work as broadly defined if required subject to different environment. The time to waste on productivity or feeding the lazy arguments can be countered with a meritocracy policies to convince the mass public. There is no country in the world that is 100% without laws, regulations or policies. Any sane man want to argue that its an infringement of 100% freedom and […]

Modi Government Is Considering Guaranteed Basic Income For Its Citizens

Modi Government Is Considering Guaranteed Basic Income For Its Citizens

The Indian Government could soon be following in Finland’s footstep for guaranteed basic income. According to reports on Business Insider and Bangalore Mirror , Government of India will be soon discussing a proposal of depositing a small monthly salary in their citizen’s bank account.

The idea is globally known as ‘Guaranteed Basic Income’, wherein the government or a public institution gives some amount of money to its residents, as a form of social security. The money is provided to a country’s citizen irrespective of his/her income level and employment status.

According to Professor Guy Standing, Arun Jaitley, the Finance Minister of […]