Universal basic income: the dangerous idea of 2016

The resurrection of universal basic income (UBI) proposals in the developed world this year gained support from some prominent Australians . But while good in theory, it’s no panacea for the challenges of our modern economy.

UBI proposals centre on the idea that the government would pay a flat fee to every adult citizen, regardless of his or her engagement in skill-building activities or the paid labour market, as a partial or complete substitute for existing social security and welfare programs.

Of the schemes run in developing places like Kenya, Uganda, and India, some have been evaluated statistically , delivering some […]

Finland Is Running A Basic Income Experiment, And There Is Much To Learn

Finland Is Running A Basic Income Experiment, And There Is Much To Learn

Taken from http://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/78/590x/Finland-money-624756.jpg. The key problem at the moment, with discourse about basic income, is that evaluations do not go beyond the superficial or the general.

The key problem at the moment, with discourse about basic income, is that evaluations do not go beyond the superficial or the general. By generalising the policy concept of the basic income – of a guaranteed income provided by the government to citizens – and therefore ignoring the specifics or the permutations of different models through which basic income could be implemented, policymakers moot perspectives which are neither conclusive nor helpful. The same tired […]

Universal basic income: The dangerous idea of 2016

Universal basic income: The dangerous idea of 2016

Opinion Proponents of the universal basic income overlook its potential to be a reverse Robin Hood scheme. The resurrection of universal basic income (UBI) proposals in the developed world this year gained support from some prominent Australians.

But while good in theory, it’s no panacea for the challenges of our modern economy.

UBI proposals centre on the idea that the government would pay a flat fee to every adult citizen, regardless of his or her engagement in skill-building activities or the paid labour market, as a partial or complete substitute for existing social security and welfare programs.Of the schemes run in […]

Basic income is a radical idea bound for the political mainstream – here’s why

Basic income is a radical idea bound for the political mainstream – here's why

Here’s the best gift you can give this Christmas. Warm winter clothes for a child. Help a Syrian child survive the cold by providing a set of warm winter clothing. Your gift will kit out a vulnerable child with jackets, trousers, fleeces, boots or strong shoes, scarf and a hat. Writing Sparks Writing Life Brilliant Definition Definition For Politicians Today Politics Today People Politics 2016 Politics Truth And Interests snollygoster (n.) someone, especially a politician, who acts for personal gain instead of consistent, respectable principles. See more Ugh Truth Feminist Feels Social Shit Social Justice Equality Truths Feminism Tumblr […]

Build Your Own Basic Income

Build Your Own Basic Income

Basic income is a contentious – and common – subject these days.

The concept of robots taking over people’s jobs used to be something out of science fiction movies, but that’s not the case any longer.

Automation is real. It’s increasing and improving. And it seems increasingly likely that there will be far less jobs in the future, especially for people who lack the education, intelligence, or interest to participate in the new economy and workforce that will develop as a result.And so you have a lot of people who believe that basic income is the only possible solution at this […]

How Bitcoin Could Make Distributing a Universal Basic Income Actually Possible

Beyond the crypto realm, universal basic income has seen a little traction.

Swarm’s DCOs claims to provide a basic income, although Slepak thinks the inner workings need further explanation.

Basic income, and especially universal basic income, requires a secure, tamper-proof ledger that can be audited by anyone to ensure the safe delivery of funds,” Slepak said. Future tech could make it easier to implement basic income. A Group Currency must identify all members (because you don’t want any one member to receive multiple incomes). Future robots will nab your job, but cryptocurrency could save your income. @scottsantens : @darcnos […]

Is a Universal Basic Income the Answer to Automation-Caused Unemployment?

In Brief

With automation poised to take over an estimated 57 percent of jobs, many are turning to universal basic income (UBI) as a possible solution to widespread unemployment.

t UBI systems are already being tested in countries such as Canada, Finland, and the Netherlands, so hard data on the practicality of such systems should be forthcoming. Disruption and Displacement While technological advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics will clearly make a lot of processes easier and more cost-effective, the impending repercussions need to be addressed before the inevitable happens. As automation begins to take over several jobs, […]

Is a Universal Basic Income the answer to automation-Caused Unemployment?

In the 1950’s technology it was predicted would free people from drudgery jobs and allow people to spend more time in leisure activities. This assumed that the freed up time would be spread out equally, but what happens in reality is that there are big winners and losers. The losers, generally those without the qualifications to make it in the knowledge economy became the unemployed and people received a subsistence living, if they weren’t working. There are now generations of families who have been unemployed or underemployed and there is never any political will to get them back into […]

A mining fund in Goa could soon give all its residents an equal, regular income

A mining fund in Goa could soon give all its residents an equal, regular income

Tourist brochures frequently describe Goa as some kind of utopia and the Economic Survey – expected at the end of January, a day before the next Union Budget – could go some way in bridging the gap between imagination and reality. The document will discuss the feasibility of implementing basic income, an unconditional cash transfer for all residents that could bring improvements in health, nutrition and education.

In Goa, the basic income could come out of the Goa Iron Ore Permanent Fund, created by the Supreme Court in April 2014 as part of its judgement in a case regarding widespread […]

UBI – real solution in perfect storm of debt

UBI – real solution in perfect storm of debt

A new report from the investment service Wealthify reveals that many Scottish people are unable to save for the future because of “zero hour contracts, insecure work and low pay.” Moreover, according to the report, Scottish women save less than half of the money of men, and 10 times less than some areas of England.

Campaigners have proposed a universal basic income (UBI) in response to this–such as Kirstein Rummery, Professor of Social Policy at the University of Stirling, whom Nathanael Williams interviewed in a Commonspace article about the Wealthify report.

Rummery said, “The only real policy solution would be Universal […]