All I Want For Christmas Is A Minimum Basic Income

Merry Christmas. Or Chanukah. Or Kwanzaa. Whatever you celebrate, I hope you got a year-end bonus — because the robots are coming for your job.

They’re coming whether you’re a taxi driver or a truck driver . They’re coming whether you’re a doctor or a lawyer . If your job involves repetition, or information processing, or data analysis, you’re at risk.

You’re at risk because they’re better than you . They never sleep. They never get sick, or take vacations, or go on parental leave. They never break up with a significant other or get caught up in petty workplace dramas. […]

Finland to begin paying basic income to unemployed citizens

Finland to begin paying basic income to unemployed citizens

Finland will give 2,000 of its unemployed citizens the equivalent of £480 every month Finland is to introduce a basic income for some citizens from next month, becoming the first country to adopt the policy.

Two thousand unemployed people will be given €560 (£480) every month for two years, without any restrictions or conditions attached. Leaders hope the move will improve life quality, reduce unemployment and create jobs.

Recipients will not need to prove they are looking for work and the money will be given regardless of any other income the person earns. Read more The Finnish government is planning to […]

Will universal basic income ever become an American reality?

Will universal basic income ever become an American reality?

Finland is on the verge of launching a two-year experiment in which a randomly selected group of 2,000 unemployed people—from white-collar computer programmers to blue-collar construction workers—will receive a monthly stipend of $580 in lieu of their typical benefits.

Meanwhile, the Silicon Valley startup incubator Y Combinator is preparing to launch a pilot project in Oakland, California, in which 1,000 families will receive unconditional cash grants ranging from $1,000 to $2,000 per month.

Will these basic income projects stimulate job growth and boost the economy? Will they improve people’s happiness and well-being? Will universal basic income ever become a reality for […]

Unconditional Basic Income – Guaranteed Livable Income – Citizens’ Income –

Unconditional Basic Income - Guaranteed Livable Income - Citizens' Income -

Basic Income

72 Pins 56 Followers Few debates highlight the many complex issues around how governments should share a nation’s wealth and resources as much as the current discourse on basic income. Also referred to as a citizen’s income, the policy generally refers to the unconditional and universal payment of a regular sum of money to a country’s residents, usually as a replacement for a range of existing state benefits such as pensions, child allowances, tax credits and unemployment payments. Poverty Economystories Economy Poverty Income Basicincome Basic Income Basicincome Economics Unconditional Basic Unconditional Basic Income #basicincome #economics #economy […]

Why a Struggling Town Voted Against a Basic Income

Why a Struggling Town Voted Against a Basic Income

Smiths Falls is a small town in Ontario that has been absolutely devastated by the realities of the modern economy over the last decade or so.

First , in 2004, a group home for the mentally disabled that employed 800 people announced its closing. Then in 2007 came what many thought might be the death blow for the economically depressed community: the Hershey’s chocolate plant, which had been a fixture of the local economy for decades, shipped out to Mexico . But that wasn’t all—one year later, Stanley Tools, a manufacturing company, also said it would shutter for good. […]

White House: To Prevent AI From Killing Jobs, Educate the Workforce

White House: To Prevent AI From Killing Jobs, Educate the Workforce

Image Credit: jeffedoe/Flickr Earlier this week, a team lead by the Executive Office of the President released a report examining automation’s potential impact on the economy. The findings were far from reassuring, especially for low-skilled workers.

The paper notes that artificial intelligence technologies could lead to economic benefits, but “[t]hose economic benefits, however, will not necessarily be evenly distributed across society.”

The White House said that other researchers have projected potential job losses in the next 20 years at anywhere from 9 percent to 47 percent, and that lower-skilled and lower-paid jobs are likely to be most at risk : Research […]

Universal Basic Income: Why Finland Is Giving Out Free Cash

Universal Basic Income: Why Finland Is Giving Out Free Cash

Create! Finland, Universal Income By Althea Estrella, December 22nd, 2016 Above Photo: From Pixabay

In an experiment aimed at establishing whether or not a universal basic income scheme would reap more benefits than disadvantages, Finland will be giving out free cash to a number of its citizens.

While the country has a relatively high unemployment rate due to the number of jobs lost as a consequence of Nokia’s discontinuance of its mobile phone production — only a few of Finland’s unemployed are in a rush to score new jobs.The bizarre trend in the country is due to an unemployment benefits […]

US: White House report rejects Basic Income as a solution to automation worries

US: White House report rejects Basic Income as a solution to automation worries

The most recent report from the US President’s Council of Economic Advisers mentions, but rejects, the suggestion that a universal basic income be implemented to mitigate economic disruption caused by the automation of labor.

On December 20, the Council of Economic Advisers to US President Barack Obama released a report on policy responses to the threat of job loss due to artificial intelligence (AI) and other labor-displacing technologies.

The report recommends three general strategies: (1) greater investment in AI research (noting that, despite the challenges posed by technological unemployment, AI promises myriad benefits), (2) job training and education for the […]

Guaranteed Basic Income for All

Define well balanced? If there comes a point when even the services industry is heavily automated where do we go? Feudalism? Do we all dig up the roads and concrete and become subsistence farmers when we reach the point where nobody can get a job? An economy is essentially just a circulation of money. If the demand for physical human labour is greatly reduced and people aren’t able to earn, therefore spend money, by what other means would money circulate? Hi Spiral,

New jobs will always be created as the world progresses and develops. Think how many staff Amazon employed […]

Why a Struggling Town Voted Against a Basic Income

Why a Struggling Town Voted Against a Basic Income

Smiths Falls is a small town in Ontario that has been absolutely devastated by the realities of the modern economy over the last decade or so.

First , in 2004, a group home for the mentally disabled that employed 800 people announced its closing. Then in 2007 came what many thought might be the death blow for the economically depressed community: the Hershey’s chocolate plant, which had been a fixture of the local economy for decades, shipped out to Mexico . But that wasn’t all—one year later, Stanley Tools, a manufacturing company, also said it would shutter for good. […]